Last updated: Oct 28, 2022

Execute Tests & Analyze Results

While on one side we should know to manage our tests, we should also know what to make out of the results received after executing the tests. You can even run an automation test. But before running any tests, you should know what parameters you will need to execute and test cases to tag along. 
Running tests with the browser emulating a specific Responsive Breakpoint in ACCELQ
In this blog, we will discuss how to test the responsiveness of a web application using Accelq.
Running Automation Test in ACCELQ
Automation tests are one of the most popular application testing methods. This article will discuss the concept of running automation tests in ACCELQ.
Browser Keep-Alive in ACCELQ
This blog gives insight into Browser keep-alive in accelq, how to handle the browser keep-alive feature, and all the browser crashes in ACCELQ.
Perspectives in Test Reports in ACCELQ
This blog will teach you about perspectives in test reports in ACCELQ, you will also learn how to display and define these perspectives in ACCELQ.
Re-Run a Test In ACCELQ
This blog will teach you how to re-run a test in ACCELQ. You will also learn the purpose behind re-runs, get consolidated reports and re-run reports.
Managing Historical Test Reports in ACCELQ
This blog will teach you how to manage historical test reports in ACCELQ. You will learn the steps needed to delete old records and screenshots.
Self Healing - Comprehensive Approach to Adaptive Element Identification in ACCELQ EASY
In this article, we will explore the Self-healing capability of ACCELQ, its test analysis report, and data calibration.
Troubleshooting element identification during test execution in ACCELQ
We will explore troubleshooting element identification during test execution in ACCELQ. We will also be looking at features of Debug mode in ACCELQ.