Last updated: Jun 17, 2022

Game Development with Pygame

Hey Ninjas, we are gonna introduce you to one of the libraries of python which can help you develop your own game. It is a computer program called Pygame. It provides you a platform where you can use all the python based modules that are designed for you to code games and put in the ideas and features that you want. It is free and open-source. Following we will be introducing you to pygame and its various features. Let's Go.
Introduction to pygame
In this article, we will learn about a famous game development python library, PyGame in Python.
Pygame - blit() function
In this article, we will learn the pygame blit() method and how to use the pygame blit() method to put and set an image on the screen in pygame applications.
Animation in pygame
In this current article, we will discuss the concept of using animations in pygame applications, how to apply some beautiful animations in pygame, etc.

Pygame Advance

There are many advanced concepts that we haven't talked about so far. You will be needing this concept as part of game development. We will be discussing topics here like creating buttons, how using arrow keys you can create fancy patterns, How to move an object etc.
Create the buttons in a game using Pygame
This article explains how we can create buttons in a game using Pygame and how to make them interactive using GUI.
Drawing the design using arrow keys in pygame EASY
In this blog, We will see the theory of Drawing the design using arrow keys in pygame.
Making an object jump in pygame HARD
In this blog, We will see the theory of Making an object jump in pygame.
Adding boundary to an object in pygame
In this article, we will learn how to add boundaries to a game in pygame.
Collision detection in pygame
In this article, we will learn how to detect collisions in pygame.
Creating and controlling Sprites in pygame
This article explains how we can create sprites in Pygame and then how to control them in Pygame.
Add color breezing effect in pygame EASY
In this blog, We will see the theory of Adding color breezing effect in pygame.
Playing audio files in pygame
This article explains how to set up and play audio files in pygame and start and load them using Python

Applications of Pygame

As we talked about making a sample game in a pygame alongside you, here we are with many examples which will give you hands-on how to create a game using pygame. Let's practice.
Snowfall Display Using Pygame EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to create a snowfall display using pygame.
Rhodonea Curves and Maurer Rose in Python
In this blog, we’ll draw Rhodonea Curves and Maurer Rose in Python.
Author Harsh
Creating a Start Menu in Pygame EASY
In this article, we will discuss creating a start menu in python using pygame.
Tic Tac Toe GUI In Python using PyGame
We'll learn how to use pygame to make a tic tac toe game in Python.
Author akscrv
8-bit game using pygame
In this article, we will try to create an 8-bit game using pygame in python.
Ternary Search Visualization using Pygame in Python
In this blog, we’ll make a Ternary search visualizer which will help us to understand how ternary search works.
Author Harsh
Heap Sort Visualization in Pygame
In this article, we will discuss the definition of heap sort and visualization heapsort in Pygame.
Insertion Sort Visualization in Pygame MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the definition of Insertion sort, and visualization in insertion sort.
Binary search Visualization using Pygame EASY
This article explains how the Binary search Visualization algorithm performs the process of searching on sorted data.
Building and Visualizing Sudoku Game Using Pygame MEDIUM
In this article, we will build and visualize a sudoku game using pygame.