Jenkins Integration in Postman
Integrating Jenkins for an API in Postman requires the creation of an API token. To generate a Jenkins API token:
Step 1: Sign in to Jenkins, click on your username and select Configure.
Step 2: Click on Add new token.

Step 3: Enter a token name and click on Generate.
Configure Jenkins integration for an API by selecting it from the APIs section in the sidebar. Note that each API version can link to a separate CI project. So choose the API with the required version.
Step 1: Select Jenkins under Connect to CI/CD Builds in the Test tab.

Step 2: Enter a name for the integration and the URL to a Jenkins server.
Step 3: Enter your Jenkins username. Enter the generated API token as the Authentication token.
Step 4: Select the CI project for the API and click on Connect.

All information about build jobs is listed under CI/CD Builds in the Test tab.
Postman with Newman and Jenkins
Newman is a command-line Collection Runner that enables users to test and run Postman Collections. It is extensible and can be integrated with continuous integration servers. Using Newman, users can also run Postman collections with the API tests as part of a Jenkins pipeline. Let us see how to set up a Jenkins build that uses Newman for a Collection run. In this case, Jenkins will run locally, and the build will be marked successful only if the collection passes all the tests.
Jenkins Setup and run
Step 1: Install Jenkins and start it locally.
Step 2: Install Node.js and Newman in Jenkins.
Step 3: Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins and install the NodeJS plugin in the Jenkins server.
Step 4: Select Add NodeJS under NodeJS in Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration.
Step 5: Give a name for the installation.
Step 6: Enter “Newman” in Global npm packages to install. Click on Save.
Step 7: Export a ready-to-run Postman collection as a JSON file.
Step 8: Create a new job by clicking on New Item in the Jenkins dashboard on the local server.
Step 9: Select a Freestyle Project and give it a name.
Step 10: Go to General > Build and add a build step in the project. Choose Execute Shell and enter a shell command to run the collection.
newman run ~/Desktop/jenkins_postman_collection.json
Step 11: Under Build Environment, click on Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH and choose the installed NodeJS configured with Newman.
Generating Newman reports
Analysing results and console output logs can be quite difficult and tedious. Jenkins plugin offers solutions to generate rebuild results as graphical reports for easy understanding. Jenkin plugins can also give a detailed overview of the entire build process. Newman also has a few report-generating commands.
CLI and JUNIT reporters are used to generate Newman reports in Jenkins. The report generating command is attached at the end of the run command in Newman.
newman run <Collection> --reporters cli,junit
Users can also specify a path to store the Newman report on Jenkins. The command for this is
newman run <Collection> --reporters cli,junit -reporter-junit-export "newman/myreport.xml"
Users can view XML results generated by Newman under the Workspace folder.
To publish HTML reports, we require the HTML publisher Plugin in Jenkins. It can be found under Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. We can generate HTML reports by adding “– reporters html” to the run command. To export the HTML report, add “--reporter-html-export :"newman/myHTMLreport.html".
Configuring Newman for Jenkins
To configure Newman for Jenkins, generate the Newman configuration code in Postman and add it to the Jenkins pipeline.
Step 1:Select View Builds under CI/CD Builds in the Test tab. Click on Configure Newman.
Step 2: Select a collection to run and copy the Newman configuration code. Click on Finish.
Step 3: Open the pipeline project in Jenkins and go to Configure.
Step 4: Paste the copied Newman configuration code as the Pipeline script. Enter the code with the proper NodeJS tool name and valid Postman API key.
Step 5: Click Save and run the pipeline with the new configuration.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Freestyle project in Jenkins?
A freestyle project can run any build, including shell scripts, dos scripts, etc. It can be used to perform build server work like continuous builds and perform tests or repetitive batch tasks. Freestyle projects are very flexible and can work with the majority of plugins in Jenkins.
What is the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment?
Continuous delivery requires manual approval to update to production, while continuous deployment does it automatically without approval. In continuous deployment, the code is pushed for without involving the developer.
What is a Postman API key, and how to generate it?
A Postman API key is required to send requests to the Postman API. The Postman API keys page can be displayed by going to Settings > Postman API keys. Users can generate an API key if they do not have one by giving a name for the key and clicking on Generate API key.
This blog discusses the integration of Postman with Jenkins. It briefly explains the use of Jenkins to run pipelines and how to use it with Postman and Newman to perform collection runs. We also covered how to configure Newman for Jenkins and generate Newman reports. Check out our articles on Run in Postman, Scripts in Postman and Using Collection runner in Postman. Explore our Library on Coding Ninjas Studio to gain knowledge on Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing and many more! Test your coding skills by solving our test series and participating in the contests hosted on Coding Ninjas Studio!
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