Table of contents
Understanding Flutter Webview
Key Features of Flutter Webview
Setting Up Flutter Webview
Properties of WebView
WebViewController Method
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a WebView in Flutter?
Why Should I Consider Using Flutter WebView?
How Does Flutter WebView Function?
Is It for Viewing Webpages?
Is Flutter WebView Like a Mini Web Browser?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Flutter Webview

Author Shiva
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In the changing world of app development incorporating web content, into your app can make a significant difference. Whether it involves showcasing a website running a web based application or displaying content. Flutter Webview is here to lend a helping hand. This handy tool empowers developers to effortlessly integrate web content into their Flutter apps unlocking a multitude of possibilities, for creating interactive experiences..

flutter webview

In this article, we will explore Flutter Webview its functions and provide an example to help you get started

Understanding Flutter Webview

Lets start by understanding what Flutter is before we delve into Flutter Webview. Flutter, developed by Google is a toolkit, for creating applications across platforms like mobile, web and desktop using a codebase. Its known for its development process visually appealing user interface (UI) and excellent performance. 

Now, imagine you want to integrate a webpage into your Flutter app. This is where the concept of Webview comes in handy. Webview acts as a widget that allows you to display web content within your app. It's, like having a mini browser embedded in your app giving you the ability to seamlessly combine elements with web based content. 

But, How It Works?

Deep down, Flutter Webview taps into the inner workings of the platform's own Webview magic to showcase web content. Think of it as forging a secret gateway to a digital realm. Here, users can tinker with web pages, mess around with forms, dive into videos, and more – all without ever stepping out of your app's cozy cocoon.

Key Features of Flutter Webview

  • Seamless Integration:  Flutter Webview effortlessly combines web content with the native user interface of your application, resulting in an unified experience.
  • Customization: You have the flexibility to adjust the appearance and functionality of the Webview to align with your application style and preferences.
  • Interactive Communication: With Flutter Webview, you can establish communication, between your application and the web content, enabling them to share data and interact effectively.
  • Updates: As the web content is loaded dynamically you have the convenience of updating it without necessitating users to download a version of your application.

Setting Up Flutter Webview

The requirement for setting up Flutter webview is Flutter SDK and an editor. The software development kit comes with rendering engine, widgets, CLI (command line interface) tools, API (Application Programming Interface) tools and many more.

Step 1:  To set up, first download Flutter SDK in your system from their official website. Head over to their documentation and select the SDK depending on your Operating system. Also, add environment variables too in your system. After this, you can check whether is flutter is properly installed or not by using command:

  • cmd


flutter doctor
flutter doctor

Step 2: Other than that, you need an editor to write code. The most popular choices are VSCode and Android Studio. Android Studio comes up with a whole development environment, and VScode is a code editor. Android Studio is more powerful than VScode and comes up with many features. VScode is a lightweight code editor which is great for smaller projects. Choose as per your preference. Although, the recommendation would be to use Android Studio.

Properties of WebView

Here are some properties of WebView:

  • onWebViewCreated: When the web view comes to life, this function gets called once, helping you set things up.
  • initialUrl: This is where the journey begins. Tell the web view the first place on the internet it should visit.
  • javascriptMode: Unlock the power of JavaScript within the WebView by setting this mode to 'enabled'.
  • javascriptChannels: Think of these as communication pathways between your app and JavaScript inside the WebView.
  • navigationDelegate: This delegate plays the role of a wise decision-maker, determining how to handle different navigation actions.
  • onPageStarted: When a page is gearing up to load, this function gets a heads-up.
  • onPageFinished: Once a page has completely loaded, this function lets you know it's all set.
  • onProgress: Get a real-time update on a page's loading progress through this function.
  • debuggingEnabled: Flip the debugging switch to 'on' with this attribute if you need to troubleshoot.
  • gestureNavigationEnabled: Swipe your way through history with this feature. Enable it to make horizontal swipes trigger back-forward navigation.
  • allowsInlineMediaPlayback: On iOS, you can let HTML5 videos play within your app. This attribute holds the reins.
  • zoomEnabled: Decide if your WebView should let users zoom in and out using gestures and on-screen controls.
  • backgroundColor: Set the backdrop color of your WebView to match your app's style.

WebViewController Method

The WebViewController provides various methods that allow you to perform different actions on the WebView. Here's a list of these methods and what they do:

  • canGoBack: This method helps you determine if there are previous URLs in the history that you can navigate back to.
  • clearCache: Use this method to wipe out all entries from the WebView's cache.
  • getScrollY: Retrieve the current vertical scroll position within the WebView.
  • getTitle: Get the title of the currently loaded webpage in the WebView.
  • goBack: Navigate to the previous URL in the history list.
  • goForward: Move to the next URL in the history list from the current URL.
  • loadFile: Load a local file into the WebView.
  • loadFlutterAsset: Load an asset from the project's pubspec.yaml file into the WebView.
  • loadUrl: Load a webpage by providing its URL.
  • reload: Refresh the current webpage in the WebView.
  • runJavascript: Execute JavaScript code within the WebView's browser context.
  • runJavascriptReturningResult: Run JavaScript code within the WebView and receive the results.
  • scrollBy: Scroll the webpage by a specified amount in the x- and y-axes.


Here's an example of integrating Flutter WebView into your app:

1. Import Packages: Make sure to add the required dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub get to install them.

  • pubspec.yaml


   sdk: flutter
 webview_flutter: ^2.0.14 


2. Navigate to main.dart:

In your main Dart file (e.g., main.dart), use the WebViewScreen when you want to display web content.

  • dart


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'webview_screen.dart'; // Import the WebViewScreen class

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return MaterialApp(
     title: 'Flutter WebView Example',
     home: HomeScreen(),

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     appBar: AppBar(
       title: Text('Flutter WebView'),
     body: Center(
       child: ElevatedButton(
         onPressed: () {
           // Navigate to the WebView screen with the desired URL
               builder: (context) => WebViewScreen(
                 url: '',
         child: Text('Open WebView'),







To launch your app, use the command "flutter run" in the terminal. Once you tap on the "Open WebView" button, the screen will display the WebView. Load the URL you specified.

Keep in mind that web content can vary in behavior depending on the website and how compatible it is, with WebView. You may need to make adjustments to settings or handle interactions based on your needs.

This example provides an functional integration of Flutter WebView into your app. Remember to refer to the documentation for any updates or additional customization options.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a WebView in Flutter?

WebViews are mobile components that enable the display of HTML material through a browser inside a mobile app (webview flutter is a flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget for Android and iOS).

Why Should I Consider Using Flutter WebView?

Flutter WebView is a tool when you want to incorporate web based elements into your app. For instance it allows you to seamlessly display webpages, maps or even chat windows from websites without having to exit your app. Flutter web view is showing how the page is supposed to look at the phone’s dimensions. That’s why the user experience with the application totally depends on the responsiveness of the website.

How Does Flutter WebView Function?

Flutter WebView utilizes components, from the devices web browser. It creates a frame within your app where you can embed web content. Users can interact with this content as if its a part of your app.

Is It for Viewing Webpages?

Not at all! Flutter WebView offers versatility. You can utilize it for purposes such as presenting forms, videos or even running web based games all within the confines of your app.

Is Flutter WebView Like a Mini Web Browser?

Precisely! It functions as a web browser window integrated into your app. Users can engage with web content while remaining fully immersed in your app's environment. Because Flutter web view shows the website’s page at the phone’s dimensions. So the user experience with the application totally depends on the responsiveness of the website


Flutter Webview is a tool that helps connect your app with the web. It allows you to seamlessly integrate web content providing users with interactive experiences while maintaining the feel of your app. Whether you want to display articles, run web applications or offer multimedia content Flutter Webview empowers you to create an app that keeps users hooked. So why wait? Dive into this feature. Elevate your Flutter apps potential!

Recommended Readings:

You may refer to our Guided Path on Code Ninjas Studios for enhancing your skill set on DSACompetitive ProgrammingSystem Design, etc. Check out essential interview questions, practice our available mock tests, look at the interview bundle for interview preparations, and so much more!

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