Last updated: Apr 22, 2022

Graph Theory

Graphs are discrete mathematical structures that have many applications in a diversity of fields including chemistry, network analysis, algorithms, and social sciences. Graph Theory is the study of the graph. A graph is determined as a mathematical structure that represents a particular function by connecting a set of points. It is used to create a pairwise relationship between objects.
Graph Types and Applications EASY
This blog will discuss types of Graphs and applications of Graphs.
Graph Representations EASY
Graph representations are crucial for efficiently storing and manipulating graphs. This article will briefly describe how the graph is represented.
Euler and Hamilton paths
In this article, We will discuss Euler's Path, Euler Circuits, Euler circuit's theorem, Hamilton's Path with some examples.
Isomorphic and homeomorphic graphs
This blog will discuss Isomorphic graphs and homeomorphic graphs, examples, and detailed explanations.
Planar and Non-Planar Graphs
In this blog, we will learn about two main types of graphs, i.e., planar and non-planar graphs with examples and properties, and we will also learn about graph coloring with examples.
Matching in Graph Theory
In this article, we will learn about matching in Graph theory.
Strongly Connected Components EASY
A strongly connected component of a directed graph is a maximal subgraph in which every vertex is reachable from every other vertex in that subgraph.
Regular and Bipartite graphs
In this blog, we will learn about different types of graphs, including a complete chart, regular graph, bipartite graph, and complete bipartite graph, and we will also learn about the Euler path.
Centrality Measure in Graph Theory
In this post, we will learn different centrality measures used in Graph theory.
Graph Measurements
In this article, we will learn different Graph measurement methods.