Table of contents
Most Asked Genpact Interview Questions and Answers
1. In Java, can you override a private or static method?
2. Why does Java not allow for multiple inheritance?
3. What are the fundamental features of Java?
4. How do you explain garbage collection?
5. Is it possible to start the java garbage collection process with System.gc()?
6. What's the difference between the operators == and equals ()?
7. What happens if you use the return statement or the System command? Is it better to exit on a try or to catch a block? Will the block finally be executed?
8. What is the purpose of synchronization in Java?
9. What is the most efficient way to create a Java Singleton class?
10. In Java, what is the meaning of this keyword?
11. What does it mean to be data independent in physical and logical data?
12. What is a SQL self-join, and why is it necessary?
13. In DBMS, what is normalization?
14. In a database management system, what is a scalar function?
15. What is the aggregate function in a database management system?
16. In SQL, what is a pattern matching operator?
17. What is the difference between the keywords UNIQUE and DISTINCT in a database management system?
18. What's the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE delete? Which of the statements below is the correct one?
19. Give examples of the advantages of using views in a database management system.
20. List the various types of operating systems that you are familiar with. List some operating system examples as well.
21. What is data warehousing, and how does it work?
22. What do you know about ACID properties concerning database management systems?
23. List the different levels of data abstraction in  Database Management Systems.
24. What do "intension" and "extension" refer to in database management systems?
25. Index hunting is a term used to describe the practice of looking for information in a database. In Database Management Systems, what is it used for?
26. What is a transaction in SQL? What are the properties of a transaction?
27. What are the various types of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)?
28. What is the significance of multithreading in an operating system?
29. How do you use testing to execute test cases?
30. Explain what the term "round-robin" means.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of business is Genpact?
What should I do to prepare for the Genpact interview?
Is Genpact a decent place for beginners to work?
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Genpact Interview Questions and Answers

Author Palak Mishra
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Genpact is a global professional services firm that aids in the transformation of businesses. Technical and Human Resources interviews are part of the Genpact interview process. To acquire a job at Genpact, applicants must first pass an interview. In the article, we have discussed some frequently asked Genpact Interview Questions.

Most Asked Genpact Interview Questions and Answers

1. In Java, can you override a private or static method?

Ans: You can't override a private or static method in Java. Method overriding occurs when you create a similar method in a child class with the same return type and method arguments as the superclass method. A private method cannot be overridden in a subclass because it is not accessible.

2. Why does Java not allow for multiple inheritance?

Ans: This is done to avoid ambiguity. Consider the following scenario: class B extends classes A and C, and classes A and C have the same method display (). The java compiler cannot determine which display method it should inherit now. Multiple Inheritance in Java are not permitted in Java to avoid such a situation.

3. What are the fundamental features of Java?

Ans: These are some fundamental features of Java

  • Object-Oriented
  • Platform Independent
  • Simple
  • Secure
  • Architecture-neutral
  • Portable
  • Robust
  • Multithreaded
  • Interpreted
  • High Performance
  • Distributed
  • Dynamic

4. How do you explain garbage collection?

Ans: Garbage collection (GC) is a memory management feature in programming languages like C# and Java. A garbage collector (GC engine) is a program that automatically frees up memory space that has been allocated to objects that are no longer needed by the program in a GC-enabled programming language.

5. Is it possible to start the java garbage collection process with System.gc()?

Ans: Because of a System. gc() call simply Suggests that the JVM performs garbage collection and serves a FULL garbage collection (old and new generations in a multi-generational heap). It can consume more CPU cycles than is required.

6. What's the difference between the operators == and equals ()?

Ans: Equals() is a method that compares two values. The main distinction between the == operator and the equals() method is that the former is an operator, while the latter is a method. These == operators and equals() are used to compare objects and determine whether they are equal.

7. What happens if you use the return statement or the System command? Is it better to exit on a try or to catch a block? Will the block finally be executed?

Ans: Yes, the final block will be executed even after a method's return statement. Whether or not an exception occurs in Java, the last block will consistently execute. Only the System.exit() method will not be executed if we call it explicitly in the finally block.

Also Read: Selenium Interview Questions

8. What is the purpose of synchronization in Java?

Ans: In Java, synchronization refers to the ability to control multiple threads' access to a shared resource. Various threads try to access shared resources simultaneously in the Multithreading concept, resulting in unpredictable results. Synchronization is required for thread communication to be reliable.

9. What is the most efficient way to create a Java Singleton class?

Ans: The easiest method to create a Singleton class is to use eager initialization, which creates an instance of the Singleton class when the class is loaded. Making the constructor private prevents other classes from creating new instances of the Singleton class. 

10. In Java, what is the meaning of this keyword?

Ans: This keyword denotes the current object in a method or constructor. This keyword is most commonly used to distinguish between class attributes and parameters of the same name (because a class attribute is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter).

Check this out,  Wordpress Interview Questions

11. What does it mean to be data independent in physical and logical data?

Ans: Physical data independence is defined as the ability to change the structure of the database management system (DBMS) at the lowest level without affecting the higher-level schemas. As a result, any changes made at the physical level should not affect the Logical or View levels.
The ability to change the logical schema without having to rewrite application programmes is known as logical data independence. Every time the logical structure of the database is changed, modifications at the logical level are required (for example, when money-market accounts are added to the banking system).

12. What is a SQL self-join, and why is it necessary?

Ans: A self-join is a type of join that can be used to connect two tables. As a result, it is a unary relationship. Each table row is joined to itself and all other rows of the same table in a self-join. As a result, a self-join is primarily used to combine and compare rows from the same database table.

13. In DBMS, what is normalization?

Ans: The process of organizing data in a database is known as normalization. This includes creating tables and establishing relationships between them according to rules designed to protect data while allowing the database to be more flexible by removing redundancy and inconsistent dependencies.

14. In a database management system, what is a scalar function?

Ans: A scalar function in SQL is a user-defined function that returns a single value every time it is called. In the user-defined function definition, SQL scalar functions contain the source code for the user-defined function.

15. What is the aggregate function in a database management system?

Ans: An aggregate function, also known as an aggregation function, is a database management function that groups the values of multiple rows into a single summary value. Average (i.e., arithmetic mean) and Count are two standard aggregate functions. Maximum.

16. In SQL, what is a pattern matching operator?

Ans: If you don't know the exact word or phrase you're looking for, SQL pattern matching allows you to look for patterns in data. Rather than specifying a pattern precisely, this SQL query uses wildcard characters to match it. For instance, the wildcard "C percent " can be used to check any string that starts with a capital C.

17. What is the difference between the keywords UNIQUE and DISTINCT in a database management system?

Ans: In SQL, the UNIQUE keyword acts as a database constraint, ensuring that no duplicate values are stored in a given column or set of columns. On the other hand, the DISTINCT keyword is used in the SELECT statement to retrieve distinct rows from a table. 

18. What's the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE delete? Which of the statements below is the correct one?

Ans: The DDL command DROP permanently deletes the data and cannot be reversed. TRUNCATE is a command that deletes all records from a table while keeping the schema or structure intact. Because TRUNCATE is a DDL command, it cannot be undone.

19. Give examples of the advantages of using views in a database management system.

Ans: The following are some of the advantages of utilizing views in a database management system:

  • Views can represent a subset of the data in a table. As a result, an idea can limit the extent to which the underlying tables are exposed to the outside world: for example, a user may be permitted to query the view but not the entire base database.
  • Views are aggregated tables in which the database engine aggregates data (sum, average, etc.) and displays the generated results alongside the data.
  • We can use views to combine and simplify multiple tables into one virtual table.
  • Views take up very little storage space; the database only keeps track of the view's specifications, not copies of all the data it displays.
  • Views can obscure data complexity.
  • Depending on the SQL engine used, views can provide additional security.

20. List the various types of operating systems that you are familiar with. List some operating system examples as well.

Ans: The following are some of the operating systems that we are familiar with:

Batch operating system: It is a computer program that automates the sequencing of jobs without human intervention.
Time-Sharing Operating System: A time-sharing system allows multiple people to share computer resources. This type of operating system makes the most of its resources.
Distributed Operating Systems (DOS): A distributed operating system (DOS) is software that manages multiple computers as if they were one.
In-Network Operating Systems: It allows computers running different operating systems to connect to a single network. It's usually used for security reasons.
Real-Time Operating Systems: RTOS are used in situations where a large number of events, the majority of which are external to the computer system, must be accepted and processed quickly or under pressure. Such applications include industrial control, telephone switching equipment, aircraft control, and real-time simulations.

21. What is data warehousing, and how does it work?

Ans: A data warehouse is a type of data management system intended to facilitate and support business intelligence (BI) and analytics activities. Data warehouses are designed solely for querying and analysis and frequently store large amounts of historical data.

22. What do you know about ACID properties concerning database management systems?

Ans: Certain properties are followed before and after transactions to maintain database consistency. ACID properties are what they're called. This means that either the entire transaction occurs at once or it does not occur at all. There is no middle ground. Meaning transactions do not take place in stages.
A transfer of funds from one bank account to another, for example, entails debiting one account and crediting another, and the process is completed in a single transaction.

Atomicity: All transaction statements must succeed or fail in every situation, including power outages, errors, and crashes. In a money transfer transaction, for example, debiting and crediting must occur simultaneously or not at all.
Consistency: Any transaction must leave the database in a consistent state. After the transaction is completed, the data in the database should not be changed in any way other than what was intended.
Isolation: Isolation ensures that concurrent transaction execution leaves the database in the same state as if the transactions had been completed sequentially.
Durability: Durability ensures that once a transaction is committed, it will remain committed even if the system fails, storing completed transactions (or their effects) in non-volatile memory.

23. List the different levels of data abstraction in  Database Management Systems.

Ans: There are three basic levels of data abstraction in Database Management Systems. The following are the details:
Physical Level: The level of abstraction is the lowest and specifies how data is stored.

After the Physical level of abstraction, there is the Logical or Conceptual level of abstraction. This layer determines what data is stored in the database and how the data pieces are related.

The View Level is the highest level of abstraction, but it only describes a portion of the database.

24. What do "intension" and "extension" refer to in database management systems?

Ans: Intention and Extension have the following definitions:
The intension is a term that refers to the description of a database, also known as Database Schema. This is mainly unmodified during database design.

The extension refers to the number of tuples currently available in the database. As tuples are created, updated, and destroyed, the value of this variable shifts. As a result, the database's extension or, more broadly, the database's snapshot refers to the data at a particular time.

25. Index hunting is a term used to describe the practice of looking for information in a database. In Database Management Systems, what is it used for?

Ans: The process of improving an index collection is known as index hunting. Index hunting is done because indexes improve query performance and reduce query processing time. Index Hunting improves query performance in a variety of ways, which are listed below:

  • With the help of the query optimizer, the most optimal queries are suggested.
  • Index, query distribution, and performance are all used to check the effect.
  • A few of the problematic queries have their databases optimized as well.

26. What is a transaction in SQL? What are the properties of a transaction?

Ans: A transaction is the dissemination of one or more database changes. You are carrying out a transaction on that table, for instance, if you are creating, updating, or deleting records from it.
Property of Transaction

  •  Atomicity
  •  Consistency
  •  Isolation
  •  Durability

27. What are the various types of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)?

Ans: The term "Real-Time Operating System" refers to a system subject to real-time constraints, meaning that the response must be guaranteed within a certain time limit or the system must meet a specific deadline.
The following are the types of real-time systems:

Hard Real-Time Systems (HRT Systems)
The time limit is very short and strict in this case. Even a few seconds of lag is unacceptable. As a result, completing the task within the allotted time is required.
Airplane systems, medical treatment systems, and so on are examples.

Real-Time Systems for Businesses
Although deadlines are given in these systems, failing to meet them does not result in a significant loss. If the deadline is not met, the system may experience undesirable side effects.
Multimedia systems are an example.

Soft Real-Time Systems (SRT) are a type of real-time
As the name implies, the system is gentle with deadlines. This means that minor delays in the system are acceptable.
Examples are online transaction systems, livestock price quotation systems, computer games, and so on.

28. What is the significance of multithreading in an operating system?

Ans: Many parts of a program can run simultaneously with multithreading. Threads are lightweight processes that are available within the process and are referred to as such. Multithreading, as a result of multitasking, increases CPU utilization.

Recommended Topic: Multithreading in C#

29. How do you use testing to execute test cases?

Ans: We follow the following steps:

  • Examine the software requirement specification document for requirements.
  • Make a detailed test plan.
  • Create test cases that cover all of the document's needs.
  • Get the QA lead to look over your test cases.
  • Carry out test cases and look for bugs.
  • If there are any bugs, report them, and once they've been fixed, run the failed tests again to double-check the fixes.

30. Explain what the term "round-robin" means.

Ans: A round robin is an arrangement in which all elements in a group are chosen equally in some logical order, usually from the top to the bottom of a list, then starting over at the top, and so on. Round robin can be thought of as "taking turns" simply.


  • By reading their website, you can learn about the Genpact products and technologies they employ today. Get a better understanding of the business as a whole.
  • Put your coding skills to the test by solving a series of puzzles. This will aid in the development of problem-solving abilities as well as reasoning frameworks.
  • The interviewer is interested in learning about your motivations, why you are interested in the organization, and how your previous job experience has prepared you for this role. To help you stand out, consider creating a one-of-a-kind example.
  • By sharing your experiences, you will be able to exhibit leadership, teamwork, professional and academic success, communication skills, and the ability to overcome challenges.

Read Html interview questions in detail.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of business is Genpact?

Genpact is a Bermuda-based American professional services firm with headquarters in New York City, New York.

What should I do to prepare for the Genpact interview?

You should start preparing by practicing these Genpact Interview questions. You should tell the interviewer anything about your schooling and experience. Make an effort to speak positively about your previous employers, managers, and coworkers.

Is Genpact a decent place for beginners to work?

Yes, Genpact is an excellent organization for freshers since it offers a fast-paced development atmosphere that allows them to learn a wide range of skills quickly. At Genpact, there are two types of codebases: legacy and codebases developed with today's cutting-edge technologies. As a result, Genpact's learning curve is relatively high.


Applicants must review basic structures and algorithms when preparing for a Genpact Interview (searching, sorting, hashing). Important Genpact Interview Questions and Answers presented above can greatly assist you in cracking the interview.

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your preparation for Genpact Interview through all the Genpact Interview Questions and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles in the code studio library.

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