Last updated: Feb 15, 2022


Function is a block of code that performs a specific task. If some functionality is performed at multiple places in software, then rather than writing the same code, again and again, we create a function and call it everywhere. This helps reduce code redundancy.
Introduction to Functions
This article discusses Introduction to Functions.
What is the difference between a method and a function? EASY
A Function is called by its own name/independently, whereas a method is called by its object’s name/referenced.
Author Shiva
Function Parameters in C++ EASY
Today, we will learn about the Function Parameters in C++ and their types and working.
Difference between Argument and Parameter in C/C++ EASY
In this article, we will learn about the arguments and the parameter in C/C++. We will also see the difference between argument and parameter with examples.
Function overloading
In this blog, we learn about function overloading.
System() Function in C/C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss what the system() function in C/C++ is, what its syntax is, and the implementation of the system() using various examples.
Function Overloading In C++ EASY
Function overloading in C++ allows defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters. In this article we will learn about Function Overloading In C++.
Call by value and Call by reference in C++
This article discusses Call by value and Call by reference.
strcmp() in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss the strcmp() function in detail, including its syntax, parameters, return values & implementation.
This article discusses Recursion.
Getline Function in C++ EASY
Getline functions in C++ are predefined functions in <string.h> header file. The function is used to get multiple input data lines from the user.
Inline Functions in C++ EASY
Learn about inline functions in C++, how they work, their advantages, and best practices for optimizing your code. Discover when and how to use inline functions effectively.
seekg() Function C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss what the seekg() function in C++ is, what its syntax is, and the implementation of the seekg() using various examples.
C++ fread() Function EASY
In this article, we will discuss what the fread() function in C++ is, what its syntax is, and the implementation of the fread() using various examples.
What Is Virtual Function In Cpp? EASY
Virtual functions are used for tasking compilers with performing dynamic linkages or late-binding functions. A single pointer must be used for referring to objects of every class. So, virtual functions are used when the derived class objects end up executing the functions of the base class.
Return multiple values from a function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will learn about different methods of returning multiple values from a function in C++.
fma() Function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will learn about fma() Function in C++. We will learn its syntax and implementation.
Min() and Max() function in C++ EASY
Min() and Max() in C++ are very versatile and a fundamental part of the C++ Standard Library's algorithm collection.
Power Function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will discuss C++ power function which is used to calculate the power of two numbers.
Author Rashmi
Static Function in C++ MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the static member functions in C++, their syntax, and how to use them effectively with proper examples. We will also explain static data members and their role in C++ classes.
wmemmove() in CPP MEDIUM
The article covers the implementation and usages of wmemmove() function in c++.
C++ Timer EASY
In this blog, we will learn about C++ Timer. We will also write a code using C++ Timer for better understanding of the topic.
Storage Class in C++ EASY
This article discusses the Storage class in C++. We will learn why we need storage class, their types, and more about extern, and register storage classes.
wcscat() in CPP MEDIUM
The article covers the implementation and usages of wcscat() function in c++.
wcscmp() in C++ EASY
The article covers the detail discussion over wcscmp in c++ along with the implementation of code
wcscpy() function in C++
In this blog, we will talk about the wcscpy() function in c++, its features, syntax, and parameters.
wcslen() function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will talk about the wcslen() function in c++, its features, syntax, and parameters in this blog.
difftime() function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we'll look at the difftime() function in C++, its syntax, how it works, and what it returns.
fflush in C EASY
fflush in C is an important tool for managing input and output streams. Let’s understand the syntax, parameters, exceptions, and examples of the implementation.
asctime() Function in C++ EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the functioning of the asctime() function in c++.
localtime() function in C++ EASY
This blog will demonstrate the localtime() function in C++. We will be seeing its functionality with the help of a code.
scalbn() function in C++ EASY
This blog covers the scalbn() function in the programming language C++. This blog explains why scalbn() is used, how it is defined and its purpose with the help of some examples.
isunordered() function in C++ EASY
This blog covers the isunordered() function in the programming language C++. This blog explains why isunordered() is used, how it is defined, and its purpose with the help of some examples.
isnormal() in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will be learning about the isnormal function in C++ in detail, along with some examples.
isinf() function in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the isinf function in C++ and explain it with examples.
quick_exit() function in C++
This article discusses the details of the quick_exit() function with its properties and usage.
to_string Function in C++ EASY
The to_string function in C++ is used to convert numbers into a string. This article discusses the function.
Floor and Ceil Functions in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the floor and ceil in C++. We will learn how these functions are used in programming.
set::precision in C++ EASY
This blog explains the details about setprecision in C++ along with examples and where and how to use it.
Lower Bound in C++ EASY
std::lower_bound In C++ is a standard library algorithm used to find the first position in a sorted range where a specified value can be inserted without violating the order. Learn how to use the std::lower_bound function to efficiently search and manipulate sorted sequences, optimizing code for enhanced performance.
Author Sajid
Stoi In C++ EASY
In the Article, we read about Stoi in C++. We take an idea of what it is and see examples.
Template in C++ EASY
Class templates and function templates in C++ are powerful features that allow you to create generic classes and functions, respectively.
Getter and Setter In C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss getter and setter in c++, learn how getter and setter work using examples, and discuss their benefits.