GATE is one of the most prestigious exams for engineering students. Many students aspire to score well in this exam to kickstart their careers. If you are looking for proper guidance on how to begin your GATE exam preparations, you have come to the right place. We know that choosing the right books is the first and crucial step towards GATE preparation. Students wander around asking their seniors, searching on youtube, googling, etc., looking for recommendations on where to study some particular topics. So to solve all your problems, we have enlisted all the books topic-wise, recommended by GATE toppers, concisely and crisply. In this article, we have covered the books related to Computer Science and Engineering domain. So, let’s begin with it.
Topic-wise List of Books
The topic-wise book recommendation is given below.
Operating System
The books recommended for Operating System are:
- Operating System Concepts
Author- Galvin
- Operating System Principles
Author- Abraham Silberschatz, Galvin
Operating systems is one of the most important topics for GATE exams. These books mentioned above cover all the essential topics under Operating systems like CPU Scheduling, Memory Management, Semaphores, etc.
Computer Networks
For Computer Networks, you can refer to these books:
- Computer Networks
Author- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Data Communications and Networking
Author- Behrouz A. Forouzan
These books discuss Computer Networks in a straightforward language and are easy to understand. It covers all the basic and advanced concepts, and they are explained well, along with examples. Some important topics they cover are OSI and TCP/IP protocols, Application layer, etc.
Computer Organization and Architecture
Recommended books are:
- Computer Organization
Author- Carl Hamacher
- Computer System Architecture
Author- Morris Mano
Machine Instructions and addressing modes, Instruction Pipelining, etc., are some important topics discussed in these books.
Database Management System
- Database System Concepts
Author- Henry F. Korth
- Database System
Author- Elmasri and Navathe
These two books cover all the topics related to Database Management System, which you need to learn to clear GATE exams. They have discussed the topics with examples which makes them easy to understand, and they also provide questions to practice, which will help you clear your concepts. ER models, Normal forms, Transactions, and concurrency control topics are some of the essential topics in this subject.
Compiler Design
The topics discussed in these books are Lexical Analysis, Parsing, Runtime Environment, Intermediate code generation, etc.
- Compiler Design
Author- Aho & Ullman
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Author- Aho & Ullman
Digital Logic
The below-given set of books is the best to study the Digital Logic subject. They explain Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits, and other important topics of this subject. Morris Mano is one of the best books out there for Digital Logic.
- Digital Logic and Computer Design
Author- Morris Mano
- Modern Digital Electronics
Author- RP Jain
Theory of Computation
- Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
Author- John E Hopcroft, Jefferey D. Ullman
- Introduction to the theory of computation
Author- Michael Sipser
These books cover the Theory of Computations subject. They have reasonable explanations, and the concepts are explained with examples.
GATE paper of CSE consists of some questions from Algorithms. The below-given book will help you score the questions on this subject.
- Algorithms
Author- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
- Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms
Author- Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz
Some topics discussed in these books are Searching, Sorting, Graph Algorithms, etc.
Engineering Mathematics
GATE CSE paper consists of questions from subjects like Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, etc. You can refer to these books to prepare for this subject.
- Higher Engineering Mathematics
Author- B.S. Grewal
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Author- Erwin Kreyszig
- Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Author- Kenneth H. Rossen