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Table of contents
What is ExpressJS Scaffolding?
Step 1: Install ExpressJS
Step 2: Install Express Generator
Step 3: Installing Dependencies
Step 4: Run the Application
Frequently Asked Questions
What is JavaScript?
What is ExpressJS?
What is Scaffolding?
What is Express Generator?
What is the difference between Node.js and ExpressJS?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

ExpressJS Scaffolding


ExpressJS is a Node.js web framework that provides useful features for web applications. It helps web servers with its API functionalities and adds features. In this article, we will discuss ExpressJS Scaffolding.

ExpressJS Scaffolding

What is ExpressJS Scaffolding?

ExpressJS Scaffolding is used for creating a skeleton for the application. If one creates an API, they have to go through many operations—E.g., creating directories, adding middleware, making configuration files, etc.

Using the scaffolding procedure, we can directly begin building our application. Using ExpressJS, we can create the application's skeleton and then start directly with our main application. MVC frameworks support it. It also reduces development time and cost.


Now, let us see what steps will be taken for ExpressJS Scaffolding.

Step 1: Install ExpressJS

First, to work with ExpressJS, we must install it in our system. Before this, make sure that you have Node.JS and npm installed. For that, you can refer to the Setting up Node.JS article. After that, you can install ExpressJS in your directory using the following command.

npm install express


installing express

The above output appears if you have already installed Express in your system. Else, it might take some time to install.

Step 2: Install Express Generator

Next, you have to install the Express Generator. It contains an express command line tool. For this, use the following command.

npm install express-generator -g


We have used ''-g'' so that it gets installed globally in your system. Next, we can see the Express Generator command options using the following command in your directory.



express generator command lines

Step 3: Installing Dependencies

After running the above commands, you will see that the folders have been created automatically in your defined location in your system, as shown below.

folders and files created automatically

Here, different folders and files are created with significance as below.

  • Bin: This folder contains the main configuration file of the app. It is named ''www.''
  • Public: This folder contains the files to be made public. There are three folders inside it: images, javascripts, and stylesheets.
  • Routes: This folder contains files containing methods for navigation around the application.
  • Views: This folder contains files forming the view part of our application.
  • Node_modules: This folder contains the files and folders of every installed dependency for your application.
  • App.js: It is the main file for the application. All the dependencies are required for this file. This file handles routers, middleware, etc. It is the head of all the files.
  • Package.json: It contains the project'sproject's metadata, like the project'sproject's name, versions of the dependencies, scripts, etc.
  • Package-lock.json: This file automatically gets generated whenever an npm package gets installed. It includes the versions of dependencies, sub-dependencies, etc.


Next, you must install the dependencies in the package.json file required for your application. You can achieve this by using the following command:

npm install


installing the required dependencies

Step 4: Run the Application

After installing the required dependencies, simply use the following command to run the application.

npm start


npm run

After this, you will get the following screen if you open a tab in your browser with the URL ''http://localhost:3000/''.

final output at localhost:3000

Finally, you have a skeleton in your directory to build your application further.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a very popular programming language. It is used to make web applications to update content, control changes, validate etc, dynamically. It is used for both server-side and client-side development.

What is ExpressJS?

ExpressJS is an application framework for back-end use. It helps in building restful APIs with the use of Node.js. It is released as free and open-source software with an MIT license. It provides a set of features for the application.

What is Scaffolding?

Scaffolding is used to create a skeleton for the application. Using the scaffolding procedure, we can directly begin building our application. It helps in decreasing the development time and cost.

What is Express Generator?

The Express Generator contains an express command line tool. It is a Node.js framework used to create Express applications easily.

What is the difference between Node.js and ExpressJS?

ExpressJS is used to design the web application to handle web commands and make the application easily and quickly. At the same time, Node.JS is a JS runtime environment for running javascript commands to build server-side applications.


We hope this article helped you understand the concept of ExpressJS Scaffolding. If you want to dive deeper into this field, do read the following articles:-


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