The syntax to set up the user-event testing library looks like this,
setup(options?: Options): UserEvent
Instead of using the above syntax, we can directly use the userEvent.setup function to create an instance of the user-event testing library. For example,
const set = userEvent.setup()
await set.keyboard(‘{Shift}{c}{o}{d}{e}’) //This will translate to: Shift, c, o,d, e
await // Perform a click with `shiftKey: true`
In the above example, we have combined the user-event with the Keyboard and the Click keyword.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Keyboard API?
Keyboard API is a very important API in testing libraries. The Keyboard API is used to stimulate multiple interactions with the keyboard. It can accept a String as the argument to describe the actions to be performed.
What are testing libraries?
The testing library is a collection of packages that helps the developer to test the UI components in a user-centric way.
What is the disadvantage of using Jest?
Although Jest is a compelling library, it is comparatively prolonged compared to other testing libraries.
What is DOM?
DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a cross-platform and language-independent interface for treating an XML or HTML document.
What is Jest?
Jest is a framework in JavaScript that is used for the testing purposes of large web applications. It is maintained by Facebook. Since Jest doesn’t require a lot of configuration, it is an excellent option to be used as a testing framework among new developers.
This blog covered all the necessary points about the installation and the setup of the user-event testing library. We further looked at code snippets to understand the installation and setup of the user event testing library. Do check out the blog on the various Ecosystems and Plugins present in the user-event testing library.If you are Preparing for interview and don't know where to start, we have got you covered, check out our expert curated courses on our website, You can also check out Coding Ninjas Studio to practice frequently asked interview problems. We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Android and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow. Happy Coding!"