Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025

HP ALM Interview Questions

Author Ashish Sharma
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HP Application Life Cycle Management(ALM) is a web-based platform that helps organizations in managing the application lifecycle, from project planning, and requirements gathering to Testing and deployment, which would be time-consuming.

Many organizations are dependent on this tool to save time and effort spent on the project.

HP ALM Interview Questions

If you are preparing for a hp ALM interview in the future and are looking for a quick guide before your interview, then you have come to the right place. This article will discuss the top 30 HP ALM Interview questions, which consist of all types of HP ALM Interview questions.

Basic HP ALM Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is the full form of ALM?

Ans: Application Lifecycle Management. HP QC, which stands for Quality Center, is another option.

2. What is the purpose of ALM?

Ans: ALM controls project management. It can hold requirements, tests, and faults. You can also create reports to help you understand the project's overall status.

3. What is the objective of using the HP ALM tool?

Ans: HP ALM is a web-based test management tool that acts as an effective communication route amongst corporate stakeholders while testing online applications. The advantage of this tool is that it can be combined with automation tools like QTP, Loadrunner, and WinRunner to simplify the testing process.

4. Define ALM/Quality Center and why is it used.

Ans: ALM was known as Quality Center, a popular test management solution built with J2EE and a backend database such as MSSQL or ORACLE. It is a web-based platform that allows for communication and collaboration among various stakeholders. It also works with QTP, WinRunner, and LoadRunner.

5. How can HP QC 10.0 and HP ALM both exist on the same machine or client?

Ans: First, we should install HP QC 10.0, then HP ALM on the same workstation. Both versions can be used simultaneously, however, they should be used in different browser instances.

6. What is the difference between "Entity Graph" and "Business View Graph"?

Ans: Entity Graph is linked with a defect, a requirement, tests, test sets, or test runs. All of these fields are unique to an entity.

Business View Graph is linked to a single entity or a combination of a defect and a requirement or a defect and a test. Business view graphs contain useful information about the company.

7. Describe all five HP ALM modules.

Ans: The five hp ALM modules are:

Dashboard, Management, Requirements, Testing, and Defects are the five modules.

Dashboard: The dashboard is for reporting purposes.

Management: Management is where releases, cycles, and libraries are created.

Requirements: Requirements are where requirements are created and stored.

Testing: Testing is the process of creating and executing tests.

Defects: Defects are where you keep your defects.

8. Why should we use HP ALM?

Ans: HP-ALM supports organizations in managing project milestones, deliverables, and resources. It also helps to keep track of project health, a set of standards that allows product owners to evaluate the current state of the product. Understanding Quality Center's history, architecture, and process are necessary.

There are many stakeholders involved in a typical project and those are:

  • Tester
  • Business Analysts
  • Developer
  • Project Managers
  • Product Owners

These stakeholders carry out various tasks that must be conveyed to all team members.

The project will fail if we do not maintain a centralized repository to store, support, and track all product assets.

9. What are the advantages of traceability of requirements?

Ans: The Advantages of Traceability of Requirements track from links indicates needs that have an impact on a certain requirement. The trace to links indicator indicates which needs are affected by the selected requirement.

10. How does "HP ALM" evolve from "QC"?

Ans: Mercury Interactive renamed "Quality Center" to "Test Director" earlier.

It was renamed Quality Center in version 8.

When HP bought Mercury Interactive, it renamed it HP Quality Center.

From Version 11, Quality Center was renamed HP ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). The HP ALM solution helps us in managing the application lifecycle from project planning through requirement gathering to testing and deployment.

11. How can we use ALM to generate automated test scripts or performance test scripts?

Ans: ALM cannot be used to develop automated test scripts or performance test scripts. To accomplish this, we need to develop the scripts using HP Load Runner for performance test scripts and HP QTP/UFT for functional scripts.

Upload or store the above-created scripts into ALM, where they can subsequently be executed, monitored, scheduled, and reported.

12. Is it possible to export QC files to Excel/Word?

Ans: Right-click on a requirement in the requirement tab and select export to word or excel. This will import all of the child's needs that have been mapped to the parent.

Select any test script in the test plan tab and click on the design steps, right-click anywhere, and select save as an option to import a file as a local document.

 Select a child group and click on the execution group, then right-click anywhere and save it in the default Excel format.

 Right-click anywhere on the defects tab and choose the defects you want to import to Excel or select all.

13. Define the Test Resources Module and its Applications.

Ans: "Test Resources" helps users in dealing with resources used by automation scripts, performance scripts, or tests.

The excel file that was used to import tests into ALM can now be submitted to the test resources module. To test the resource tree, we can upload and download resources. Also, dependencies between resources, tests, and so on can be defined.

14. Can we save the outcomes of tests run in the Test Lab?

Ans: We don't require to do anything because all of the tests are saved automatically.

Remember that they may ask you on purpose about something that cannot be done in the program since it is either not necessary for the users or is done automatically by the software. The goal here is to avoid falling into the trap. If something cannot be done, simply state that it cannot be done.

Learn more: Spring boot interview questions

15. How can we get test cases from Excel into Quality Center?

Ans: To import test cases from Excel into Quality Center, follow these steps:

The Microsoft Excel Add-In for Quality Center must also be installed and configured.

We should transfer the columns in Excel to the columns in Quality Center.

Export the data from Excel by selecting the "Export to Quality Center" option.

Check for any errors.

Advanced HP ALM Interview Questions and Answers

16. Define Coverage Status and what does it do?

Ans: The percentage of testing covered at any particular time is referred to as the coverage status.

For example, if you have 100 test cases in a project and have completed 35 of them, your project's coverage state is 35%.

The coverage status helps to keep track of project deadlines.

17. How can Quality Center be used in real-time projects?

Ans: The following are the processes for using Quality Center in real-time projects:

Complete the test case preparation.

Load the test cases into the test plan module after exporting them into Quality Center.

Remove the test cases from the test plan tab and place them in the test lab module.

Execute the test cases and monitor the outcomes.

If we find any flaws, we should report them in the defect module.

18. In Quality Center, how do you map requirements to test cases?

Ans:  In QC, we can map the requirements to test cases:

  1. Select the coverage view from the requirements menu.
  2. Click on parent/child or grandchild to select the need.
  3. Another window will emerge on the right-hand side. There are two tabs:
  • Coverage of tests
  • Details

4. When you want to change the details then you should select the test coverage tab.

5. When you click the pick tests button, a new window will display on the right-hand side with a list of all tests. You can choose any test case to map to your criteria.

19. What is the purpose of Test Instance?

Ans: To run the test case, a test instance is necessary. We cannot run the test case directly in the lab; instead, we must run a test instance of that test case.

20. What is the Risk Category?

Ans: A risk category is a collection of potential risk factors. Under the analysis requirement, we determine the risk category for each assessment by two factors:

  • Business Criticality
  • Failure Probability.

To know more about SAP FICO Interview Questions by clicking here. 

21. What is the purpose of the Host Manager?

Ans: The host manager helps in the execution of a test on a host connected to our network. It displays a list of available hosts for test execution and groups them for a certain project.

22. Explain the Linking Defect to Quality Control Test.

Ans: In the defect grid, defects can be linked to tests. It is beneficial to perform the tests based on the defect's status. Defects can also be associated with other things, such as needs. Direct or indirect linking is possible. If the defect link is with an entity, Quality Control adds a direct link; otherwise, Quality Control adds an indirect link to the run step.

23. Is the status 'Not covered' and 'Not run' the same?

Ans: No, there is a variation between the status 'Not Covered' and 'Not Run.'

Not Covered requirements are those for which no test cases have been written, while Not Run requirements are those for which test cases have been written but have not been run/executed.

24. Explain Version management.

Ans: Version control is used to maintain track of changes made to entities in the project. To track changes, we can construct QC entities and maintain the prior version of those entities in the requirement.

25. Define libraries?

Ans: Libraries are a method of documenting development. Libraries can be used to track changes to requirements, resources, or test cases.

Assume I want to see how the requirements for a specific project have evolved. First, I would establish a library and describe the scope, which in this case would be all current project requirements. I would then assign that scope a baseline.  

Let's assume that a month has passed and you have defined the second baseline and assigned it to all of the project's requirements. The library feature allows you to compare baselines and examine how needs have changed, been added, or updated over time.

26. How can we enter data using HP Sprinter?

Ans: Sprinter is used for feeding the test data into the application to be tested by matching column names to their relevant field names.

  • We can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of manual testing with the help of Sprinter.
  • By matching the fields, many pieces of data are directly put into the program.
  • First, choose/decide which row to insert, and then click/tap on the "inject" icon. This just adds the data into the appropriate fields.

27. What is the Test Plan Unattached Folder?

Ans: There are two ways to remove a folder or test from the test plan tree. We can delete just that folder, its subfolders, and test as well. When we delete the only folder, all of the tests within it are relocated to the test plan tree's unattached folder.

28. Define Matching Defects?

Ans: Matching defects are used to eliminate duplicate defects from the project. Every time when we add a new defect, ALM stores the list of keywords from the Description fields and Summary. When we search for the same defects, keywords in those fields will be matched against other defects. 

There are two ways to look for comparable defects:

  • Finding Similar Defects compares a selected defect to all other defects in the project.
  • Finding Similar Text compares a given test string to all other defects in the project.

29. Define synchronizers?

Ans: Synchronizers are those which are used to copy data from one ALM source to another automatically. Assume you store your defects in HP ALM but the vendor uses Jira. You can use a synchronizer to copy defects from HP ALM and enter them into Jira (this works both ways).

30. Mention the use of sprinter data injection?

Ans: Sprinter allows you to enter test data into the application by matching column names with application field names.

We can insert many sets of data into the application with matching fields at the same time.

Select the row to insert and tap the inject icon to directly inject the data into the correct fields.


In this article, we have discussed hp ALM interview questions in detail. We started with a basic introduction to mean stack, then we discussed some easy hp ALM interview questions, medium hp ALM interview questions, and hard hp ALM interview questions.