Table of contents
What are Strings in Java?
Ways of Creating a String
1. String Literal
2. Using the new Keyword
Interfaces and Classes in Strings in Java
1. CharSequence Interface
2. String Class
3. StringBuffer Class
4. StringBuilder Class
Immutable String in Java
Memory Allocation of String
Why did the String pool move from PermGen to the normal heap area?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java?
Why are strings immutable in Java?
How does the string pool in Java work?
Last Updated: Jul 30, 2024

How to Declare String in Java?

Author Ravi Khorwal
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In computer programming, a string is a sequence of characters. It is a fundamental data type used to store and manipulate text. Strings are widely used in programming for various purposes, such as user input, output, and data processing. Just like every other language, they need to be declared in java also . 

How to Declare String in Java

In this article, we will learn what strings are, how to create them, and the different interfaces & classes related to strings in Java.

What are Strings in Java?

In Java, a string is an object that represents a sequence of characters. It is a derived data type, which means it is built on top of other primitive data types. Strings are used to store and manipulate text-based data, such as names, sentences, or paragraphs.

Strings in Java are immutable, which means once a string object is created, its value cannot be changed. However, you can create a new string object with a different value if needed.

Java provides a String class in the java.lang package, which offers various methods to work with strings efficiently. The String class implements the CharSequence interface, which defines common operations for character sequences.

Ways of Creating a String

In Java, there are two primary ways to create a string:

1. String Literal

2. Using the new Keyword

Let's explore each method in detail.

1. String Literal

Creating a string using a string literal is the most common and convenient way. A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes ("").


String str1 = "Hello";
String str2 = "Welcome to Java";

In the above example, str1 and str2 are string variables created using string literals. The Java compiler creates a String object with the specified value and assigns it to the variable.

2. Using the new Keyword

Another way to create a string is by using the new keyword along with the String constructor.


String str3 = new String("Hello");
String str4 = new String("Welcome to Java");

In this case, str3 and str4 are string variables created using the new keyword and the String constructor. The constructor takes a string literal as an argument and creates a new String object with the specified value.

Both methods will create a String object, but there is a slight difference in how they are stored in memory, which we will discuss later.

Interfaces and Classes in Strings in Java

Java provides several interfaces and classes related to strings that offer various functionalities. Let's discuss the key interfaces and classes:

1. CharSequence Interface

The CharSequence interface is a generic interface that represents a sequence of characters. It provides methods to access and manipulate individual characters in the sequence. The String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder classes all implement the CharSequence interface.

2. String Class

The String class is the most commonly used class for handling strings in Java. It represents an immutable sequence of characters.


String str = "Hello";

3. StringBuffer Class

The StringBuffer class represents a mutable sequence of characters. It provides methods to modify the content of the string, such as appending, inserting, or deleting characters.


StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Hello");

4. StringBuilder Class

The StringBuilder class is similar to the StringBuffer class but is designed for use in a single-threaded environment. It offers better performance compared to StringBuffer when thread safety is not required.


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello");

Both StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable, which means you can modify the content of the string without creating a new object.

These interfaces and classes provide a wide range of methods to perform operations on strings, such as concatenation, comparison, searching, substring extraction, and more. They form the foundation for working with strings in Java.

Immutable String in Java

In Java, strings are immutable, which means once a string object is created, its value cannot be changed. Whenever you perform any operation on a string that appears to modify it, a new string object is actually created with the modified value, leaving the original string unchanged.

Here's an example to illustrate string immutability:

  • Java


String str = "Hello";

str = str + " World";

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Hello World

In the above code, when we concatenate " World" to the original string "Hello", a new string object is created with the value "Hello World". The original string "Hello" remains unchanged.

Memory Allocation of String

When you create a string using a string literal, the Java compiler checks the string pool in the heap memory to see if an identical string already exists. If it finds a match, it returns a reference to the existing string object. If no match is found, a new string object is created in the pool.


String str1 = "Hello";
String str2 = "Hello";

In this case, str1 and str2 will refer to the same string object in the string pool because they have the same value.

On the other hand, when you create a string using the new keyword, a new string object is always created in the heap memory, even if an identical string already exists in the pool.


String str3 = new String("Hello");
String str4 = new String("Hello");

Here, str3 and str4 will refer to different string objects in the heap memory, even though they have the same value.

Why did the String pool move from PermGen to the normal heap area?

In earlier versions of Java (prior to Java 7), the string pool was located in the PermGen (Permanent Generation) space of the JVM. However, starting from Java 7, the string pool was moved to the normal heap area. The main reasons for this change are:

1. PermGen space limitations: The PermGen space had a fixed size, and it was not easily resizable. If the string pool grew too large and exhausted the PermGen space, it could cause OutOfMemoryError exceptions. Moving the string pool to the normal heap area allowed for more flexible memory allocation and avoided such issues.

2. Garbage collection efficiency: The PermGen space was not typically garbage collected as frequently as the normal heap area. By moving the string pool to the normal heap, it became subject to regular garbage collection, which helped in reclaiming memory more efficiently when strings were no longer in use.

3. Simplification of memory management: Having the string pool in the PermGen space added complexity to memory management in the JVM. Moving it to the normal heap area simplified the memory layout and made it easier to manage and optimize.

4. Consistency with other objects:  With the string pool in the normal heap area, strings are treated similarly to other objects in terms of memory allocation and garbage collection. This provides a more consistent and unified memory management model.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java?

String is immutable, while StringBuffer & StringBuilder are mutable. StringBuffer is thread-safe, whereas StringBuilder is not. StringBuilder offers better performance for string manipulation in a single-threaded environment.

Why are strings immutable in Java?

Strings are immutable in Java for several reasons, including security, caching, synchronization, and performance optimization. Immutability allows string objects to be safely shared across multiple threads without the risk of unexpected modifications.

How does the string pool in Java work?

The string pool is a memory area in the heap where string literals are stored. When a string literal is created, the JVM checks the pool for an identical string. If found, a reference to the existing string is returned; otherwise, a new string object is created in the pool.


In this article, we have learned about strings in Java, which are objects that represent sequences of characters. We talked about different ways to create strings, like string literals and using the new keyword. We also discussed the CharSequence interface and the String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder classes. Moreover, we looked into the concept of string immutability and how it affects memory allocation. Lastly, we covered the reasons behind the move of the string pool from PermGen to the normal heap area in Java 7. 

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