Infosys Recruitment Process
The Infosys recruitment process is designed to assess a candidate's technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and aptitude for the role. The company typically looks for individuals who can adapt to a fast-paced, innovative work environment and deliver high-quality solutions. Whether you're a fresher or an experienced candidate, understanding the recruitment process is essential for your preparation. It usually consists of an online test, followed by technical and HR interviews, aimed at evaluating both technical expertise and soft skills.
Interview Process
The Infosys interview process is a multi-stage evaluation designed to test candidates on their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit within the company. For technical roles, the focus will be on your knowledge of programming languages, algorithms, and other domain-specific areas. For managerial or leadership positions, questions will also revolve around project management, decision-making, and teamwork. The interview process can vary depending on the role and level of experience but generally follows a structured path to identify the best talent.
Interview Rounds
Infosys typically conducts interviews in multiple rounds to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate. The first round is usually a technical interview where you are assessed on your core domain knowledge, programming skills, and ability to solve technical challenges. The next round is often a behavioral or HR interview, where the interviewer will ask questions to evaluate your communication skills, problem-solving approach, and overall fit for the company culture. In some cases, there may also be additional rounds focused on specific skills such as managerial or leadership competencies for senior roles.
What Is InfyTQ Certification?
InfyTQ is a certification program by Infosys that offers training and assessment in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and more. It is aimed at students and professionals who want to improve their technical skills and increase their employability. Through the InfyTQ platform, candidates can participate in learning modules, coding challenges, and quizzes to sharpen their expertise. The certification also serves as a gateway to job opportunities at Infosys, especially for fresh graduates, as those who successfully complete the program may be invited for interviews.
Infosys Technical Interview Questions
The Infosys interview questions - Techincal are to check your technical knowledge and basic computer programming skills. The topics generally are DBMS, OOPs, language-specific, operating system, computer networks, SQL, data structures and whatever else you have mentioned on your resume.
1. What do you understand by Polymorphism?
Polymorphism is the concept of having multiple functions or forms with the same name. There are two types of Polymorphism - Compile time and Run time Polymorphism. In C++, Compile time Polymorphism is achieved by function overloading and operator overloading, and Run time Polymorphism is achieved by function overriding, which is implemented using virtual functions.
2. How is encapsulation achieved in C++?
Encapsulation is the idea of wrapping up data in a single unit and hiding up the internal working of the data to the end-users. In C++, it is done using the three access specifiers - public, private and protected. When we set the data members as private, they can not be accessed outside the class, and to access them, we have to use getters and setters.
3. What are the four pillars of object-oriented programming?
Following are the four pillars of object-oriented programming:
- Encapsulation is the concept of wrapping up data in a single unit and hiding up the internal working of the data to the end-users.
- Inheritance is the capability of a class to inherit the properties and functions of another class leads to code reusability.
- Abstraction is the concept of hiding unnecessary information and only showing the relevant and important things upfront.
Polymorphism is the ability to have multiple functions or forms with the same name.
4. How is a drop command different from a truncate command?
Drop command is a DDL(data definition language) command used to delete a table or a view in a database. It removes the logical schema of the table or view from the database. In contrast, the truncate command is used to empty the table or view. In the truncate command, the table's schema is not removed from the table.
5. How is a candidate key different from a super key?
A super key is a collection of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies any tuple in a database. A candidate is a minimal super key. It is a set of one or more attributes that are necessary to uniquely identify any tuple. A candidate key is a minimum necessary subset of a super key.
6. What is Database Management System?
A Database Management System is a system tool that allows us to store, access, manipulate, and share data efficiently and conveniently. It makes the storage of related data and accesses easy.
7. What are the advantages of DBMS?
DBMS provides the following advantages:
- Data security
- Atomicity of update
- Concurrent access by multiple users
- Reduces Redundancy
- Ensures Consistency
- A mechanism for Recovery and Backup
Data Integrity
8. What are the different languages used to interact with databases?
We have Data Definition Language(DDL), Data manipulation language (DML), Data Control Language(DCL), Transaction Control Language(TCL).
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9. What are virtual functions and pure virtual functions?
- Virtual function: Virtual functions are used to achieve runtime polymorphism. A function has to be defined as virtual in the base class to let the pointer of the base class that is pointing to an object of the derived class use the functions of the derived class even in the presence of a function with the same name in the base class.
Pure virtual function: These are also defined in the base class. The syntax of defining a function as a base class is : virtual void function_name() = 0; If we define a function as a pure virtual function, then all the classes that inherit from this class have to have a function with the same name as that of the pure virtual function.
10. What are control statements or condition statements, or flow control methods in C++?
In C++, the program starts its execution with the main function and then execute line by line. Control statements are used to alter the flow of control in a program. Selection and iterative statements are used to control the flow of execution in a program.
The selection statements are for decision making based on a condition. This can be done using if-else statements and switch statements.
Iterative statements are used to repeatedly execute a certain part of the program until a condition is met. This is done by for loops, while loops and do-while loops.
11. What do you mean by an array?
An array is a data structure where the elements are stored linearly. It is used to store elements of the same type. The array elements are stored at contiguous memory locations.
12. What is the difference between 'a' and "a"?
In C++, single quotes are used to specify a single-letter character, whereas double quotes are used to specify a string that is a sequence of characters. Therefore, here 'a' means character a and "a" means a string a.
13. How are structure and class different?
A structure is a user-defined data structure used to group the data in a single unit. A class is defined as a collection of related data and functions wrapped in a single unit. A structure has limited functionality, whereas a class has all the object-oriented programming functionalities. A class can be inherited from another class, but a structure cannot. The access specifier of a class is private by default, and that of the structure is public.
14. What do you understand by Null pointer?
A null pointer in C++ is a pointer that does not point to any memory location. It specifies that the pointer is empty and does not point anywhere within the memory location. These are used to initialize a pointer with the same type.
15. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
The difference between TCP and UDP are :
- TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, whereas UDP is a connection-less protocol.
- TCP is more reliable than UDP because it guarantees data delivery to the destination.
- TCP provides an acknowledgment segment. UDP has no acknowledgment segment.
- TCP has better error-handling methods because it provides a flow control mechanism and acknowledgment. UDP has only basic error-handling methods using checksums.
A sequence is maintained in TCP, whereas no arrival sequence of data is maintained in UDP.
16. Tell the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?
- IPv4 has a 32-bit address length, whereas IPv6 has a 64-bit address length.
- IPv4 can generate 4.29 x 109 unique addresses, and IPv6 can be used to generate as large as 3.4 x 1038 unique addresses.
- Address representation in IPv4 is in decimals, and that in IPv6 is in hexadecimal.
- IPv4 is an older version, and IPv6 is the newer version.
The encryption and authentication facilities are not provided in IPv4, but IPv6 provides it.
17. How can you write a program to swap two numbers without using any temporary space?
A program to swap two numbers without using any temporary or extra space is: Suppose we are given two numbers, a and b, that we need to swap, then following three operations when done in order will swap these two numbers.
- a = a+b;
- b = a - b;
a = a - b;
18. What are the different access specifiers in C++?
In C++, we have public, private and protected access specifiers.
19. What do you mean by RDBMS?
RDBMS is an abbreviation for a relational database management system. It provides us with the tools and mechanism to store, access and manipulate our data with the help of queries(SQL). In RDBMS, all the data is stored in rows and columns in the form of a table.
20. What are triggers in SQL?
Triggers are the stored procedures that are invoked automatically when we insert, update or delete any data from any table in a database. These are used to minimize the anomalies that arise due to data manipulation.
21. What do you understand by SDLC(software development life cycle)?
Software development life cycle(SDLC) is an end-to-end process of software development, starting from the planning stage and ending with the maintenance phase. The stages in SDLC are :
- Planning
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Testing and Integration
22. What are any two differences between C++ and Java?
- C++ is a platform-dependent programming language that needs to be compiled for different platforms. In contrast, Java is platform-independent as java byte-code can be executed on any platform.
C++ is only a compiled language, whereas Java is both compiled and interpreted.
23. What do you understand by linked list?
Linked-list is a linear data structure where elements are stored at non-contiguous memory locations. Every node in a linked list consists of a data part and a link that gives the address of the next node in the given linked list.
24. What are the different levels of language?
The different levels of language include the following:
- Low-level language is the closest language to a machine and is understandable by machines. It is binary code that is 0 and 1. It is difficult for humans to code directly in a low-level language.
- Assembly level language: It uses some mnemonics to reduce the complexity of the programs, but it is still hard to code in it.
- Middle-level language: It is not as complex as the assembly level language, but it still requires knowledge of computer hardware. Examples of middle-level programming languages are C and C++.
High-level language: These are the highest level of programming languages closest to human language. It is not required to know computer hardware details and is comparatively easier to understand and learn. Examples are Python, Java, PHP, etc.
25. What is a real-time operating system?
A real-time operating system provides an interface between the user and the computer hardware. Real-time operating systems are meant to handle mission-critical tasks. They are highly responsive and has a fast processing time. However, the functionalities are limited and specific to the domain. Examples of real-time operating systems are robots, defence systems, air-traffic control, etc.
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Infosys Interview Questions - HR
The Infosys interview questions - HR are basic and aim to understand your thinking process and what do you prioritize, and how you behave in front of them. These are simple questions about yourself, your hobbies, strengths, and weaknesses and why they should consider you given the job profile.
Let's discuss some of the HR Infosys interview questions.
26. Tell me about yourself.
Here we can start with your name, education, and previous experiences(if any). This answer builds up your confidence and opens up questions for them to ask you.
27. What are your hobbies?
Talk about your hobbies and make sure that you know enough about the hobby you mention. Suppose if you say that your hobby is reading, then you must know about 4-5 Indian authors and their top works just in case the interviewer also enjoys reading.
28. Why are you not pursuing your hobby as a career?
The interviewer asks this tricky question to test your passion in the domain. The answer to the questions could say how you can use your knowledge in the field and do something for your hobby. For example, solving a problem that most people have in pursuing what your hobby is by using computer science. This shows how you can club your passion for computer science into your hobby.
29. Tell me a real-life situation where you emerged as a Leader.
Here you can describe any real-life situation that shows your leadership skills or an incident when you took the initiative.
30. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
To answer this question, you should be honest. Support your answer with some examples of why you think you have these strengths and weaknesses. Don't try to oversell and talk only about your strengths. Mention the weaknesses that don't affect the position you are giving the interview for. Mention the strengths that will help you in your position in the company.
Infosys Interview Preparation
Preparing for an Infosys interview requires a strategic approach, focusing on both technical and soft skills. Begin by understanding the job role and the key areas you will be tested on, such as programming, algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving for technical roles. Practice coding on platforms like HackerRank or LeetCode to sharpen your skills. For non-technical roles, focus on your domain knowledge, decision-making capabilities, and communication skills. Additionally, review common HR interview questions to prepare for the behavioral assessment.
Researching Infosys' work culture, recent projects, and technological focus can give you an edge in interviews. Mock interviews and sample questions can also help you build confidence. Lastly, be sure to revise core subjects relevant to your domain, and stay updated on the latest industry trends and technologies to show that you are well-prepared and adaptable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does taking a job at Infosys require a degree?
In the recent announcement, Infosys has announced that it will hire the candidates based on their skills and knowledge in the domain and having a degree certificate is not mandatory.
What is the difficulty level of interviews at Infosys?
The interviews at Infosys are moderately difficult. Any candidate with good technical and communication skills can easily crack the interview of Infosys.
What is the recruitment process at Infosys?
At Infosys, there are three rounds. The first round is the Online Assessment test, the second round is the technical interview, and the third round is the HR interview round.
Is Infosys an India-based company?
Yes, Infosys is an Indian-based IT company.
How many rounds are there in Infosys placement?
Infosys placement typically involves three main rounds: an online aptitude test, a technical interview, and an HR interview. Some positions may include additional rounds like coding tests or group discussions, depending on the specific role and requirements.
Why do you want to join Infosys?
I want to join Infosys for its global reputation, cutting-edge technology exposure, and excellent learning opportunities. The company's focus on innovation and professional growth aligns with my career goals, and I admire its commitment to ethical business practices.
How do I qualify for InfyTQ?
To qualify for InfyTQ, you must be a student pursuing a full-time B.E./B.Tech/M.E./M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc degree. Register on the InfyTQ platform, complete the required learning modules, and pass the certification exam with the specified score to become eligible.
How should I prepare for Infosys technical interview?
To prepare for Infosys technical interview, focus on core computer science concepts, data structures, and algorithms. Practice coding problems, review your projects, and be ready to explain your problem-solving approach. Stay updated on current tech trends and Infosys' focus areas.
In this article, We have discussed the most commonly asked Infosys interview questions. Securing a position at Infosys requires thorough preparation, both in technical and non-technical areas. By familiarizing yourself with the recruitment and interview process, as well as the type of questions commonly asked, you can increase your chances of success.
Recommended Readings:
Are you planning to ace the interviews of reputed product-based companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and more?
Check out Infosys Interview Experience to learn about their hiring process.
Attempt our Online Mock Test Series on Code360 now!
Happy Coding!