Table of contents
Problem Statement
Implementation in C++
Complexity Analysis
Frequently Asked Questions 
What do you mean by Push Relabel Algorithm, and What was the reason behind naming it as Push Relabel Algorithm?
What is Push Relabel Algorithm commonly known?
Name another algorithm that is similar to the Push Relabel Algorithm.
What is Graph?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Implementation of Push Relabel Algorithm

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We have already discussed an article on Introduction to the Push Relabel Algorithm. In this, we have discussed the Push Relabel algorithm. We have also covered the similarities and differences between the Push Relabel and Ford-Fulkerson algorithms. We also cover the Algorithm and the Complexity Analysis.

Implementation of Push Relabel Algorithm

So, Now let's discuss the Implementation of the Push Relabel algorithm. The Push Relabel algorithm is used to find the maximum flow of a flow network. 

Without delay, let's see the problem statement.

Problem Statement

A graph is given. It represents a flow network where every Edge has a capacity. Also, the two vertices in the graph are source 's' and sink 't.' We have to find the maximum possible flow from s to t. It should follow the following constraints.

  • Flow on Edge doesn't exceed the given capacity of the Edge. 
  • An incoming flow equals outgoing flow for every Vertex except s and t.


Let's see an example of the Push Relabel algorithm to understand it better.


Consider the following graph where S= Source and T= Sink.

Initially the Flow=0

Example Image 1

Let's take an augmenting path S->A->D->T and the neck capacity=8.

So. update the values of this augmenting path.

Example Image 2


Take an augmenting path S->C->D->T, and the neck capacity=2.

Then, update the values of this augmenting path.

Example Image 3


Take an augmenting path S->C->D->A->B->T and the neck capacity=4.

Then, update the values of this augmenting path.

Example Image 4


Take an augmenting path S->A->D->B->T and the neck capacity=2.

Then, update the values of this augmenting path.

Example Image 5

Take an augmenting path S->C->D->B->T and the neck capacity=3.

Then, update the values of this augmenting path.

Example Image 6

Hence, The flow=19.

Let's discuss the algorithm.


The algorithm is entirely based on the following three operations.

  • Initialize the graph with a preflow and the labelling functions with each edge outgoing from s with its maximal capacity and all other edges with zero.
  • Push() - We push as much excess flow from one Vertex u to a neighboring vertex v.
  • Relabel() - We will increase the Vertex's height when we cannot push the excess to any adjacent vertex. Also, we can expand it by as much as possible while still maintaining the validity of the labeling.

Implementation in C++

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct Edge
    int flow;
    int capacity;
    int u, v;
    Edge(int flow, int capacity, int u, int v)
        this->flow = flow;
        this->capacity = capacity;
        this->u = u;
        this->v = v;
struct Vertex
    int height, e_flow;
    Vertex(int height, int e_flow)
        this->height = height;
        this->e_flow = e_flow;
// To represent a flow network
class Graph
    int V;
    vector<Vertex> vertex;
    vector<Edge> edge;
    bool push(int u);
    void relabel(int u);
    void preflow(int source);
    void ReverseEdgeFlowUpdate(int i, int flow);
    Graph(int V);
    void addEdge(int u, int v, int w);
    int getMaximumFlow(int source, int sink);

Graph::Graph(int V)
    this->V = V;
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        vertex.push_back(Vertex(0, 0));

// To push flow from overflowing Vertex u
bool Graph::push(int u)
    for (int i=0; i <edge.size(); i++)
        if (edge[i].u == u)
            if (edge[i].flow == edge[i].capacity)
            if (vertex[u].height > vertex[edge[i].v].height)
                int flow = min(edge[i].capacity - edge[i].flow,
                vertex[u].e_flow = vertex[u].e_flow-flow;
                vertex[edge[i].v].e_flow = vertex[edge[i].v].e_flow + flow;
                edge[i].flow = edge[i].flow + flow;
                ReverseEdgeFlowUpdate(i, flow);
                return true;
    return false;
// function to Relabel vertex u
void Graph::relabel(int u)
    int maximum_height = INT_MAX;
    int n=edge.size();
    // To Find the adjacent with minimum height
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (edge[i].u == u)
            if (edge[i].flow == edge[i].capacity)
            // for Updating the minimum height
            if (vertex[edge[i].v].height < maximum_height)
                maximum_height = vertex[edge[i].v].height;
                // updating the height of u
                vertex[u].height = maximum_height + 1;
void Graph::preflow(int source)
    vertex[source].height = vertex.size();
    int n=edge.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (edge[i].u == source)
            edge[i].flow = edge[i].capacity;
            // Initialize excess flow for adjacent v
            vertex[edge[i].v].e_flow = vertex[edge[i].v].e_flow + edge[i].flow;
            edge.push_back(Edge(-edge[i].flow, 0, edge[i].v, source));
void Graph::addEdge(int u, int v, int capacity)
    edge.push_back(Edge(0, capacity, u, v));
// To Update reverse flow for flow added on ith Edge
void Graph::ReverseEdgeFlowUpdate(int i, int flow)
    int u = edge[i].v;
    int v = edge[i].u;
    int j=0, n=edge.size();
    while (j < n)
        if (edge[j].v == v && edge[j].u == u)
            edge[j].flow -= flow;
    // adding the reverse Edge in the residual graph
    Edge e = Edge(0, flow, u, v);

//Function to return an index of overflowing Vertex
int overFlowVertex(vector<Vertex>& vertex)
    int n=vertex.size();
    for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++)
       if (vertex[i].e_flow > 0)
            return i;
    return -1;

// The main function is to print the maximum flow of the graph
int Graph::getMaximumFlow(int source, int sink)
    while (overFlowVertex(vertex) != -1)
        int u = overFlowVertex(vertex);
        if (!push(u))
    return vertex.back().e_flow;

// Driver Code
int main()
    int V = 6;
    Graph g(V);
    g.addEdge(0, 1, 10);
    g.addEdge(0, 3, 10);
    g.addEdge(1, 3, 2);
    g.addEdge(1, 2, 4);
    g.addEdge(1, 4, 8);
    g.addEdge(3, 4, 9);
    g.addEdge(2, 5, 10);
    g.addEdge(4, 5, 10);
    g.addEdge(4, 2, 6);

    int source = 0, sink = 5;
    cout << "Maximum flow is " << g.getMaximumFlow(source, sink);
    return 0;
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Run Code


The maximum flow is 19

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity: There will be at most O(VE) saturating and O(V^2E) non-saturating pushes. 

Saturating pushes means a push where the total capacity of an edge is used. Non-saturating pushes a push where the total capacity of an edge is partially used. If we find the next Vertex with excess O(1) time, the overall time complexity is O(V^2E).

Also Read - Kadanes Algorithm

Now, let's discuss FAQs related to the Push Relabel Algorithm.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What do you mean by Push Relabel Algorithm, and What was the reason behind naming it as Push Relabel Algorithm?

Push Relabel Algorithm is an algorithm to find the maximum flow of a flow network.

In the "Push Relabel Algorithm," Push, and Relabel is the two primary functions of this algorithm.

What is Push Relabel Algorithm commonly known?

Push Relabel Algorithm is commonly known as Maximum flow or preflow Push Relabel Algorithm.

Name another algorithm that is similar to the Push Relabel Algorithm.

Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is similar to the Push Relabel Algorithm. It requires O(E^2V) time complexity which is more than the Push Relabel Algorithm, which requires O(V^2E).

What is Graph?

A graph is a non-linear data structure. It consists of vertices and edges.


We have discussed the Implementation of the Push Relabel Algorithm. We have also addressed the problem statement with the algorithm. At last, we have seen their time complexity and some related FAQs.

After reading about the Implementation of the Push Relabel Algorithm, are you not feeling excited to read/explore more articles on Data Structures and Algorithms? Don't worry; Coding Ninjas has you covered. See GraphBinary TreeBFS vs DFSCheck for Balanced Parentheses in an Expression, and Stack to learn.

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