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Web development frequently uses Ruby, an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It also provides a wealth of scripting options for managing system operations and processing plain text and serialized files. It is easy to use, straightforward, and expandable.
No matter how great Ruby is, if it isn't installed on your machine, you won't be able to do much with it. The downloading and Installing Ruby on Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The enterprise Linux operating system (OS) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) was created for the corporate industry. Thousands of suppliers and clouds have certified RHEL, formerly Red Hat Linux Advanced Server.
RHEL offers consumers an environment-agnostic basis that is dependable and consistent. It has all the capabilities required to provide workloads and application services quickly. Like all Linux distributions, RHEL is built using a free, open-source model.
The YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified) installation manager and the Red Hat Package Manager(rpm) are used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora Linux. The first step is to check and see if Ruby is already installed in our system.
Fedora Linux
Fedora is a popular Linux-based open source operating system. Fedora is intended to be a safe, general-purpose operating system. Under the auspices of the Fedora Project, the operating system is developed on a six-month release cycle. Red Hat is the sponsor of Fedora.
Steps for Installing Ruby on Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Linux
Following are the Steps for installing Ruby on Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Linux:
Check Whether Ruby is Installed or Not
We must first use the following command to install all the prerequisite packages for installing Ruby on our system.
rpm -q ruby
package ruby is not installed
Install Yum Update Manager
The yum update manager can be used to install Ruby if it isn't already there. The following steps will need the superuser password because this must be done as root:
su -
yum install ruby
Check Ruby Package
Using the yum tool, we can find the ruby package and any other packages that Ruby needs, and we’ll be prompted to install them on our system:
We can use the rpm command again to check that the package has been installed after the installation is complete:
rpm -q ruby
Ruby Installed
You can also check that Ruby is installed by running it with the command line option to display version information:
ruby -v
ruby 1.8.1 (2003-12-25) [i386-linux-gnu]
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of Linux?
Linux is used in the following applications: Server operating systems were used on web servers, database servers, file servers, email servers, and other shared servers.
Why is Linux superior to Windows?
Linux is very light, whereas Windows is heavy. Many programs tend to run in the background in Windows, consuming RAM. Second, the file system in Linux is exceptionally well organized.
What is the purpose of Red Hat Linux?
Red Hat is a significant contributor to the Linux kernel and related technologies in the open source community.
What is the purpose of Fedora?
Fedora is a popular Linux-based open source operating system. Fedora is intended to be a safe, general-purpose operating system.
Why is Fedora so fast?
Fedora is a fast-paced distribution that stays innovative by developing and integrating cutting-edge free and open source software, software libraries, and tools.
In this article, we have learned about red hat enterprise, fedora Linux and installing Ruby on Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Linux.