Table of contents
Regular Expressions (RegEx) in Databases
Complex Pattern Matching
Flexible Data Validation
Text Extraction and Transformation
Advanced Querying
Data Cleansing and Normalization
Text Search in Full-Text Indexing
How to use Regex?
Pattern Matching
Data Validation
Data Extraction
Data Cleansing
Text Replacement
Case-Insensitive Search
Quantifiers supported in Regex
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use regex to extract specific parts of a string in SQL?
How do I perform a case-insensitive regex search in SQL?
Can I use regex to replace text in SQL?
Are regex patterns consistent across different database systems?
Can regex improve performance in SQL queries?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

How to Use Regex in SQL

Author Juhi Pathak
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Databases are organized collections of data stored electronically in a structured format. They are a central repository for storing, managing, and retrieving vast information. We need a mechanism to fetch specific data in a minimum time from such databases.

How to use REGEX in SQL

This article will discuss one such tool known as Regex.

Regular Expressions (RegEx) in Databases

Regular Expressions, commonly known as Regex, are powerful tools. They help us in finding particular words in big blocks of writing. They are like magical tools for databases because they can do lots of different things. SQL queries become even more powerful with RegEx because we can do tricky text stuff using special symbols and codes. Big databases such as MySQLPostgreSQL, and Oracle support regular expressions through special functions and operators.

With RegEx in SQL, smart developers can do all sorts of fun tasks. We can find words in texts, check if data looks right, take out info we want, and even change some words to new ones! It's like having a superhero that makes messy data clean and neat. Here are some good reasons why RegEx rocks in databases:

Complex Pattern Matching

Databases have tons of words and stuff, like logs, user info, emails, and web addresses. Regular methods to look for special words or patterns can be hard. But with RegEx, it's like magic! We can do cool searches and get exactly what we want from the text.

Flexible Data Validation

We want data to be correct and match some rules, especially when people type in stuff or bring data in. RegEx helps us make sure data is good. For example, we can check if emails, phone numbers, or credit card numbers look right. It's like having a cool checker for our data!

Text Extraction and Transformation

Sometimes, text in databases is all messy and jumbled. Regular Expressions can help us get the good stuff out of the mess. We can find the info we need and make it nice and tidy. It's like finding hidden treasure in a big pile of words!

Advanced Querying

SQL, the standard language for querying relational databases, offers powerful string functions for text manipulation. Developers gain access to more advanced querying capabilities by incorporating Regular Expressions into SQL queries. They can perform sophisticated search operations, retrieve specific patterns, and achieve complex data analysis tasks that would be challenging or impossible using standard SQL functions.

Data Cleansing and Normalization

Database data often comes from various sources and may contain inconsistencies, errors, or unexpected characters. Regular Expressions provide a robust toolset to clean and normalize data by identifying and replacing undesirable patterns. This ensures data consistency and accuracy in the database.

Text Search in Full-Text Indexing

Some databases support full-text indexing, efficiently searching text fields for specific keywords or phrases. Regular Expressions can be employed to define more intricate search patterns within these full-text indexes, delivering precise and relevant search results.

How to use Regex?

Here are some examples of how regular expressions (regex) can be used in SQL queries:

Pattern Matching

Regex allows you to search for specific patterns within text fields. For instance, suppose you have a table with a column containing product codes in the format "PROD-XXX" (e.g., PROD-123, PROD-456). You can use regex to find all rows that match this pattern:

  • SQL


SELECT product_name

FROM products

WHERE product_code REGEXP '^PROD-[0-9]{3}$';

Data Validation

Regex is useful for validating data formats. For example, you might have a table of phone numbers and want to ensure that all phone numbers follow a specific format, such as "XXX-XXX-XXXX". You can use regex to find invalid phone numbers:

  • SQL


SELECT phone_number

FROM contacts

WHERE phone_number NOT REGEXP '^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$';

Data Extraction

Regex allows you to extract specific information from text fields. Suppose you have a table with a column containing email addresses, and you want to extract the domain names from these addresses:

  • SQL


SELECT email,

       REGEXP_SUBSTR(email, '@(.+)$', 1, 1, NULL, 1) AS domain

FROM users;

Data Cleansing

Regex can be used to clean and format data. For instance, you might have a table with a column containing dates in different formats, and you want to standardize them to a specific format:

  • SQL


UPDATE orders

SET order_date = REGEXP_REPLACE(order_date, '(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})', '\3-\1-\2');

Text Replacement

Regex enables you to find and replace specific text patterns. Suppose you have a table with a column containing product descriptions, and you want to replace all occurrences of "old" with "new":

  • SQL


SELECT product_name,

       REGEXP_REPLACE(description, 'old', 'new') AS updated_description

FROM products;

Case-Insensitive Search

Regex allows you to perform case-insensitive searches. For example, you want to find all rows containing a specific word regardless of its case:

  • SQL


SELECT product_name

FROM products

WHERE product_description REGEXP '(?i)keyword';

Quantifiers supported in Regex

Here is a list of quantifiers used to create complex regular expressions and define the pattern.




It matches the beginning of the string.


It works on Alternation.


This groups items as a single item.


It is used for any single character.


It matches any string.


It matches any one character.


It is used to match 0 or more occurrences of some subexpression.


It is used for repetition of the previous item.


It makes sure that the match is present at the end of the string.


It matches 0 or 1 instance of the preceding string.

[ … ]

It matches any character present inside [].

[ ^… ]

It matches any character that is not inside [].


It matches any lowercase letter.


It matches any uppercase letter.


It matches any number from 0-9.


It matches the character class.


It matches exactly x occurrences.


It matches at least x occurrences.


It matches at least x and at most y occurrences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use regex to extract specific parts of a string in SQL?

Yes, you can use regex functions like REGEXP_SUBSTR to extract specific parts of a string based on a regex pattern. For example, to extract all words starting with 'user' in a column named 'description,' you can use: SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(description, 'user\S*', 1, 1) FROM table_name;

How do I perform a case-insensitive regex search in SQL?

To perform a case-insensitive regex search in SQL, you can use the 'i' flag as the third argument in the REGEXP_LIKE function. For example, to search for the word 'example' in a column named 'content' case-insensitively, use: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(content, 'example', 'i');

Can I use regex to replace text in SQL?

You can use the REGEXP_REPLACE function to replace text based on a regex pattern in SQL. For instance, to replace all occurrences of 'abc' with 'xyz' in a column named 'text,' use: SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(text, 'abc', 'xyz') FROM table_name;

Are regex patterns consistent across different database systems?

While the core concepts of regex are consistent, there might be slight differences in syntax and supported features across different database systems. Therefore, it's essential to refer to the specific documentation of your database system for regex functions and patterns.

Can regex improve performance in SQL queries?

Regex can be resource-intensive, especially for complex patterns and large datasets. Using regex judiciously and combining it with appropriate indexing and query optimization techniques can improve performance.


The article discussed Regex, which empowers developers and database administrators to perform complex data operations beyond traditional SQL functions' capabilities. Alright! So now that we have learned how to use Regex in SQL, you can refer to other similar articles.

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