We usually save a lot of pictures, files, documents, etc., on our devices. But what if we lose it or the device gets damaged, and we can’t use it anymore? So to overcome such storage issues, we have a storage facility - “Cloud” depending on the size and the availability of our information. These clouds store our data, and we access it whenever necessary.
Cloud computing is a technology that uses remote servers to store, access, and manage data online. The data can be of any form like audio, video, files, images, text, etc. Cloud computing is highly reliable as we can access the data on the cloud from anywhere and on any device. The cloud offers us services based on our requirements and our purpose. This article will discuss the most used and the top cloud service - AWS.
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services - mostly known as AWS, is a cloud service provided by Amazon. It uses distributed IT infrastructure to provide resources to all the users. It provides various services like Saas(Software as a service), Paas(Platform as a service), and Iaas(Infrastructure as a service). The AWS provides high security to users' data and allows them to access it anywhere. Let’s discuss the Global Infrastructure of AWS in this article.
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