Problem Statement
There is a golf course in the city, situated in the non-negative part of the coordinate axis (x >= 0 and y >= 0). A golfer stands at the point (0, 0), and all the other integral points contain 'the cup' (Golf hole).
The golfer can hit the ball only if the line between the golfer and the hole does not contain any other hole.
You are given a positive integer N. Find the square containing N x N points such that the golfer can't hit the ball in any of the holes in the square.
Among all the possible answers, find one with the minimum Euclidean distance of the bottom-left corner from the golfer (the origin).
As shown in the figure, the golfer can't hit the ball in the hole at coordinate (6, 2) because it is blocked by the hole at coordinate (3, 1), but the golfer can hit the ball in the hole at (3, 1) and (3, 2).
1 <= N <= 14
Input Format
A single integer N.
Output Format
In a single line, print two space-separated integers X and Y, the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the square.
Also see, Euclid GCD Algorithm
Sample Test Cases
Input1 : 1
Output1 : 0 2
The figure shows that (0, 2) and (2, 0) are two possible answers because the distance to these points from the origin is minimum(distance = 2).
The golfer can't hit the ball to hole at (2, 2), but the euclidean distance is 4, which is not minimum, so it can't be the answer.
Input2: 2
Output2: 14 20