Exception Handling is one of the essential features which tells the compiler how to handle an exception in the program. And in this article, we will discuss Exception Handling in C++ and JAVA, their differences, and a few programs to validate the points.
As the name suggests, Exception Handling is a way to handle run-time errors so that the remaining code works correctly. It can be varied in different programming languages, but in C++ and Java, they use the exact keywords: try, catch, and throw. Also see, Literals in C.
Let's see a brief explanation about Exception Handling in C++ and Java:
Exception Handling in C++:
When a code executes, there can be a possibility of an error. The error can be of anything, maybe a bug on the program, some input error or anything that will stop the entire program and display an error message called throwing an exception.
Exception handling in C++ consists of three keywords: try, throw and catch.
The try statement will allow us to write a piece of code to be tested for error at the time of execution.
The throw keyword will throw an exception when the exception is detected.
The catch statement contains code that will be executed if the try statement throws an error.
Exception Handling in JAVA:
Exception handling in Java is the method to handle the run-time error and is the most efficient method to handle an exception. There are various types of errors that generally occurs during execution. Some are ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException, RemoteException, etc.
Java's exception handling contains the same three keywords try, throw, and catch. And their functioning is the same as it is in C++.
Now we will see some differences between exception handling in C++ and Java.
What is an exception? An exception is an unexpected event that occurs during the execution of a program that is at run-time.
What is an error? Error is irrecoverable. Some example of errors are OutOfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, AssertionError etc.
What is exception handling? Exception Handling is a way to handle run-time errors so that the remaining code works correctly.
What is the finally block? Java finally blocks a block used to execute necessary code, such as closing the connection.
What are the keywords for handling an exception in Java? Keywords that we generally use are Try, Throw, and Catch. But we often use finally and throws accordingly.
Let us summarize the article.
Key Takeaways:
In this article, we have extensively discussed exception handling in C++ and Java. At first, we have seen some brief explanations about exception handling in C++ and Java separately. Then we discussed differences between them. And at last some programs as an example of exception handling.
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