Table of contents
Available Integrations
🔥 AWS API Gateway
🔥 Azure DevOps
🔥 BigPanda
🔥 Bigbucket Pipelines
🔥 CircleCI
🔥 DropBox
🔥 GitLab
🔥 Jenkins
🔥 APIMatic
APIMatic with Postman
Configuring an API Integration
Information about the Integration
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Postman Share Collections?
What does Postman's Payload mean?
Are Postman collections public?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Integrations Available on Postman

Author Nidhi Kumari
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Together with business partners, the Postman team creates an open ecosystem. It enables connections for your API projects. Using integrations, you may automatically share information. You can also share functionality between Postman and other tools you may need for developing APIs.

Integrations Available on Postman

This article will give insight into the integration available in postman. We will learn about the APIMatic integration in Postman.

Available Integrations

There are almost 28 integrations available in Postman. We will discuss some of the critical integrations one by one and provide a detailed explanation of configuring an API integration.

🔥 AWS API Gateway

We can connect the AWS API gateway with the Postman API Builder. The Deployments tab in the API Builder allows you to view stage information and deployment history after connecting your API to API Gateway. Both HTTP and REST APIs can use OpenAPI 3.0 schemas. 

🔥 Azure DevOps

Using Postman to Azure DevOps integration, we can sync our Postman APIs with Azure DevOps open-source Git repository manager.

You must log in to Azure DevOps and configure how you want to back up your collections before you can set up an Azure DevOps integration.

🔥 BigPanda

It is an IT system management platform. It sends all alerts to a single location with numerous connected services.

Getting an API key and setting up Postman monitoring is necessary for setting up a BigPanda integration.

You can view real-time alerts depending on the output of your Postman monitors after configuring the integration.

🔥 Bigbucket Pipelines

It is a CI and CD service. The Dev team can use it to build, test and deploy the codes. 

🧩 Step 1: Create a pipeline in Bitbucket first.

🧩 Step 2: Configure your API in Postman to set it up for your API. 

After configuring the integration, Postman will be the only place from which you can see the status of builds or begin a new build.

🔥 CircleCI

It is a cloud-based CI or CD Platform. To set up CircleCI connectivity for your API, follow the following steps: 

🧩 Step 1: Create an API token in CircleCI first.

🧩 Step 2: Configure your API in Postman.

After configuring, Postman will be the only place from which you can see the status of builds or begin a new build.

🔥 DropBox

Back up and sync your Postman Collections on Dropbox for 

📝  File sharing.

📝  Storage.

📝  Collaboration.

We can keep the Postman Collections and other project files together in one place thanks to the smooth Postman to Dropbox interface.

🔥 GitLab

You can back up your Postman Collections using this integration. The required steps in setting up are as follows:

🧩 Step 1: Obtaining a GitLab Personal Access Token.

🧩 Step 2: Configuring how you want to back up your collections.

🔥 Jenkins

To set up a Jenkins integration for your API, consider the following steps:

🧩 Step 1: Create an API token in Jenkins first.

🧩 Step 2: Configure your API.

🧩 Step 3: Postman will be the only place from which you can see the status of builds or begin a new build.

🔥 APIMatic

APIMatic is a platform for web API developers. Its goal is to increase developer productivity by using automatic code creation.

It is a platform for API documentation that offers all DX components, including automatically created SDKs, an API portal, API docs, and live code samples.


APIMatic with Postman

🧩 Step 1:The APIMatic integration for Postman transforms a Postman Collection into a format for an API description, such as:

📝 Swagger.


📝 API Blueprint. 

🧩 Step 2: It automatically backs up the resulting file on GitHub regularly.


You'll need the following to set up an APIMatic integration with Postman:

🔷 An APIMatic Account.

🔷 A Github Account.

🔷 An APIMatic Integration Key.

🔷 A GitHub repository where you can store backup copies of your collection.

Configuring an API Integration

Periodically backing up a collection to a GitHub repository, follow the following steps:

🧩 Step 1: Select the Integrations field on the Postman Home page.

Integrations Field

🧩 Step 2: Enter APIMatic in the search box, then choose the item that appears.

Search Box

🧩 Step 3: Select the Request an Integration button.

🧩 Step 4: A new Authorize Postman page will appear in your browser, granting Postman access to your GitHub repositories. Choose Authorize postmanlabs. The page will instruct you to close the tab and continue in Postman after completion of the authorization process.

Note: You will be requested to sign in if you are not already signed in to GitHub.

🧩 Step 5: Enter the information about the integration in Postman. We will discuss all the information in the coming section.

🧩 Step 6: Select the Add Integration option.

Add Integration

Select the integration once it has been created to examine its information, including a run log.

Information about the Integration

Let’s discuss all the pieces of information required in the integration field to configure an API Integration.

💡APIMatic Key: Enter the info of your APIMatic Integration key.

💡Choose Collection: Choose the Postman Collection you wish to backup by clicking on it.

💡Choose Format: Select the backup format you want to use for the collection.

💡Choose Repository: Select Repository to choose the GitHub repository where you want to store your collection's backups.

💡Choose Workspace: Decide which Postman workspace your desired collection is a part of.

💡Enter Branch: Enter the GitHub branch name where you want to back up the collection. The integration process will fail if you supply an incorrect branch name, and this branch must already be present.

💡Enter Directory: Include the GitHub repository directory where you want to back up your collection. When you add the integration, one will be created if a directory with that name doesn't already exist.

💡Enter Filename: Give the backup file a name.

💡Nickname: Create a nickname for your process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Postman Share Collections?

You can follow the steps: On the Postman app, go to the collection section. -> Then select "Share Collection." -> Choose the browser option now. -> Select the "Collections" tab. -> Distribute the Collection.

What does Postman's Payload mean?

The body of your request and response messages is known as the payload of an API module. The information you submit to the server while performing an API request is inside. The Payload can be sent and received in a variety of forms, such as XML or JSON.

Are Postman collections public?

Using a web browser, anyone in the world can see public documentation. People can also access the connected collection in Postman if it is located in a shared workplace.


We have discussed the integration available on postman. We have discussed various available integrations with the steps to set up the integrations.  Further, we discussed the configuration of API Integration. We also discussed the complete information on APIMatic Integration in Postman.

We hope this blog has helped you. We recommend you to visit our articles on different topics of Postman, such as

🔥 How to install and set up postman

🔥 How to use postman

🔥 Take a look at the cheatsheet of Postman Commands

🔥 What are the assertions in Postman

You may also like our articles related to Web testing and APIs:


🔥 API Testing

🔥 Web Testing

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