Feasibility is the second phase of the Software Development Life Cycle and refers to the preliminary investigation. It is a study to evaluate the feasibility of a proposed project. It starts when someone requests or demands any change in the current system or either a user or someone from the department finds a problem. Feasibility helps us understand the practical extent to which a process could be executed.
The primary objective of the feasibility study of a project is not to find a solution but to acquire a sense of its scope. It helps us establish the reason for the development of the software. It's an analysis that helps us understand how beneficial the software could be for the organisation from a practical viewpoint.

Types of Feasibility Studies in Software Engineering
Below are the five mentioned areas where feasibility study primarily concentrates. Different types of feasibility that are mainly considered include technical feasibility, operational feasibility, legal feasibility, Economic feasibility and schedule feasibility. Economic feasibility is regarded as the most crucial analysis of feasibility study for a software system, and legal feasibility is considered as least crucial.
Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is the study of all the technical resources. The analyst should find out whether technical resources (hardware and software) are available or not in the organisation to support the proposed changes in the software system. It also allows us to determine to which extent the organisation could support the proposed action. Technical feasibility also analyses the technical skills and capabilities of the technical team or whether we could use existing technology or not.
Economic Feasibility
The most frequently used feasibility method is economic and financial feasibility. It tells the effectiveness of the software system financially. Economic feasibility analyses whether the required changes would generate enough financial gains for an organisation in the long run or not. It researches the cost incurred for the software development and management team and all hardware and software involved. It completes software system study and whether these incurred costs would help the organisation generate a long-term gain in the capital. It is necessary to consider the benefits the required changes will provide.
Operational Feasibility
Once the system is technical and economically feasible, the operation feasibility needs to be checked. This type of feasibility helps us estimate the reaction which the software system will receive once done with the proposed changes. It tells us how easy or challenging the operation and Maintenance of software would be for the user after deployment.
Legal Feasibility
It helps us understand whether the proposed system confirmed all the legal and ethical requirements. It analyses all the legal barriers for project implementation, copyright, licensing, project certificate etc.
Schedule Feasibility
It analyses how much time the project completion takes. It studies the timelines and deadlines for the project. It allows understanding how the project's purpose failed if the completion of proposed changes is done after the scheduled time for the organisation.
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