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Last updated: Feb 15, 2022

Exception Handling

The mechanism of handling unexpected errors in a java program is called exception handling. It is a powerful mechanism to handle runtime errors, ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, etc. so that the normal execution flow of the program can be maintained.
Introduction to Exception Handling
This blog will cover the Introduction to Exception Handling in Java.
Types of Error in Java EASY
In this article, we will learn different types of errors in Java with proper examples. We will also discuss how they can be detected, fixed as well as avoided.
ClassNotFoundException in Java EASY
This blog will discuss ClassNotFoundException in Java along with Java classpath, why it occurs, examples, and some measures to fix ClassNotFoundException.
Throw in Java
This blog will discuss throw keyword in java.
Throw keyword
In this blog, we will be covering the Throw keyword.
Exception Hierarchy in Java MEDIUM
Discover Java exception hierarchy, types, JVM roles, exceptions vs. errors, and checked vs. unchecked exceptions. Master error handling in Java programming.
Difference between Throw and Throws in Java EASY
Throw And Throws in Java is the concept of Java Exception Handling. Throw in Java is used within a method, while Throws in Java is used in the method declaration.
Multiple Catch Block in Java EASY
This article will explore the concept of multiple catch blocks in Java, including their syntax, examples, and best practices.
Try, catch, throw and throws in Java
In this blog, we will cover exception handling methods like try, catch, throw, and throws in java with examples.
Flow control in Try-Catch and Finally Blocks in Java
In this article, we have discussed flow control in try-catch and finally blocks and also discussed example programs containing their implementation in Java.
Throws keyword
In this blog, we will be discussing the throws keyword.
Java Try catch block
Java try-catch block: Learn the syntax and workings of try and catch blocks with examples. Explore how Java handles exceptions internally in a try-catch block.
Built in Exceptions in Java EASY
In this article, we'll talk about Java's built-in exceptions, user-defined exceptions, & the difference between checked & unchecked exceptions. You'll learn how to handle exceptions effectively in your Java programs.
Throwable Class in Java MEDIUM
In this article, we will talk about the Throwable class, its constructors, methods, and how to use it in Java.
Java lang ExceptionInInitializerError EASY
Learn about Java lang ExceptionInInitializerError with constructors, methods, examples, causes, resolve, handle, and recover in brief.
The Finally Block in Java
Learn about Exceptions and how they can be resolved. Focus mainly on the finally block in exception handling.
Final vs Finally vs Finalize MEDIUM
In this article, we will be learning about the key differences between final, finally, and finalize keywords in java.
Null Pointer Exception in Java
In this article, we will discuss the Null Pointer Exception in Java. We will see the possible cases where we might encounter the Null pointer Exception and its different avoidance methods in Java.
User-defined Custom Exception EASY
This blog will cover how we create User-defined Custom Exception
Exception Handling with Method Overriding in Java
Learn about Method Overriding and how to handle exceptions that occur in it.
How to solve exception in thread main java.lang.nullpointerexception? MEDIUM
In this article, we will see the most occurred java exception i.e. Exception in thread main java.lang.NullPointerException.
Decoding throw and throws keywords in Exception Handling|Part-4 EASY
This blog summarises the use of the throw and throws keyword in exception handling, along with a quick overview of chained exceptions.
InputMisMatchException in Java MEDIUM
The input mismatch exception is thrown when the input given by the user does not match the expected input type.
Exception Handling In Java HARD
In exceptional cases, Java uses a type of error trapping known as exception handling. This article unfolds the magic of exception handling in Java.
IOException in Java MEDIUM
IOException in Java is an exception that occurs during input/output operations, such as reading or writing files or streams.
When do Exceptions arise in Java Code Sequence? MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss when exceptions in Java arise in the code sequence, how we handle exceptions, and different types of exceptions in Java.
Author Vikash