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Table of contents
What is Getter() in Python?
What is Setter() in Python?
Implementing Getter and Setter in Python 
1. Using the Normal Function
2. Using the property() function
3. Using the @property decorators
Making the Attributes Private
Reading Values from Private Methods
Importance of Getter and Setter in Python
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the setter method in Python?
What is the purpose of getter and Setter in Python?
Why should we use getters and setters in Python?
Does every class need getters and setters?
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024

Getter and Setter in Python

Author Rinki Deka
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Getter and Setter in Python differ from those in other Object Oriented Languages. They are used in Python to achieve data encapsulation. In this article, we will cover getter and Setter function, their implementation using the standard and property() function, and the importance of Getter and Setter in Python.

getter and setter in python

You can also check out these articles on getters and setters in js and Convert String to List Python

What is Getter() in Python?

Getters are OOPs functions in python. Getters are functions used to retrieve the values of private attributes, while setters are functions used to modify or assign values to private attributes.

In Python, since private variables cannot be accessed directly, the getter method provides a way to retrieve them from outside the class, thereby helping in data encapsulation. The getter method typically allows read-only access to the properties of an object. Getters are named with a ‘get_’ prefix followed by the attribute name whose value is to be accessed.

What is Setter() in Python?

Setters are methods in OOPs that are used to modify and update the value of an attribute of an object. Certain constraints can also be applied along with setter methods. This ensures that the new values assigned to the attributes are valid. Setter() are used together with the getter() method in Python.

Implementing Getter and Setter in Python 

1. Using the Normal Function

In the example below, we used the getter method to get the value of total marks and total subjects and then used the setter method to set their values to 450 and 5, respectively. After this, we retrieved the values of the above attributes to calculate the student's average marks.

  • Python


class Ninja:
   def __init__(self, totalMarks = 0, totalSub=0):
        self._totalMarks = totalMarks
        self._totalSub = totalSub
   # getter method
   def get_totalMarks(self):
       return self._totalMarks
   # setter method
   def set_totalMarks(self, x):
       self._totalMarks = x
   # getter method
   def get_totalSub(self):
       return self._totalSub
   # setter method
   def set_totalSub(self, y):
       self._totalSub = y

student = Ninja()

# Setting the totalMarks using setter
# setting the totalSub using setter

# retrieving totalMarks using getter
print("Total Marks:" + str(student.get_totalMarks()))
# retrieving totalSub using getter
print("Total Sub:" + str(student.get_totalSub())) 
# calculate average
print("Average:" + str(student._totalMarks/student._totalSub))
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Total Marks:450
Total Sub:5
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2. Using the property() function

Python's property() function is a built-in function that allows programmers to create properties with getter and setter behaviour. The property() function takes three arguments: the getter function, the setter function, and the delete function (optional).

In the below example, we have used the property() function to achieve the getter and setter behaviour in Python.

  • Python


class Ninja:   
    def __init__(self):  
         self._totalMarks = 0
         self._totalSub = 0
      # using the get function  
    def get_totalMarks(self):  
        print("getter method")  
        return self._totalMarks  
      # Using the set function  
    def set_totalMarks(self, y):  
        print("setter method")  
        self._totalMarks = y
 # using the del function  
    def del_totalMarks(self):  
        del self._totalMarks  
    totalMarks = property(get_totalMarks, set_totalMarks, del_totalMarks)
    def get_totalSub(self):  
        print("getter method")  
        return self._totalSub 
      # Using the set function  
    def set_totalSub(self, z):  
        print("setter method")  
        self._totalSub = z 
 # using the del function  
    def del_totalSub(self):  
        del self._totalSub  
    totalSub = property(get_totalSub, set_totalSub, del_totalSub)
student = Ninja()  
student.totalMarks = 450 
student.totalSub = 5 
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setter method
setter method
getter method
getter method
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3. Using the @property decorators

Getter and Setter methods in Python can also be implemented using the @property decorators. The @property decorator helps the programmer to create properties that behave like attributes but provide flexibility to validate the values assigned to them.

In the below example, we have used the @property decorator to achieve the getter and setter behaviour in Python.

  • Python


class Ninja:   
    def __init__(self):  
         self._totalMarks = 0
         self._totalSub = 0
      # using the get function  
    def totalMarks(self):  
        print("getter method")  
        return self._totalMarks
      # Using the set function  
    def totalMarks(self, y):
        if(y < 200):  
           raise ValueError("Student has failed the exam")  
        print("setter method")  
        self._totalMarks = y  

student = Ninja()  
student.totalMarks = 420 
student.totalSub = 5 
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setter method
getter method
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The above example gives a valueError if we initialise the value of totalMarks < 200, thus serving as a check constraint on totalMarks.

Making the Attributes Private

In Python, you can make attributes private by prefixing them with double underscores (e.g., `__attribute`). This name-mangling technique encapsulates the attribute, making it less accessible from outside the class, thus improving data security and preventing unintended modifications or direct access.


  • Python


class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.__private_attr = 42

def get_private_attr(self):
return self.__private_attr

def set_private_attr(self, value):
self.__private_attr = value

obj = MyClass()
print(obj.get_private_attr()) # Accessing the private attribute
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Reading Values from Private Methods

In Python, you can access private attributes through getter methods. These methods allow you to read the values of private attributes indirectly, ensuring that you maintain encapsulation and control over the attribute's accessibility while providing a clear interface for retrieving its value within your class.


  • Python


class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.__my_private_var = 42

def get_private_var(self):
return self.__my_private_var

obj = MyClass()
value = obj.get_private_var()
print("Private Variable:", value)
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Importance of Getter and Setter in Python

The importance of Getter and Setter in Python are:-

  • Getter and setter methods are used in Python to achieve encapsulation. They control the access to the private variables in Python.
  • Getter and setter methods are also used to validate values assigned to the attributes. This prevents any invalid values from being initialised to the variables.
  • Getter and Setter methods are also useful in data hiding. With the help of these OOPs methods, we can hide the implementation details of a class from external users.
  • Getters and Setters are also useful in debugging large codes. By adding print statements with getter and setter methods, it becomes easier to track when the data is being accessed or modified.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the setter method in Python?

Setters are methods in Object Oriented Programming languages that are used to modify and update the value of an attribute of an object. Certain constraints can also be applied along with setter methods. This ensures that the new values assigned to the attributes are valid.

What is the purpose of getter and Setter in Python?

Getter and setter methods are used in Python to achieve encapsulation. They control the access to the private and protected variables in Python. Also, they can be used in data hiding by hiding the implementation details of a class from external users.

Why should we use getters and setters in Python?

In object-oriented languages, getters and setters are commonly employed to achieve data encapsulation. This practice conceals an object class's attributes from external classes, preventing unintentional data manipulation by methods in other classes.

Does every class need getters and setters?

Getters and setters are optional and are typically utilized with public classes that have private fields. In cases where your stack/queue class requires methods like push(), pop(), drop(), etc., explicit getters and setters may not be necessary. For instance, push() can serve as a custom setter method.


Getter and Setter methods are used in Python for data encapsulation, thus allowing the programmers for increased control and maintainability of the source code. We have covered the implementation of getter and setter methods in Python using the normal function, property() function, and the @property decorator.

We hope this blog has helped you understand the concept of getter and Setter in Python. Keep learning! We recommend you read some of our other articles on Python: 

  1. Data Structures in Python
  2. Fibonacci Series in Python
  3. Leap year program in python

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