Google LLC is a multinational company based out of the USA, which focuses on AI, Search Engines, Cloud computing, online advertising, consumer electronics, etc. Well, this is the description according to google, which most of us look for on the google search engines… Truth is Google is everywhere, most of us have google search engines on our phones and our day-to-day work depends on that, we look for entertainment on YouTube and people's careers depend on that. We use Google Cloud for our storage purposes and this method has become seamless now, but it’s not just that, if you ask any fresher, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, or even any Engineering Student from other fields, most of them will tell you that working in Google is their dream, now why is that the case? Well, Google is one of the top companies in the world, not just that it is known for its hospitable and welcoming work environment, of course, it pays well, that’s also one of the reasons, but not only that, main reason every other university student aspires of joining Google is that Google invites everyone, not only students from Tier 1 or Tier Two universities, but from all over the world, that’s one of the biggest reasons students dream of joining Google, they have a chance to prove themselves irrespective of the college they come from. That is why we bring you this ultimate preparation guide for Google, so you can not only get information about roles and perks that Google has to offer but also give you a perfect roadmap to crack Google, this guide will help you learn about major roles that google offers in India, different exams and opportunities that it provides for engineering students and other students in general, and help you with your goal of becoming a Noogler one day.