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Problem statement
Brute Force approach
Optimized approach
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Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Find The Minimum Range Size That Contains The Given Element for Q Queries

Author Malay Gain
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Priority Queue is a wonderful Data Structure having a wide range of applications and is implemented using Heap Data Structure. Numerous amounts of problems are based on the concepts of priority queues. It is an important Data Structure when it comes to technical interviews of top tech companies as well. In this article, we will cover one such problem. 

Problem statement

You are given an array of intervals[] consisting of n pairs of integers where each pair is denoting a range [l, r], also given an array Q[] consisting of m integers. For each integer, the task is to find the size of the smallest interval that contains that element. Return -1 if no valid interval exists.

Input: intervals[ ]={ { 9, 27 },{ 1, 3 },{ 1, 4 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 17 } };

Q[ ]={ 6, 15, 2, 30 }



ans[ ]={4, 11, 3, -1}


Note: Please try to solve the problem first and then see the below solution approach.



This problem can be solved mainly in two ways. Let’s see the approaches.

Brute Force approach


First, we will iterate through the Q[ ] array, and for each of its elements, we will maintain a variable, min_range, and iterate through the array of intervals[ ]; if the element exists in any of the intervals and the size of the interval is less than previous valid intervals we will update min_range with the size of this interval. After examining each interval, we will store the min_range value of the element in an array of ans[ ] and if no such interval exists, we will store -1 for that element.



// C++ implementation of brute force approach

using namespace std;

// function for finding min intervals

vector<int> min_range(vector<vector<int>> intervals,vector<int> Q)
	vector<int> ans(Q.size(),-1);

	//iterating through the Q[] array
	for(int i=0;i<Q.size();i++)
		int min_range=INT_MAX;
		int flag=-1;

		// iterating through the array of intervals[]
		for(int j=0;j<intervals.size();j++)
			//if the element exists in any of the intervals and 
			//the size of the interval is less than previous valid intervals we will update min_range 
			if(Q[i]>=intervals[j][0] && Q[i]<=intervals[j][1] && min_range>intervals[j][1]-intervals[j][0]+1 )


	return ans;

// driver code
int main()
	vector<vector<int>> intervals{ { 9, 27 },{ 1, 3 },{ 1, 4 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 17 } };
	vector<int> Q = { 6, 15, 2, 30 };

	vector<int> ans = min_range(intervals, Q);
    // printing the final result for each element of Q
    for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++) {
        cout << ans[i] << " ";
    return 0;



4  11  3  -1



The above approach takes O(n*m) time where n is the size of the intervals array and m is the size of Q[ ] array.

Space complexity is O(m) for the result array.


Optimized approach

In this approach, we will use a priority queue to find the minimum range for any particular element optimally.


// C++ implementation of optimal approach

using namespace std;

// function for finding min intervals

vector<int> min_interval(vector<vector<int>> intervals,vector<int> Q)
    // storing all the Queries
    // along with its index
    vector<vector<int> > Queries;
    for (int i = 0; i < Q.size(); i++)
     Queries.push_back({ Q[i], i });
    // sorting the  intervals and Queries
    sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end());
    sort(Queries.begin(), Queries.end());
    // max priority queue to keep track
    // of intervals size and right value
    priority_queue<vector<int> > pq;
    // for storing the result of all the queries
    vector<int> ans(Q.size(), -1);
    // current position of intervals
    int i = 0;
    //interating through the quries
    for (int j = 0; j < Queries.size(); j++) 
        int temp = Queries[j][0]; //  the current query
        // storing all the intervals whose left value is less than or equal to the current query
        while (intervals[i][0] <= temp  && i < intervals.size()  ) 
            // storing the negative value of range size(so that minimum interval will be on top) and
            // the right bound of the interval
            pq.push({ intervals[i][0] -intervals[i][1] -1,intervals[i++][1] });
        // removing all the intervals with right value less than the current query
        //  as it will not valid for next quries also
        while (!pq.empty() && temp >[1]) {
        // if the valid interval exists
      // and store the ans
        if (!pq.empty())
            ans[Queries[j][1]] =[0];
    return ans;

// driver code

int main()
vector<vector<int>> intervals{ { 9, 27 },{ 1, 3 },{ 1, 4 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 17 } };
vector<int> Q = { 6, 15, 2, 30 };

 vector<int> ans = min_interval(intervals, Q);
    // printing the final result for each elements of Q
    for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++)
        cout << ans[i] << " ";
    return 0;



4  11  3  -1



The above approach takes O(nlogn + mlogm) time where n is the size of the intervals array and m is the size of Q[ ] array.

Space complexity is O(n+m) for the priority queue and the result array.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a priority queue?

It is a special kind of queue where each element has its own priority and elements are served (popped out) according to this priority.

How to implement min-heap using the C++ STL library?

In C++, STL library priority_queue is by default made max-heap. To use priority_queue as min-heap, we need to add two extra arguments as shown below.

priority_queue<type, vector<type>, greater<type> > pq;


This article covered how to find the minimum range size that contains the given element for Q queries.

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Recommended Reading:

Do check out The Interview guide for Product Based Companies as well as some of the Popular Interview Problems from Top companies like Amazon, Adobe, Google, Uber, Microsoft, etc. on Coding Ninjas Studio.

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