Table of contents
Modes of Revenues for F2P Games
Controversy Over Micro-transactions
Future of F2P Games
Frequently Asked Questions
What are F2P Games?
Why do pay-to-play not work like F2P?
How addictive are F2P games?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

F2P Games

Author Ankit kumar
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F2P or Free to Play refers to a business model for online games in which the game designers do not charge the user or player in order to join the game. Instead, they hope to generate revenue from the IGP(In-Game Purchases) like level up-gradation, new environments, increased number of “Loot Boxes,” special tools and weapons, etc

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Modes of Revenues for F2P Games


There are many gaming companies that are dependent upon Ads for revenue. Advertisers are paying them to show Ads on their platform. In recent days, customized ads are very common. Often you come across ads that are relevant to your recent searches.


Micro-transactions refer to the small In-Game Purchases made by the player in order to enhance the level of the game, cross the paywalls of limited daily playtime, or add some cosmetic products to look unique.


Usually, a player can buy small things for low prices (often less than a dollar) that enhance their play experience (such as more colors to draw within Draw Something) or add uniqueness to their avatar. This is what is called a Microtransaction. Microtransactions are not “pay once, play forever” types. Instead, they are more addictive that will usually exceed the sum of an average paid game. This makes it extremely favorable for game developers who want to constantly generate revenue instead of making it in bulk after a long developmental period.

“If you are NOT paying for the Product, You are the Product”. A recent survey shows that only 3-5% of players pay, the rest always decline any offerings with cries of “pay to win. ”If you think that 95% of people are free from such payments, then probably you are wrong. In this case, you are the product. That means one game maker is selling to the paying player base. They show the number of active players database to the advertisers and get easy advertisements.

Controversy Over Micro-transactions

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No doubt, with the concept of micro-transactions, game developers are cultivating tons of money. But hold on for a second and try to get to the values they are offering.

Paywalls and surprise mechanisms are proved to be highly addictive. Studies show that freemium games trigger the same dopamine reactions you’d see in a compulsive gambler. And worse is, developers are free to use fine-tuned psychology to acquire their paid users.

Future of F2P Games

In the coming days, developers should consider the bigger picture as they move forward. In-app purchases aren’t inherently dangerous for businesses until they put profits over players. At last, it’s the value they offer that will determine how long they are gonna survive.

Check out this problem - Optimal Strategy For A Game

Frequently Asked Questions

What are F2P Games?

F2P or Free to Play refers to a business model for online games in which the game designers do not charge the user or player in order to join the game

Why do pay-to-play not work like F2P?

Pay-to-play games are not able to attract new players because of their cries. Instead, F2P games give enough time and bait to the players, and this enhances the conversion rate.

How addictive are F2P games?

Survey shows that certain paywalls and some sort of surprise mechanisms like loot boxes tend to be addictive and thus pass bad values.


In this article, We have discussed what F2P games are, their modes of generating revenue, microtransactions, and at last, the future of F2P games.

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