Table of contents
What are Getter and Setter methods in Java?
Example of Getter and Setter in Java
Need of Getter and Setter in Java
Naming Convention for Getter and Setter
Naming Conventions for Getter Method
The Syntax for Getter Method
Naming Conventions for Setter Method
The Syntax for Setter Method
Bad Practices in Getter and Setter Methods
Using Getter and Setter for Less Restricted Variables
Using Reference of an Object Directly in a Setter
Returning Object References from the Getter
Advantages of Getter and Setter in Java
Disadvantages of Getter and Setter in Java
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between get and set method in Java?
What are default getters and setters java?
What is final getter and setter in java?
How to use Lombok for getter and setter?
Last Updated: Nov 6, 2024

Getter and Setter in Java

Author Aditya Gupta
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In Java, the getter and setter methods are encapsulated and they are like the tiny buttons used to do various actions in Java. One of the four concepts of object-oriented programming is encapsulation. "Encapsulation" refers to the grouping of data and the functions that use it within an object in object-oriented programming.

getter and setter in java

Getter and setter in Java are techniques that give us a regulated way to access or modify the values of variables. In contrast to a setter method, a getter method "gets" the value of a variable and returns it.

What are Getter and Setter methods in Java?

Getters and setters are Java methods for gaining access to and changing the contents of private variables, commonly referred to as fields, in a class. The value of a private field is retrieved using a getter method. On the other hand, a private field's value can be changed using a setter method. 

Access to a class's private fields can be restricted using getters and setters. The values of the fields can be accessed and changed in a controlled manner by using getters and setters, which are provided along with making the fields private.

Example of Getter and Setter in Java

Let’s see an example where we are using Getter and Setter to get the area of a Rectangle.

  • Java


public class Rectangle {
   private int width;
   private int height;

   // Getter for width property
   public int getWidth() {
       return width;

   // Setter for width property
   public void setWidth(int newWidth) {
       if (newWidth > 0) {
           width = newWidth;

   // Getter for height property
   public int getHeight() {
       return height;

   // Setter for height property
   public void setHeight(int newHeight) {
       if (newHeight > 0) {
           height = newHeight;

   // Method to calculate area of rectangle
   public int calculateArea() {
       return width * height;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle();
       int area1 = r1.calculateArea();
       System.out.println("Area of rectangle 1: " + area1);
       Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle();
       int area2 = r2.calculateArea();
       System.out.println("Area of rectangle 2: " + area2);  
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In this code, the Rectangle class 'width' and 'height' fields are accessed and changed using getter and setter, respectively. The getWidth() and getHeight() functions are used to obtain the values for the fields 'width' and 'height'. The setWidth() method sets the field 'width' and the setHeight() method is also used to set the 'height' value.

Need of Getter and Setter in Java

Getter and Setter are used in Java to access and modify values of private fields. Here are some of the reasons why getter and setter are needed.

  • Getter and Setter encapsulate the fields of a class So that the internal state of a class is hidden from the outside world.
  • Getter and Setter control access to field class, For example, getter can be used to provide read-only access to a field.
  • Setter can be used to verify the values that are set for the field.
  • Getter and setter have great compatibility with Java frameworks.

Naming Convention for Getter and Setter

Naming Conventions are necessary to make the code more readable and maintainable.

Naming Conventions for Getter Method

  • The name of the Getter method should start with get keyword followed by the field name, capitalising only the first letter.
  • For Boolean Fields name of the getter method starts with is keyword.

The Syntax for Getter Method

public class <class_name>{
   Private <data_type> <variable_name>;
   public int get<variable_name>() {
      return <variable_name>;

Naming Conventions for Setter Method

  • Name of Setter method should start with set keyword followed by the field name, capitalising only the first letter.
  • The setter method should have one parameter of the same type as the field.

The Syntax for Setter Method

public class <class_name>{
   private <data_type><variable_name>;
   public void set<variable_name>(<data_type> var) {
      this.<variable_name> = var;

Bad Practices in Getter and Setter Methods

While using getter and setter in Java we should be careful with some bad practices that should be avoided.

  • Getter and Setter should not expose the internal implementation of the class.
  • We should avoid overusing Getter and Setter because it can make the code harder to read sometimes.
  • Getter and setter should not provide unrestricted access to the field.  

Using Getter and Setter for Less Restricted Variables

In Java, getter and setter methods are commonly used to access and modify an object's attributes. These methods provide controlled access to the fields and can be used to add additional logic or validation when getting or setting values.

  • Java


class Student {
private String name;
private int age;

// Constructor
public Student(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;

// Getter for name
public String getName() {
return name;

// Setter for name
public void setName(String name) { = name;

// Getter for age
public int getAge() {
return age;

// Setter for age
public void setAge(int age) {
if (age > 0) { // Ensure age is positive
this.age = age;
} else {
System.out.println("Age must be positive!");

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Student object
Student student = new Student("Rahul", 20);

// Access and modify using getter and setter
System.out.println("Name: " + student.getName());
student.setName("Mohit"); // Using setter
System.out.println("Updated Name: " + student.getName());

student.setAge(25); // Using setter
System.out.println("Updated Age: " + student.getAge());
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Name: Rahul
Updated Name: Mohit
Updated Age: 25


  • The Student class has private variables name and age.
  • Getter methods getName() and getAge() return the values of the private variables.
  • Setter methods setName() and setAge() allow you to modify the values, with setAge() ensuring the value is positive.
  • We can change the name and age of the student object using the setter methods.

Using Reference of an Object Directly in a Setter

In Java, you can pass the reference of an object to a setter method to modify the attributes of the object directly. This is useful for copying or modifying an entire object's state.

  • Java


class Person {
private String name;
private int age;

// Constructor
public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;

// Setter method that accepts an object reference
public void setPersonDetails(Person person) { =;
this.age = person.age;

// Getter methods
public String getName() {
return name;

public int getAge() {
return age;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create two Person objects
Person person1 = new Person("Meena", 30);
Person person2 = new Person("Rani", 40);

// Modify person1's details using person2's details

System.out.println("Person1 Name: " + person1.getName() + ", Age: " + person1.getAge());
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Person1 Name: Rani, Age: 40


  • We have two Person objects: person1 and person2.
  • The setter method setPersonDetails() takes a Person object and updates person1's name and age to match those of person2.
  • This demonstrates using the reference of another object (person2) to modify the properties of person1.

Returning Object References from the Getter

In Java, a getter method can return an object reference, which allows external code to directly access or modify the internal state of that object.

  • Java


class Book {
private String title;
private String author;

// Constructor
public Book(String title, String author) {
this.title = title; = author;

// Getter method to return the object reference
public Book getBook() {
return this; // Return the current object reference

// Getter methods for title and author
public String getTitle() {
return title;

public String getAuthor() {
return author;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Book object
Book book = new Book("1984", "George Orwell");

// Get the reference of the object using the getter
Book bookReference = book.getBook();

// Access the attributes of the returned object reference
System.out.println("Book Title: " + bookReference.getTitle());
System.out.println("Book Author: " + bookReference.getAuthor());
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Book Title: 1984
Book Author: George Orwell


  • The getBook() method returns a reference to the current Book object (this).
  • We use this reference to access the attributes title and author outside the class.
  • This approach allows external code to interact with the object via the getter method, returning an object reference for further operations.

Advantages of Getter and Setter in Java

We occasionally use Java methods called Getter and Setter while writing long codes in Java. These Methods benefit us in various ways.

  • They assist us in maintaining the structure of our code by hiding internal implementations of the class.
  • Getters and setters can limit who has access to or can modify an object's internal data. 
  • We can change the code behaviour with the help of getters and setters without changing all the other components of the program.

Disadvantages of Getter and Setter in Java

Using Getter and Setter in Java has several benefits for us but also some significant drawbacks.

  • The use of getter and setter can complicate our code. To view how our objects are accessed and changed, we must implement additional methods and logic, which are difficult to grasp and confusing.
  • Our program can occasionally run more slowly when using getters and setters. This is because these methods require some extra steps that can use more time and resources.
  • Using getter and setter might increase the size and complexity of our code. To handle each property, we want to access or edit. We must write more methods and logic, which might result in more complex code.
  •  Maintaining organised and secure code might take more work when using getter and setter methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between get and set method in Java?

The get method retrieves the value of an object's attribute, while the set method modifies the value of an object's attribute in Java.

What are default getters and setters java?

When we declare a private member in a class, the default getter and setter are generated. The getter method is named get followed by the name of the private member, and the setter method is named set followed by the name of the private member

What is final getter and setter in java?

final getter is a getter method, and setter is a setter method. Both cannot be overridden by subclasses. This is done by declaring the getter or setter method as final.

How to use Lombok for getter and setter?

To use Lombok for getters and setters, we need to add the Lombok dependency to the project and then use the @Getter and @Setter annotations on private members.


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