Table of contents
Viewing Documentation🧐
Viewing Documentation For a Collection🤔
 Viewing API Documentation👩‍🏫
Viewing Public Documentation👨‍🎓
Linking to Public Documentation🚀
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Postman?
What is a collection in Postman?
How are the query params different from the path variables?
What kind of encoding does Postman support for authorization credentials?
Can Postman's global variables share the same names?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

How to View the Documentation in Postman

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Postman is the most popular API platform in the world. The features of Postman make it easier to complete each phase of creating an API and speed up teamwork, resulting in better APIs more quickly. Today, Postman is used by more than 20 million developers and 500,000 businesses worldwide.

OG image How to view documentation in Postman

The following article will explore how we can view and use the Postman documentation effectively. Let’s go! 🫡

Viewing Documentation🧐

Viewing documentation

You can use Postman's collections and APIs more effectively if you read the documentation. To find out more about a collection of requests or how to communicate with an API's endpoints, you can always consult the documentation.

A collection's or API's documentation is always private by default. Any collections or APIs that have been shared with you can have their documentation viewed directly or through a team workspace.

Authors of documentation may publish their work to make it accessible to the general audience. Using a web browser, anyone in the world can see public documentation. People can also access the connected collection in Postman if it is located in a shared workplace.

Viewing Documentation For a Collection🤔

Any collection you have created or shared with you has documentation available for you to use.

Members of the Postman team with the viewer role can read the documentation, while members of the editor role can add to and edit it. 

To access a collection's documentation-

  • Select a collection, folder, or request by clicking collections in the sidebar.
  • To view the documentation for the chosen item, select the documentation icon from the context bar.
  • Select view complete collection documentation to see all of the collection's documentation.
Documentation image

Each request has a description in the documentation along with all the relevant details. You can see sample code in a variety of client languages, as well as sample response headers and body, for each request.

To alter how the documentation looks, choose from the following options:

Release Tag - You can select a specific release to examine if the documentation has more than one release tag.

Language - Choose a language to use for the sample code.

Code Generation Settings - To alter the settings for the currently chosen language, click the settings icon.

Getting started

 Viewing API Documentation👩‍🏫

Any OpenAPI 3.0 schema specified in the API Builder is instantly converted into API documentation by Postman. To help users comprehend and interact with an API's endpoints, API developers can produce thorough documentation for each API.

To access an API's documentation-

  • In the sidebar, pick APIs, then choose an API and a version.
  • Choose the documentation tab.
  • Choose a source of documentation in the left pane-
  • Schema Documentation- To view a specific path or request, choose an API and an item. (Only OpenAPI 3.0 schemas have public schema documentation.)
  • Collection Documentation- To view a specific path or request, choose a linked collection and an item. Choose it from the language dropdown to obtain the sample code in that language.
Simple E-commerce Api Image

Viewing Public Documentation👨‍🎓

Postman provides online hosting for public documentation. Enter the documentation URL into your web browser's address bar to access the public documentation. During the publication process, Postman creates the URL.

Each entry includes-

  • A description of the request
  • The method and URL
  • The needed permission type 
  • Any headers or arguments.

Along with example response bodies and headers, Postman also offers sample client code for the request.

To alter the look of the documentation, use the choices in the header-

  • Release Tag - You can choose a specific release to examine if the documentation has more than one release tag.
  • Environment- You can choose an environment to fill in any variables if one was released along with the documentation.
  • Layout - Double column shows a column of sample code next to the documentation. 
  • Language- Decide which language will be used for the sample code.
  • Language Settings- Select the language settings icon to change the settings for any available languages.
SimpleKart image

Linking to Public Documentation🚀

Want to save a specific endpoint for later or share it with someone? You can bookmark links to the introduction, requests, folders, and responses in public documentation.

Select a section, folder, or request to store the link in the sidebar. The URL can be bookmarked or copied into your browser's address bar. The following time, you can link straight to the chosen area by using the URL.

Linking to public documentation image

We hope you understood everything on how to view and utilize the Postman documentation.🤗

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Postman?

Postman is a free software program based on the HTTP Client protocol. By leveraging GUI (Graphical User Interface), which can be executed and validate the responses, it provides testing of HTTP requests.

What is a collection in Postman?

A collection is used to group related requests. It aids in organizing the requests into folders in a systematic manner.

How are the query params different from the path variables?

Specific resources are identified using path variables, and the resources are sorted or filtered using query parameters.

What kind of encoding does Postman support for authorization credentials?

Postman accepts only Base64-encoded permission credentials. It comes standard with Postman. The third-party websites can convert the credentials to base64 format on third-party websites if we don't want to use an internal encoding mechanism.

Can Postman's global variables share the same names?

Global variables have a workspace-specific and constrained scope. Because of this, global scope variables cannot share names. Local variables can share names, but they must be a component of distinct variables.


This article taught us how to view the Postman documentation. We began with a brief introduction to the Postman, followed by a detailed explanation of the documentation.

After reading about how to view the documentation in Postman, refer to Postman documentationIntroduction to PostmanPostman for API testing, and Learn APIs (making APIs and JWT authentication) for a deeper understanding of Postman and other related topics.

Refer to our guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio to learn more about DSA, Competitive Programming, JavaScript, System Design, etc. Enroll in our courses and refer to the mock test and problems available. Take a look at the interview experiences and interview bundle for placement preparations.    

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