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Issue with Evaluation
Key Binding
The Execution Context in Ruby
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Ruby lambdas?
What is a singleton class in Ruby?
Define yield in Ruby?
What is meta class in Ruby?
Why do we use blocks in Ruby?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Evaluating Code in an Earlier Context in Ruby

Author Ankit Mishra
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Ruby on Rails, or simply Ruby, is a full-stack web application framework that employs the MVC paradigm to create web pages, web services, and database-driven applications. Data is exchanged between services in the form of JSON and XML. It provides you with the tools that you need to build scalable frontend and backend web apps. 

Some features of Ruby are very useful while creating scalable applications. Ruby's blocks are a great feature that programmers worldwide appreciate. You can use them to construct flexible and organized Ruby code by grouping code statements and passing them to functions. Blocks constitute a significant advantage in Ruby programming due to the features and benefits they provide above typical methods in terms of execution and maintenance. Today, we are going to discuss the Code evaluation by Ruby which is understood by a code block example below.

Also See, procedure call in compiler design

Issue with Evaluation

You've created a method that interprets a string as Ruby code. However, the objects that your string references leave the method's scope each time it is called by another. Your string cannot be assessed inside of a method.

Here is an example of a method that tries to output the value of a variable after receiving its name:

def print_in_breaks(var_val)
eval %{puts "The value of the #{var_val} is " + #{var_val}.to_s}

Only when the eval code is executed simultaneously with the variable definition will it function.

It doesn't function as a method since calling a method causes your local variables to be out of scope:

tin_val_snips = 5
# NameError: undefined local variable or method 'tin_val_snips' for main:Object
var_val = 'tin_val_snips'
eval %{puts "The value of #{var_val} is " + #{var_val}.to_s}
# The value of tin_val_snips is 5

So, How can we tackle this situation? Let's go ahead and discuss some essential points to conclude the solution.

Key Binding

The execution context for a specific point in the program is contained within a binding object. The variables, the methods, and the value of self make up the execution context. The built-in function binding allows access to this context in the future. Using the Kernel#binding method, we can build the binding object. The binding object is used as the second argument in the Kernel#eval function. As a result, the binding object can create a setting for code evaluation.

The Execution Context in Ruby

The eval method allows you to run a block of Ruby code as if it were code that was written in another area of your application. Binding items enable this magic to work.

By invoking Kernel#binding, you can obtain a Binding at any time and pass it to eval to recreate your previous environment in situations when it wouldn't otherwise be possible. Here is the technique described above in a form that accepts a Binding:

def print_variable(var_val, binding)
eval %{puts "The value of #{var_val} is " + #{var_val}.to_s}, binding
vice_valin = 10
print_variable('vice_valin', binding)
# The value of vice_valin is 10

A binding object is a bookmark of the Ruby interpreter's state. It keeps track of the values of any locally specified variables, where in a class or method definition you are, and so on.

When you have an object representing a binding, you can provide it to eval to execute code in the same environment as when the binding was formed. You will have access to every local variable you had back then. You can also declare new methods for a class, set class and instance variables, and call Kernel#binding from within a class declaration.

I hope now you understand the execution context in Ruby. Let’s move on to FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ruby lambdas?

A lambda is an object in Ruby that is comparable to a proc. A lambda returns to its calling procedure rather than exiting immediately, and unlike a proc, it needs a particular amount of arguments supplied to it.

What is a singleton class in Ruby?

A creational design pattern called singleton makes sure that there is only one object of its sort and gives all other code a single point of access to it.

Define yield in Ruby?

The Ruby keyword yield enables developers to provide arguments to blocks from the yield; there are no restrictions on the number of arguments that can be passed to a block.

What is meta class in Ruby?

Ruby automatically constructs a class to house just that function when you declare a singleton method on an object.

Why do we use blocks in Ruby?

Blocks, which resemble closures, have been a feature of the Ruby language since its beginning. When used correctly, they can minimize repetition and even make coding less prone to errors.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the evaluation of code in Ruby in an Earlier Context. 

After reading about this blog on Ruby, are you not feeling excited to read/explore more articles on the topic of Ruby? Don't worry; Coding Ninjas has you covered. To learn Ruby see Ruby DocumentationRuby By Coding NinjasRuby Documentation-BlockRuby FAQ, and Ruby Archives.

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