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Why stack? 
Operations of Stack 
Implementation of Stacks
Implementing stack using array/vector
Let’s first use Arrays:
Now let’s discuss Vectors:
Implementing stack using LinkedList
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Implement std::stack in C++

Author Vidhi Singh
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You have missed your friends a lot. After such a long time, you all are finally meeting and going on a trip. So, you start packing for it. You place all the clothes first, and then at the top, you keep all your snacks as you know you will need them while travelling to reach your destination.

See, here you are using the concept of data structure stack unknowingly.

Why stack? 

Good question! Why do we even need stacks in computer science? 

See, there are numerous applications of stack. The reason being it organizes the data in a particular way that makes solving so many problems a lot easier. You may be surprised to know that recursion also makes use of a stack. The undo mechanism also makes use of the stack. 
Stack is a data structure that stores and organizes elements such that the element that gets stored last is the first one to be accessed. 
Let’s say you have a stack and insert a few elements in the order they appear only. The elements are Pizza, sandwiches, Fries, Chips. The way the stack will look after every insertion is as follows:

After 1st insertion:


After 2nd insertion:

After 3rd insertion:

After 4th insertion:

Basically, it follows the LIFO (Last In First Out) or FILO (First In Last Out) principle.
Similar to the arrangement of your bag. You have the snacks at the top. Snacks were last to be kept in the bag. Now, you will have to take them out first, even if you want a piece of clothing.

Operations of Stack 

Now that you are aware of how stack stores data. Let's move to what basic operations a stack offers. Let's fit these operations in some functions.

  1. push(): The push() function is used to insert data in the stack. Whatever data is added, it's on top. 
  2. pop(): The pop() deletes one element from the stack. Of course, that element is the topmost one. 
  3. top(): The top() function gives the value of the element which is present at the top of the stack. It is sometimes called peek(). 

In stack, you cannot access any random element. There is a sequence to that. Only the topmost element can be operated upon. That's the reason it is kept as a different data structure in itself.

Also Read - C++ Interview Questions

Implementation of Stacks

In this section, let's try to implement a stack.
There are two basic ways in which stacks are implemented. 

  • The first one is using arrays/vectors. 
  • The second one is using a linked list. 

One more thing: It is not necessary that elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, therefore, we should have some mechanism with which we can access the elements in the order we insert them. In other words, it should be implemented such that all operations should be performed as efficiently as possible.

Implementing stack using array/vector

Before we start implementing, I would like to make it clear that here the term arrays and vectors may be used interchangeably as by now you know that vectors are nothing but resizable arrays only.  
In case, the number of elements is known beforehand, use an array to store elements else use vectors.

Let’s first use Arrays:

Assuming that the maximum number of elements that our stack can hold is N (here 3). Since we are implementing it in C++, let’s use classes for it.

Defining the class: 

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define size 3 
class Stack
	int top;
	int stack_arr[size];
		void push(int value);
		void pop();
		void peek();
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Here, the variable ‘top’ keeps track of the topmost element and checks if the stack is full to its capacity. Functions push(), pop() and peek() are its member functions.
This implementation is specifically for the ‘int’ data type. It can be made similarly for other data types. Templates can also be used to make it generic. For the sake of understandability and simplicity, we have avoided using it.  
Now, let’s implement all the member functions.

  • Implementing push() function
void Stack::push(int value) 
	if(top==size)      //Checking if stack is already full
		cout<<"Stack is full\n";
		cout<<"Element inserted successfully\n";
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Here, first, we check if the stack is not already full. If so, we add the value of the data and make the ‘top’ variable pointing to the new element as it is on the top now. Whatever action is taken is conveyed to the user(like a good programmer would do!). Time-complexity of this function is O(1).

  • Implementing pop() function
void Stack::pop() 
	if(top==0)//Checking if stack is already empty
		cout<<"Stack already empty\n"; 
		top--; //shifting top 
		cout<<"Element deleted successfully\n";
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Here, in case the stack is not empty, the topmost element is deleted. You may argue that we cannot delete values from an array. Yes, that's true! We can’t. We are actually not deleting it, we are just giving the user the feeling that it has been deleted by shifting the position of the ‘top’ variable. Also, we convey the message to the user about whatever action is taken. Time-complexity of this function is O(1).

  • Implementing peek() function
void Stack::peek() 
	if(top==0)//If stack is empty 
		cout<<"Stack is empty\n";
		cout<<"The topmost element of stack is "<<stack_arr[top-1]<<"\n";
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It simply checks if the stack is not empty and then displays the topmost element. We have used ‘top-1’ because if you observe, ‘top’ points to the position where the next incoming element should be inserted. Time-complexity of this function is O(1).

Let’s dry run this:
Creating an object of class Stack:





“The stack is full” 



“The topmost element of the stack is 3”



“Element deleted successfully” 
“Element deleted successfully” 
“Element deleted successfully” 
“Stack already empty”


Now let’s discuss Vectors:

The difference while using vectors is that now no more variable like ’top’ is required. As deleting an element in a vector from memory is possible. We no longer have to abstractly remove the element, instead, the element is actually deleted. So, directly push_back() and pop_back() functions can be employed here.  

One feature that we get using vectors is size does not need to be initialized beforehand, but then it comes with a cost of time complexity of what vectors have. You might have observed that while implementing the LIFO or FILO property was taken utmost care, after all that’s the speciality of the stack. The reason that arrays/vectors are considered as one of the effective data structures to implement stacks is that elements are stored one after the other, which makes the implementation of all the operations easy and efficient. 

Implementing stack using LinkedList

A brief about LinkedList

A LinkedList can be thought of as a set of nodes where one node is pointing to the other. That’s how they remain together and represent data sequentially. There is some technique through which nodes have the ability to point to other nodes(Usually through pointers).  
What we use while implementing the stack is a singly linked list, where each node can point to one node only and point to the next node. It forms a linear structure somehow like shown below:



Here, also we will implement it with the help of the class. When we are using LinkedList for achieving this task, we don’t need to specify the size as dynamic allocation is happening. You will understand this as we move forward.

So defining the class below: 

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class node           //defining the node class
	int value; 
	node *next;     //pointer to next node
class Stack
	node *top;
		void push(int val);
		void pop();
		void peek();
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Here, an extra class called ‘node’ has been created that stores the value of every node(i.e., An element) and also points to the next node. 
node *top is the initialization that keeps track of the last inserted element. Member functions have the same functionality as earlier. 

1. Implementing push() function

void Stack::push(int val)
	node *temp=new node(val);        //creating a new node
	if(top==NULL)//Checking is stack is empty
	cout<<"Insertion successful\n";
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At first, we check if the stack is empty using the condition “if(top==NULL)”. Our task is to make incoming elements top to maintain the LIFO property. Time-complexity of this operation is O(1).

2. Implementing pop() function

void Stack::pop()
		cout<<"Stack is empty\n";
		node *temp=top;
		cout<<"Deletion successful\n";
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Here also, in case the stack is not already empty, the node with the most recent element is deleted, and accordingly, the top is updated. Time-complexity of this operation is O(1).

3. Implementing pop() function 

void Stack::peek()
		cout<<"Stack already empty\n";
		cout<<"The topmost element is "<<top->value<<"\n";
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It again checks for the emptiness of the stack and then displays the topmost value in the stack. Time-complexity of this operation is O(1).
Since there is extensive use of pointers, one needs to be very careful as they sometimes mess up the whole code if not used with utmost precision.

Apart from these two data structures, there are many others through which stack can be implemented. Some are queue, dequeue, etc. But these are the most basic ones and even beginners can easily understand them.

Must Read Stack Operations

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is stack a linear data structure?
    Yes, stack stores data in a linear fashion.
  2. What are real-life scenarios where the stack is present or used?
    Piles of plates and piles of books are two examples of stacks. Even water in a glass is a kind of stack.
  3. Can stack only be implemented through data structures other than arrays/vectors and singly-linked lists?
    Yes,  data structures like queue, deque, doubly LinkedList can also be used for its implementation of a stack.


This article explains how a stack, which is present as a library function in C++, can be implemented from scratch. Different data structures that help in doing so and their complexities. 

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We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding stacks and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on stacks in C++. You can also consider our Mern Stack Course to give your career an edge over others.

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