Postman is an API development platform for designing, building and testing API (Application Programming Interface). It can create different HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT), save environments for later use, and convert the API to code for various languages (like JavaScript, Python).

Authorizing requests will allow verifying the identity of the client who is requesting access to the protected resources. The client can be a user (individual user) or another service (third-party service). This is done to ensure that the data is secure. There are many types of Authorization like No Auth, Bearer Token, AWS signature, OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, etc.
In this article, we will discuss about Hawk authorization technique.
What is Hawk?

Hawk is an HTTP authentication scheme that provides partial HTTP request cryptographic verification. It uses a Message authentication code (MAC) to authenticate. MAC is a cryptographic string that is sent along with a request to detect any kind of tampering with the data. Both the receiver and sender will have the same shared secret to create MAC.
There are a set of client credentials used in Hawk Authentication. These credentials are a Hawk Authentication ID which is the API’s authentication ID and a Hawk Authentication Key which is the API’s secret key.
In hawk authentication, unlike Basic HTTP authentication, the Hawk Authentication Key is not added to the request endpoint. The Hawk Authentication Key is used to generate a MAC string.