Last updated: Jun 13, 2022

Internet of Things

IoT has become a large part of our daily lives now without us even knowing, it is almost impossible to live without our devices in this modern era, web-enabled devices make everything possible and easy for us these days, every web-enabled device or a smart device is connected to the internet or the intranet of devices, this module will guide you to the world of Internet of things where we'll touch upon its major aspects, and how IoT is changing the world, Happy learning Ninjas!!

Introduction to IoT

Over the past few years, technology has improved drastically and with this has increased the human urge to have everything at hand has also increased, people may have different opinions about this, but looking from a technological point of view we’ve come a long way, automated homes, electric vehicles, smart healthcare, smart appliances, these keywords have become very popular, but what are they exactly and what is their backbone which not only combines these different fields together but is a separate field in itself in which has its own challenges and advantages, this field combines conventional and nonconventional areas of engineering and sciences together, combines both hardware and software, makes an interconnection between devices and becomes the “Internet of Things”. This section introduces you to the world of the Internet of Things and gives you a basic idea about how it works, what are its layers, what challenges we face in this field, its future scope, and much more!!

IoT Environment

An IoT system consists of many things, keeping the IoT layer model aside, there are several things and protocols that need a special mention, these are the things that make a basic IoT environment, these protocols are famous in the developer community and if one must learn about IoT they need to have a good understanding of these protocols. So we’re gonna look at some of these protocols, and understand their roles and advantages over each other. Additionally, we’re going to cover some basic aspects of IoT hardware as well.

Sensors and Actuators

One of the main components of IoT devices is its hardware part, as the very definition of IoT refers to the link between hardware and software, but how do you actually link these two, processors or computers only process the signals and computations digitally, but where do they actually pick up physical signals or provides the response which processor gives?? This work is done by Sensors and Actuators, read this section to know more about these physical components which form a major part of IoT.
What is a control system? MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss about control systems, their types, implementation, applications, importance, advantages, disadvantages, and so on.
Sensors Characteristics EASY
This article discusses characteristics of sensors i.e. static and dynamic sensors. Check out the different features of sensors in detail.
Choosing the best sensor for the job EASY
In this article, we will discuss what sensors are and what are ways to choose the best sensor for a given job.
Choose the right Actuator
This blog discusses all the factors involved in selecting the right actuator.
Sensors vs Actuators
This blog discusses sensors and actuators in IoT. It highlights the key differences between the two along with their applications.

IoT Communication

IoT communication is one of the most important aspects of learning the Internet of Things, communication, in general, is probably the most important part of humans too, we can communicate effectively with each other that’s why we are the most intelligent species on earth, we communicate to exchange ideas, thoughts and to make our point, and making a machine or a device that can communicate with other devices is one of the most challenging parts, but rewarding too. Inspiration to make machines comes from our deep knowledge of nature. We try to mimic nature in our artificial work, and that’s why our work is effective too. So we can say that without proper and effective communication there’s no Internet of Things. In this section, we’ll learn about some effective communication protocols and learn them in detail and see where we can apply them.
MQTT Protocol
This blog will help you enhance your knowledge about the MQTT protocol and its architecture. It briefly explains the features offered by the MQTT protocol and how it is being adopted in real-world applications. To know more, read on!
CoAP Protocol MEDIUM
This blog explains the working of the CoAP Protocol in IoT development.
AMQP Protocol EASY
This blog will be having a detailed discussion on the concept of IoT environment, AMQP Protocols, working of the AMQP Protocol in IoT development, its architecture, features and advantages.
DDS Protocol
This blog will help you enhance your knowledge about the DDS protocol and its architecture. It briefly explains the features offered by the DDS protocol and how it is being adopted in real-world applications. To know more, read on!
WebSockets EASY
This article extensively explains WebSockets, their properties, and their working.
This Article will revolve around the Wi-Fi protocol in IoT, its importance, features, and applications.
Bluetooth With IoT EASY
This Article will revolve around Bluetooth in IoT, its specifications, advantages, and disadvantages.
This article will take you through ZigBee, ZigBee protocol, its features, and applications.
Z-Wave in IoT
In this article, we extensively discuss the role of Z-Wave in IoT, its structure, applications and its benefits and drawbacks
LoRa and LoRaWAN for IoT EASY
In this article, we will learn about LoRa and LoRaWAN and the features and applications of LoRaWAN.
ZigBee vs WiFi
This blog gives an overview of the differences between ZigBee vs. Wifi and their pros and cons
In this article, we will understand what RFID is, how it works, and learn about its essential role in IoT.
Comparison of IoT Protocols and which one to choose? EASY
This blog will give a detailed Comparison of IoT Protocols and their pros and cons to help you understand which one to choose.

Trends in IoT

IoT is a comparatively new field and it’s growing day by day, there’s a lot of research going on in this field now and various subfields have emerged from it. What will be the future of IoT and the human race, is there more to come? Or have we peaked already in technological advancements? Will electric cars take over by 2030? Will there be robots like Star Wars? These questions may come to our mind, so this section is designed to specifically answer such questions and tell us more about the current and future trends in IoT!!
Electric Vehicles and IoT EASY
n this article, we discuss Electric vehicles and how they use IoT.
IoT and Smart Farming EASY
This article discusses smart farming and role of IoT in it.
IoT in rural development
In this article, we extensively discuss the role of IoT in rural development, its benefits and its applications
IoT and Home Automation EASY
This article discusses the IoT, Home Automation, and how IoT is involved in Home Automation.
IoT in Healthcare
In this article, we extensively discuss the role of IoT in healthcare, its benefits and its applications.
IoT in Workspace Safety EASY
This blog will discuss the importance of the internet of things in maintaining workplace safety, along with its use cases and future scopes.
IoT in media and entertainment
In this article, you will understand what IoT is and learn about its essential role in media and entertainment
This article aims to understand the IIoT.