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Problem Statement
Dry Run
Time and Space Complexities
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Frequently Asked Questions
Describe the binary tree.
What is a binary search tree?
What is a Full Binary Tree?
How can one find the largest number in BST?
What is the maximum height of a BST having N number of nodes?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Find the Largest Number in BST which is Less Than or Equal to N

Author Sneha Mallik
1 upvote


binary search tree (BST) is a tree in which all nodes to the left of the root node have values less than the root node, and all nodes to the right of the root node have values greater than the root node. Another distinction is that all of the subtrees in the binary search tree are also binary search trees.

Find the Largest Number in BST Which is Less Than or Equal to N

In this blog, we will discuss a simple DSA problem: To find the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N.

Problem Statement

We have been given a binary search tree(BST) along with a number N. Our goal is to find the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N.

Find the Largest Number in BST

Let us take the binary search tree as given below.

Binary search tree

Example 1

N = 13
Largest Number in BST = 12
The largest element in BST which is less than or equal to N = 13, is 12.
(We will follow the searching process 8 -> 15 -> 12)

Example 2

N = 7

Largest Number in BST = 5
The largest element in BST which is less than or equal to N = 7, is 5.
(We will follow the searching process 8 -> 5)


Let us discuss the algorithm to be followed for the given problem statement:

  • We will use a recursive approach to solve the given problem. 
  • First, we begin our search for the ‘N’ element at the root node. 
    • If we reach a leaf node with a value greater than ‘N’, the ‘N’ element does not exist, and we return -1. 
    • Otherwise, if the node value is less than or equal to ‘N’ and the right subtree value is NULL or greater than ‘N’, we will return the node value as the output.
  • If the value of the root node is greater than ‘N’, search for the element in the left subtree; otherwise, search for the ‘N’ element in the right subtree by calling the same function and passing the left or right values appropriately.

Dry Run

Let's now discuss working through an example, and then we will code it: 

We will be taking the same BST as above.

Binary search tree

We will be taking the N as 13. Then we will be checking if the root node is less than or equal to N.

Binary search tree Step 1

Since the root node is less than 13, we will move ahead with searching in the right subtree.

Binary search tree Step 2

We will now move ahead with searching in the left subtree of node value 15.

Binary search tree Step 3

The output came out to be 12, the largest element after 13.


// C++ program to find the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

struct Node
	int key;
	struct Node *left;
	struct Node *right;

// Function to create a new Node in BST
Node* newNode(int val)
	Node* temp = new Node;
	temp->key = val;
	temp->left = NULL;
	temp->right = NULL;
	return temp;

// Function to create a binary search tree
Node* buildTree(string str)
	if (str.length() == 0 || str[0] == 'N')
	return NULL;

	vector<string> ip;

	istringstream iss(str);
	for (string str; iss >> str; )

	// Creating the root of the tree
	Node* root = newNode(stoi(ip[0]));

	// Pushing the root to the queue
	queue<Node*> queue;

	// Starting from the second element
	int i = 1;
	while (!queue.empty() && i < ip.size()) 
		// Getting and removing the front of the queue
		Node* currNode = queue.front();

		// Getting the current node's value from the string
		string currentVal = ip[i];

		// If the left child is not null
		if (currentVal != "N") {
			currNode->left = newNode(stoi(currentVal));

		// For the right child
		if (i >= ip.size())
		currentVal = ip[i];

		// If the right child is not null
		if (currentVal != "N") {
			currNode->right = newNode(stoi(currentVal));
	return root;

void findMaxValue(Node* root,int N,int &maxValue){

int findLargestNumberinBST(Node* root, int N)
   int maxValue=-1;
   findMaxValue(root, N, maxValue);
   return maxValue;

int main()
    cout << "Enter number of test cases: ";
	int t;
	cin >> t;
	for(int i=1; i<=t; i++)
		cout << "\nTest Case " << i << "\n";
		string s;
		cout << "Enter elements into BST:\n";
		getline(cin >> ws, s);

		cout << "Enter the number N: ";
		int x;
		cin >> x;

		Node* root = buildTree(s);
		cout << "The largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N: ";
		cout << findLargestNumberinBST(root, x) << endl;
	return 1;



Time and Space Complexities

Let us discuss the time and space complexity of the problem: To find the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N.

Time Complexity

Time Complexity

The time complexity for the given problem is O(H), where H is the height of the binary search tree taken by the user. 

Space Complexity

Space Complexity

The auxiliary space complexity for the given problem is O(H), where H is the height of the binary search tree taken by the user. 

You can also read about insertion into bst.

Frequently Asked Questions

Describe the binary tree.

A binary tree is a data structure that can have a maximum of two children. Since a binary tree can only have two children, we usually refer to them as the left and right children.

What is a binary search tree?

A binary search tree is a binary tree in which all of the nodes to the left of the root node have values less than the root node, and all of the nodes to the right of the root node have values greater than the root node.

What is a Full Binary Tree?

A full binary tree is a type of binary tree in which every parent and the internal node has either two or no children.

How can one find the largest number in BST?

We can find the largest number in BST by traversing through the right subtree of each node we come across until we reach the rightmost node. In BST, the rightmost node is the largest number.

What is the maximum height of a BST having N number of nodes?

If a binary search tree has ‘N’ number of nodes, the maximum height it can have is (N-1).


In this article, we covered all about the DSA problem to find the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N. We discussed the algorithm, code, and dry run, along with the time and space complexities for the problem of finding the largest number in BST which is less than or equal to N.

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