Last updated: Jun 13, 2022


Hadoop is owned by the company Apache and in actuality, it is Apache Hadoop. It is a platform that is a collection of various open-source software utilities. These utilities solve problems that usually involve a massive amount of data and the computations over this data. Hadoop is a very powerful tool that helps in data collection and storage.
What is Hadoop
Hadoop is a set of open-source software tools for solving problems involving large amounts of data and computation using a network of many computers.
Introduction to Hadoop MEDIUM
Hadoop is an open-source framework designed to store and process large volumes of data across a distributed system of computers.
Hive Architecture MEDIUM
Explore Hive architecture with its key components. Learn the step-by-step process of job execution of hive architecture, along with its features and limitations.
Hadoop Architecture EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Hadoop Architecture. We will learn about its architecture, its types, and much more for better understanding.
Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS)
We will discuss the Hadoop Distributed File Systems in Big Data. The architecture of HDFS and the Goals, pros, and cons of HDFS.
Hadoop Commands MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Hadoop commands. We will discussed major commands, with their syntax and examples.
Transparent Encryption in HDFS
In this article, we will discuss about Transparent Encryption in HDFS and its key concepts and architecture.
Hadoop Yarn Architecture EASY
YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) manages resources and schedules tasks for distributed computing in Hadoop ecosystems. In this article, we will learn about YARN in detail.
Hadoop MapReduce EASY
This article aims to understand the Hadoop MapReduce.
Building the Big Data Foundation with Hadoop
This blog will introduce why the Hadoop ecosystem is so crucial for big data & how Hadoop YARN manages resources and applications. We'll look into How to use HBase to store large amounts of data and how Hive is a tool for analyzing large amounts of data.
Managing Applications and Resources with Hadoop Yarn
This blog focuses on Managing Applications and Resources with Hadoop Yarn. We will discuss the Hadoop Yarn, Resource Manager, Node Manager and Application Master.
YARN vs MapReduce MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn and understand YARN and MapReduce framework.
Storing Big Data with Hbase MEDIUM
This blog helps you clear your understanding of the Storing Big Data with Hbase. We will discuss the Hadoop Foundation and Ecosystem and how to store Big Data with HBase.
Mining Big Data with Hive EASY
This blog introduces Big data and Mining big data with Hive. And also covers the introduction of big data with real-life examples, detailed knowledge of Hive, and big data management.