As we will see, return types and values can be specified in various ways. We can declare it in the following manner when returning multiple kinds of values.
package main
import (
func doubleInt(x int) (int) {
return x * 2
func main() {
fmt.Println(doubleIt(6)) // prints 12
Same Return Types
If we have return values of the same type, we can declare it like this to make our code shorter.
package main
import (
func sameReturnType(a int) (int, int) {
return a/2, a*2
func main() {
x, y := sameReturnType(18)
fmt.Println(x, y) // 9 36
Different Return Types
If we want to use several types of return values, we may express it like this.
package main
import (
func difReturnType(a int) (int, float64) {
return a/2, float64(a)*2.05
func main() {
x, y := difReturnType(6)
fmt.Println(x, y) // 3 12.29999999999999
Here is an example of a Go function returning multiple values.
- This function's signature indicates that it returns two ints (int, int).
- The two different return values from the call with multiple assignments are used here.
- Use the blank identifier(_) if you require a subset of the returned values.
package main
import "fmt"
//function returns two int values
func example() (int, int) {
return 3, 1
func main() {
x, y := example()
// use the blank identifier `_` for a subset of return values.
_, c := example()

Features and Uses
Multiple return values are beneficial when verifying errors. Because we are demonstrating the errors one by one, making the program flow easier. Thus, elaborate and nested error-checking and other issues are not required.
Multiple return values return each one independently, reducing the amount of data that must be unpacked from a packed structure. It also eliminates the requirement to return data pointers.
Here is an example of error handling support of Go when doing any Operation.
package main
import (
func fun(a int) (int, error) {
if a == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("Zeros are not allowed")
} else {
return a * 2, nil
func main() {
a, e := fun(0)
if e != nil { // checking error here
fmt.Println("Error Detected!!!")
} else {
// output:
// Error Detected!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the need for skipping return values?
If you initialise a variable but don't utilise it, the Go compiler will throw an error. The error will be very annoying if you keep all return values in variables but never utilise them.
This issue can be entirely avoided by using the blank identifier to bypass the variables.
Can a function return multiple values?
No, a function cannot have two returns; the first return will terminate the function, requiring you to build an object. In the case of Golang, this is achievable.
In Golang, what does panic() do?
In Go, the panic() function is equivalent to exceptions raised at runtime when a problem occurs. When a program encounters an unexpected error, panic() is raised, or the programmer throws the exception on purpose to handle specific errors.
In Golang, what is defer?
The defer keyword in Golang is used to postpone the execution of a function or a statement until another function returns. Defer, in simple terms, moves the execution of a statement to the end of a function.
This article has discussed the definition, declaration examples, and features and uses of the Golang Function returning multiple values. We also discussed the types of multiple values returned by Functions.
You can learn related concepts like Object-oriented paradigms, operating systems, classes, inheritance, etc at the Coding Ninjas Studio blogs vertical.
We hope this article has helped you. You can check out this article on Exploring the dynamics of Golang. To understand the usefulness of Golang, read this article Why Golang is so famous among engineers.
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