Last updated: Mar 6, 2022

Functions in Python

Functions and methods are critical components of any programming language, whether Python or another. A function simplifies and automates any task or operation in a few lines of code. There is no need to write lines of code over and over; simply call the function to simplify the code flow with fewer complexities.
Python any() function EASY
This article will provide in-depth knowledge of any in Python. We have covered different use cases and provided code examples to improve the readers understanding.
Getter and Setter in Python EASY
Explore the concept of getter and setter in Python programming. Learn how to implement them using functions, the property() function, and decorators.
Lambda Function in Python
In this article, we will learn about lambda function in python.
Scope of Variable
This article focuses on the scope of variables of Python.
Functions in Python EASY
Functions improve the modularity of your application and allow for greater code reuse. In this article, we will learn about the Functions and Arguments in Python.
*Args and **Kwargs in Python EASY
Args and Kwargs in Python are used to send variable length parameters to functions. In this article, we will learn about args and kwargs in Python.
Global Keyword in Python MEDIUM
The global keyword in Python enables users to modify variables from outside their current scope, typically used to create global variables within functions.
Author Shiva
How to Define a Function in Python? EASY
In this article, we will learn how to define and use functions in Python. We will discuss the basics of function declaration, different types of functions, and how to pass arguments to functions.
Python Set EASY
In this blog, we will learn Python Set. We will learn about why it is used, syntax, parameters, and examples.
User Defined Functions in Python EASY
In this article, we will talk about the different types of user-defined functions in Python, like parameterized functions, default arguments, keyword arguments, & variable length arguments.
Recursion in Python
In this post, we’ll learn how to create and handle recursive(a function that calls itself) functions in python.
Bisect Functions in Python EASY
In this article, we will talk about the bisect module & learn how to use its functions to perform binary search operations on sorted lists. We will discuss the basics of the bisect module, its significant functions, with examples.
Python Built-in Functions EASY
Discover Python's built-in functions with detailed syntax and examples in this article. Learn how to use each function effectively.
Seek Function in Python EASY
In this article, we'll explore the seek() function in Python, understand its syntax, see how it works with examples, and cover best practices and Frequently Asked Questions.
Python Decorators MEDIUM
Python Decorators is a powerful tool to add functionality to functions or classes without modifying their original code.
What is the Sleeping Time of Python EASY
This article explains about the sleeping time of Python and discusses syntax, implementation and avoiding deadlock and contention.
Frozenset() in Python EASY
This blog covers all the concepts of frozenset in Python in detail, along with some examples of frozenset objects and their operations.
Understanding Python Pickle with example EASY
Understand the meaning of Python pickle with its example. Learn Object Serialization, Python Pickle Dump, and Python Pickle Load with FAQs.
How to Create a Function in Python EASY
In this article, we will explore how to create a function in Python. We will cover the basics of function creation, discuss various types of functions and much more.
Python Regular Expression EASY
Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for manipulating text data, and Python, a highly versatile programming language, has robust support for regex through its re-module.
Python zip() Function EASY
Python zip function combines two or more iterables into a single iterable when there are more than two.
Python comparison operators EASY
Comparison operators in Python are used to compare two values. They evaluate to True or False depending on the condition.
Python ord() Function EASY
This blog discusses the Python ord() Function along with its syntax, parameter, return value, examples, and how it differs from the chr function.
Math Ceil EASY
This article will teach about the Math Ceil built-in function. We will also cover its application of it and syntax in different languages.
Python tell() function EASY
This article will discuss the Python tell() function with its syntax and examples.
Python Factorial EASY
In this blog, we will get familiar with the concept of Python factorial and also look at the implementation of Python factorial using various approaches.
Strip Function In Python EASY
The String strip() function is one of the built-in functions in Python for string operations. It removes any leading (any whitespace before the text) and trailing (any whitespace after the text) white spaces that might be present in the given string
Round() function in Python EASY
This article will briefly discuss the various ways of rounding numbers in Python.
Difference Between Sort and Sorted Function in Python EASY
This article discusses the key differences between the sort() and sorted() functions in Python. The sort() method sorts the list in place, while the sorted() function creates a new sorted list.
The isupper() function in python EASY
In this article, you’ll learn about String and the use of Uppercase with Isupper() in Python
Python String isnumeric() Method EASY
The isnumeric() method in Python is a string method that checks whether all characters in a string are numeric characters. This method returns True if all characters in the string are numeric; otherwise, it returns False.
How to Compute Square Roots in Python EASY
This blog will discuss the python square root. We will start with an introduction to square root, followed by the main discussion.
OS Path Splitext() Method EASY
Learn about os.path.splitext() in Python, a tool for splitting file paths into root and extension. Examples & implementation included. FAQs covered.
Complex() Function in Python EASY
Explore Complex() function in Python. Learn its meaning, syntax, return value and parameters. In this article we will also discuss its example for better understanding.
numpy.gradient() Method in Numpy EASY
In this article, we will learn about the numpy.gradient() method in Numpy. We will learn about its syntax, parameters, and return value of numpy.gradient() method.
Python Set Difference () EASY
In this article, we will discuss about python set difference function and how to use it while programming.
Getattr() Function in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss all about the Python getattr function.
numpy.all() in Numpy EASY
In this article we will cover numpy.all() function with different examples.
Author akscrv
Exploring the Rjust in Python EASY
In this article, we will learn about rjust in Python. rjust is a method that is defined under the String class.
Author Shiva
Python String isalnum() method EASY
In Python, isalnum() is a built-in string method. It checks if all the characters in a given string are alphanumeric.
numpy.histogram() Method in Python EASY
In this article, we have discussed the numpy.histogram method in Python. We also examine various examples to understand the concept of NumPy histograms.
numpy.squeeze() in NumPy EASY
In this article, we will learn about numpy.squeeze() in NumPy. We will also learn about the numpy.squeeze() method with the help of different examples.
Python __repr__ EASY
repr in Python returns a string representation of an object, mainly for debugging. It shows a detailed, unambiguous view, often including object types.
Python Set intersection() Method EASY
The intersection () function in Python helps to find the intersection of two lists or sets in Python. Here's how you can do use python intersection() method
Python String Swapcase() Method EASY
Python in swapcase is a built-in string function that returns a duplicate of the specified input string by converting all uppercase characters to lowercase and all lowercase characters to uppercase.
Python String isdigit() Method EASY
The isdigit() function in Python is thoroughly examined in this article. It covers its features and how to use it. Code examples are used to enhance understanding.
eval() Function in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss about Python eval function. We will also discuss the uses and code examples of python eval() function.