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Table of contents
Features of Ruby
Testing in Ruby
Tools and Frameworks Used in Testing
Steps to Run Tests in Ruby
Step 1: Install Ruby
Step 2: Install RSpec
Step 3: Create your project
Step 4: Write a Ruby code
Step 5: a) Write Tests for this code Using RSpec Tests
Step 5: b) Write Tests for this code Using "MiniTest" Tests
Step 5: c) Write Tests for this code Using "Test::Unit" Tests
Step 6: Run the tests cases
Frequently Asked Questions
What testing frameworks are available for Ruby?
How can we write tests using RSpec?
What is the purpose of writing tests in Ruby?
What are the key features of the Ruby programming language?
How can we handle exceptions in Ruby?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

How to Run Tests on Ruby

Author Vidhi Sareen
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Ruby is a unique and flexible programming language created and designed to be user-friendly and help developers work more effectively.

In the mid-1990s, Yukihiro Matsumoto created Ruby to make code straightforward to understand and enjoyable for developers. A neat feature of Ruby is its robust framework called Ruby on Rails, which speeds up website development.

How to Run Tests on Ruby

In this article, we'll discover how to run tests in Ruby. We'll look into different frameworks that let us run these tests and ensure our code works as intended.


Ruby is an interpreted and high-level programming language. Users can easily comprehend it and use it for various purposes. It has components and features like simple syntax for writing code, operating with objects, and being flexible with data types. It has many tools that make scripting code in fewer lines possible. Ruby on Rails is a vital tool used for building websites and web applications in various situations.


Developers choose Ruby because it is user-friendly, easy to read and write and increases the developer's productivity. It's an active community and has vast libraries making Ruby an ideal choice for various projects. Beyond web development, Ruby finds uses in multiple domains, such as scripting, automation, and system administration assignments. The language's versatility and vast libraries, known as "gems," enable developers to manage various challenges efficiently.

Features of Ruby

There are many features of Ruby, such as:

Features of Ruby
  • Ruby has a simple way of writing code, making it easy for people to understand and work with.
  • Ruby is object-oriented, giving it versatility and encouraging a unified programming approach.
  • Ruby allows variables to change their data types while still in use.
  • Ruby has a rich ecosystem because of its extensive library of gems and packages, which makes it simple to reuse code and enhance functionality.

Testing in Ruby

There are numerous aspects related to testing in ruby. It affects reviewing and verifying the functionality and correctness of code written in the Ruby programming language. According to their needs, developers use various testing techniques and frameworks. There are multiple frameworks available in Ruby. Multiple testing like unit, integration, or functional testing exists in Ruby.

Designers can make reliable and durable Ruby applications by regularly testing their software. Testing their code permits them to detect any potential mistakes or bugs early. Testing plays a vital role in building robust and maintainable Ruby projects.

Tools and Frameworks Used in Testing

There are many tools and frameworks that can be used in testing. We will explore three well-known ones: RSpec, MiniTest, and TestUnit.


RSpec is a testing tool that allows developers to write tests in a comfortable way to read and understand. It uses a unique language that looks natural to describe what the code should do. RSpec is popular among Ruby developers, especially when testing complex systems and applications.


MiniTest is a testing tool for Ruby that comes included with the standard library. It consists of a simple and basic way of writing tests. It's lightweight and convenient for smaller projects that don't need advanced testing attributes. People usually use MiniTest for unit testing because it's quick and easy. MiniTest delivers a fundamental collection of tools for maintaining and defining test cases. It permits developers to review and verify whether their code performs as expected and detect potential bugs early on.


Test::Unit is a testing tool that comes with Ruby and belongs to the xUnit family. It's used to test code and follows the traditional approach of simultaneously testing small parts of the code. The tool provides different ways to check if things are working as they should and helps organize the tests neatly. It's flexible and can handle tests of varying difficulty levels, making it a good option for various testing situations.

Steps to Run Tests in Ruby

Let's understand how to create and execute tests in Ruby. We will look at frameworks like RSpec, MiniTest, and Test::Unit.

Step 1: Install Ruby

You have to install the Ruby environment into your system. You can install any version according to your system. There are many versions according to Windows, Linux, and many more. Once Ruby is installed, you can use Test::Unit, RSpec, and MiniTest. 


Note: It is recommended to install the same version of Ruby, and Gemfile should be the same.

Step 2: Install RSpec

Open your terminal and run the following command “gem install rspec” to install RSpec. Once you have installed RSpec, now is the time to initiate it for your project. You can do it by running the following command “rspec --int”.


Step 3: Create your project

We must create a new folder to preserve our code and test files. We created two folders for this objective: one for the code and another for the test file. We have created two directories named 'lib' and 'test.'


Step 4: Write a Ruby code

We have built a new Ruby file for the class we initially created. In the created file, you can type any code as per your requirement. Here we have taken an example with a class called "Calculator". It consists of two functions.

# lib/calculator.rb

# Calculator class represents a simple calculator with basic operations
class Calculator
  def add(a, b)
    a + b
  def subtract(a, b)
    a - b
You can also try this code with Online Ruby Compiler
Run Code

Step 5: a) Write Tests for this code Using RSpec Tests

Now, let's create a test file for the "calculator" class inside the spec dictionary that we have created.

# spec/calculator_spec.rb

# Import calculator class
require_relative '../lib/calculator'

# Describe the behavior of the Calculator class
RSpec.describe Calculator do
  let(:calculator) { }

  # Describe ‘add’ method
  describe '#add' do
    it 'returns the sum of two numbers' do
      result = Calculator.add(3, 5)
      expect(result).to eq(8)
  # Describe ‘subtract’ method
  describe '#subtract' do
    it 'returns the difference between two numbers' do
      result = Calculator.subtract(10, 3)
      expect(result).to eq(7)
You can also try this code with Online Ruby Compiler
Run Code

In this code, "require_relative '../lib/calculator' instructs RSpec to load the "Calculator" class that we have created initially. It has two cases, one is "add," and the second is "subtract." These tests will check and verify if the method is returning the correct output or not for a specific input. RSpec is used as the testing framework to describe and demonstrate the behavior of the Calculator class.

Step 5: b) Write Tests for this code Using "MiniTest" Tests

Now, let's create a test file for the "calculator" class inside the spec dictionary that we have created. 

# test/calculator_test.rb

# Import the MiniTest library for testing 
require 'minitest/autorun'

# Import the calculator class
require_relative '../lib/calculator'

class TestCalculator < Minitest::Test
  def setup

    # Create an instance
    @calculator =
  def test_add

    # Test the ‘add’ method
    result = @calculator.add(8, 8)
    assert_equal 16, result
  def test_subtract
    # Test the ‘subtract’ method
    result = @calculator.subtract(15, 5)
    assert_equal 10, result
You can also try this code with Online Ruby Compiler
Run Code

In this code, the line "require 'minitest/autorun' "imports the "MiniTest" testing framework and automatically runs the tests. It includes two test cases, one for the add method and another for the subtract method. The "setup" method creates an instance of the Calculator class used in both test cases. When the tests are run, MiniTest compares the actual results from the methods with the expected values using "assert_equal." If the results match, the tests pass; otherwise, any discrepancies are reported as test failures with detailed information.

Step 5: c) Write Tests for this code Using "Test::Unit" Tests

Now, let's create a test file for the "calculator" class inside the spec dictionary that we have created. 

# test/calculator_test.rb

# Import the Test::Unit library for testing
require 'test/unit

# Import the Calculator class for testing
require_relative '../lib/calculator'

class TestCalculator < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup

    # Create an instance of the Calculator class
    @calculator =
  def test_add
    # Test the ‘add’ method
    result = @calculator.add(7, 3)
    # Check result if it is equal to 10
    assert_equal 10, result

  def test_subtract

    # Test the ‘subtract’ method
    result = @calculator.subtract(20, 4)
    # Check result if it is equal to 16
    assert_equal 16, result
You can also try this code with Online Ruby Compiler
Run Code

In this code, the "require 'test/unit' "imports the Test::Unit framework, providing access to its testing functionalities. This test code contains two test cases: one for the add method and another for the subtract method of the Calculator class. The "setup" method creates an instance of the Calculator class used in both test cases. During test execution, Test::Unit compares the actual results obtained from the function with the expected values specified using assert_equal. If the actual and expected results match, the tests pass; otherwise, any differences are considered failures along with clear and precise information.

Step 6: Run the tests cases

Below are the codes used to run the different testing frameworks discussed above.

To run the RSpec test, execute the "rspec" command on your terminal along with the test file name.


To run the MiniTest test, execute the "ruby" command on your terminal along with the test file name.


To run the Test::Unit test, execute the "ruby" command on your terminal along with the test file name.


If there are multiple tests to run then you can select the file, right click the file and then select “ Run ‘All tests in the test:...” Option.


You can even debug your failed test and identify the mistake or bug easily.


Note: Choose the testing framework that fits your needs and preferences, and ensure that you have installed the required gems (RSpec) or libraries (MiniTest, Test::Unit) before running the tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What testing frameworks are available for Ruby?

There are many testing frameworks available for Ruby. Some are RSpec, MiniTest, Test::Unit, Cucumber, Capybara, and Shoulda. Each of these frameworks has its special features that make them so unique.

How can we write tests using RSpec?

RSpec follows a behavior-driven development approach (BDD). In this, you can write tests in a more natural language format that explains the code's behavior. Everyone understands it very well.

What is the purpose of writing tests in Ruby?

The main objective of writing code in ruby is ensuring that your code gives output as expected and is also used to identify mistakes and fix bugs. 

What are the key features of the Ruby programming language?

There are many features of Ruby programming Language, such as object-oriented, Dynamic typing, Interpreted Language, vast libraries, and many more. Developers choose Ruby programming languages because they have such unique features.

How can we handle exceptions in Ruby?

Ruby has robust exception handling with 'begin,' 'rescue,' 'ensure,' and 'raise,' allowing developers to handle errors and recover from unexpected situations.


In this article, we discuss how to run tests on Ruby. We also discuss Ruby and its features that make it so unique. We even explore frameworks for Ruby, like RSpec, MiniTest, and TestUnit. Then we discuss the step-by-step implementation of the ruby code and then run tests on Ruby. We have explained implementation in different frameworks.

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