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Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Generic Linked List in C

Author Malay Gain
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Linked List


Generic means in general which can be used for all. Similarly, a generic linked list can be used for any type of data member. It is not dependent on the type of data members that the node needs to store. Here we will discuss the implementation of such a generic linked list.

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For storing data members of different data types in a linked list, we need to have a specific node for each data type. Such as if we want to store integer type elements in the linked list, then we need to declare a node having an integer type data member, and for storing float type elements the node should have float type data member.


// node for storing integer type elements in the linked list

struct node{
         int data;
         struct  node* next;


// node for storing float type elements in the linked list

struct node{
         float data;
         struct  node* next;

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So, it seems troublesome to define different nodes for different data types. Here the concept of generic node comes into the picture.


A generic node can store any type of data member. A linked list generated from the generic node is known as a generic linked list which can store any type of data. So, now we don’t need to change the definition of the node for a specific type of data member.


Let’s see how we can implement the generic linked list.



According to the definition of a generic linked list, it is able to store any kind of data for the same definition of a node. But in the C language, we don’t have such data type which can store any type of data whereas C++ uses a template class for such generic implementation. 

We will use the concept of void pointer for defining a generic node as a void pointer can store the address of any data type.


So, the structure of the generic node will be as shown below


struct node{
         void* data;
         struct  node* next;

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As data member’s type is not predefined, for printing a generic linked list we need to have different functions for different types.


Now we will implement a function insert_end( ) to insert a new node in the generic linked list and then print_list() to print the contents of the generic linked list.


insert_end( ) 

To insert a value in the generic linked list, we need to pass the size of the data as well as the address of the data as a void pointer as the type of the data member is not predefined.



  • allocate memory for the new node
  • allocating memory for the data
  • storing the data of a new node by copying from one address to another
  • inserting the new node after the end node
  • updating end node pointer
node* insert_end(node** end,void* data,int size)
	//allocate memeory for new node
	node* new_node=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

	// allocating memory for the data
	//storing the data of new node by copying from one address to another


	//insering the new node after the end node
    // updating end node pointer

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To print the contents of the generic linked list, we need the head pointer of the linked list and function pointer for printing specific types of data.


void print(node* head,void* fun(void*))
	//function for printing specific type of data
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typedef struct node{
         void* data;
         struct  node* next;


void insert_end(node** end,void* data,int size)
	//allocate memeory for new node
	node* new_node=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

	// allocating memory for the data
	//storing the data of new node by copying from one address to another




void print(node* head,void (*fun)(void*))
	while(head!=NULL) {
		//function for printing specific type of data

void print_int(void* data)
	printf("%d ",*(int*)data);

int main()
	int elements[]={1,2,3,4,5};

	node* head=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
	node* end=head;
	head->data = malloc(sizeof(int));

	int i;

	for( i=1;i<=4;i++)


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1 2 3 4 5
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is used in C++ for a generic definition?

There is a class called template which can be used to define generic structure.

What is a function pointer?

It is a pointer to a function that stores the address of the function.

What is memcpy() function in C?

It is a library function for copying a block of memory from one location to another.



This article covered how to implement Generic Linked List in CA good grasp of Linked Lists can be a huge plus point in a coding interview.

Recommended Reading:

Do check out The Interview guide for Product Based Companies as well as some of the Popular Interview Problems from Top companies like Amazon, Adobe, Google, Uber, Microsoft, etc. on Coding Ninjas Studio.

To study more about Linked Lists, refer to Applications Of Linked Lists.

Also check out some of the Guided Paths on topics such as Data Structure and Algorithms, Competitive Programming, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, DBMS, System Design, etc. as well as some Contests, Test Series, Interview Bundles, and some Interview Experiences curated by top Industry Experts only on Coding Ninjas Studio.

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