The syntax for fireEvent[eventName] looks like this,
fireEvent[eventName](node: HTMLElement, eventProperties: Object)
We can perform the following actions using the fireEvent[eventName] method,
- Target
- Data Transfer
- Keyboard Events
If the target property is provided in the function definition, the properties are assigned to the event receiving node, for example.
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText(/username/i), {target: {value: 'x'}})
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText(/picture/i), {
target: {
files: [new File(['()'], 'example.jpg', {type: 'image/jpg'})],
Data Transfer
If the data transfer property is provided in the function definition, then the properties supplied in the dataTransfer will be added to the event, for example.
fireEvent.drop(getByLabelText(/drag the files here/i), {
dataTransfer: {
files: [new File(['()'], 'Example.jpg', {type: 'image/jpg'})],
Keyboard Events
There are three basic keyboard inputs KeyPress, Key Down, and Key Up. These can be accessed using the Firing Events, for example,
fireEvent.keyDown(domNode, {key: 'X', code: 'KeyX'})
fireEvent.keyDown(domNode, {key: 'A', code: 'KeyA'})
What is the disadvantage of using Jest?
Although Jest is a compelling library, it comparatively takes longer than other testing libraries.
What are Testing Libraries?
Testing Libraries are a collection of libraries for testing applications and software. These libraries provide assurance to the developer that the application will work as expected in a real-case scenario with real users.
What is Jest?
Jest is a JavaScript framework used for the testing purposes of large web applications. Since Jest doesn’t require a lot of configuration, it is an excellent option to be used as a testing framework among new developers.
What is DOM?
DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a cross-platform and language-independent interface for treating an XML or HTML document.
What is Dynamic Testing?
A Dynamic Test is one of the most commonly used tests, and it is generated at the run time. We use the TestFactory method to generate Dynamic Tests in JUnit5. TestFactory method is a non-static and non-private method.
Key Takeaways
This Blog covered all the necessary points about the Firing Events in Testing libraries. We further looked at various Firing Events present in Testing Libraries. We also looked at ways to implement them using JavaScript.
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