Last updated: Dec 10, 2021


Introduction to every Machine Learning concept and application, including real-world examples, code implementation, and mathematical theory. Learn about the fundamental differences, types, and implementation.
Data Science VS Artificial Intelligence VS Machine Learning VS Deep Learning
I hope you are doing well. In this blog, we will learn the aspects of data and the process which converts it into a structured format. We will also compare data science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.
What is Machine Learning? MEDIUM
This article will give you a complete introduction to machine learning, its types, models, features, tools, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, applications, and future scope.
Author Tashmit
How does Machine Learning work?
In this blog, we’ll learn about how machine learning works, its types, applications, and its importance.
Types of Machine learning EASY
This article explores and explains the types of machine learning in complete detail.
Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2023 MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and also check out the top applications of Artificial Intelligence in 2023 in detail.
Heuristic Search Techniques in Artificial Intelligence EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Heuristic Search Techniques in Artificial Intelligence. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, types, and much more for better understanding.
Subsets Of Artificial Intelligence EASY
This article explores the various subsets of Artificial Intelligence, shedding light on their diversity and applications.
Author Arya27
Bagging Machine Learning MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Bagging Machine Learning. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
Hill Climbing Algorithm in AI EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Hill Climbing Algorithm. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence EASY
Explore the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence and learn how AI empowers machines to make decisions and predictions efficiently.
Problem Characteristics in AI EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Problem Characteristics in AI. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, examples, and much more for better understanding.
Artificial Intelligence Salary in India
This article discusses different careers in AI, the skills they need, and their expected salaries.
Alpha Beta Pruning MEDIUM
Alpha beta pruning in Artificial Intelligence is a way of improving the minimax algorithm. It is a famous backtracking algorithm used in decision-making.
State Space Search in Artificial Intelligence MEDIUM
State space search is a strategy used in Artificial Intelligence to find a path to a goal when there are many possibilities to consider.
Hidden Markov Model in Machine Learning EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Hidden Markov Model in Machine Learning. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, types, and much more for better understanding.
First-Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence EASY
In this article, we will discuss First-Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence, Notations, Quantifiers and Resolution in Artificial Intelligence.
Asymmetric Key Cryptography MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Asymmetric Key Cryptography. We will learn about its characteristics, features, and much more for better understanding.
Predicate Logic In AI MEDIUM
Predicate Logic or First-Order Logic (FOL) is used to represent complex expressions in easier forms using predicates, variables, and quantifiers.
Philosophy of AI
In this blog, we will discuss the philosophy of AI. We will also explore the differences between strong and weak AI.
Expert System in Artificial Intelligence (AI) MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss the expert systems developed with the help of artificial intelligence in detail along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Underfitting and Overfitting in ML EASY
The objective of this blog is to understand what is underfitting and overfitting in ML.
Top 20 A.I Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas in 2024 EASY
This article discuss the Top 20 A.I Artificial Intelligence projects in 2024 for beginners, intermediate and advanced.
Production System in AI EASY
A production system in AI refers to a computer-based system that is designed to automate and manage the production or execution of some process.
Artificial Intelligence Questions MEDIUM
This article compiles the most asked artificial intelligence interview questions. Dive in and elevate your AI knowledge to ace your AI interviews.
Future of Artificial Intelligence EASY
The bright future of artificial intelligence has the potential to drive advancements in autonomous vehicles across multiple industries.
Agent in Artificial Intelligence EASY
Explore agent in artificial intelligence: how they work, structure, functions, and challenges. Learn about types of agents in AI, PEAS representation, and examples.
Adversarial Search in Artificial Intelligence MEDIUM
In this article, we'll look at Adversarial Search in Artificial Intelligence, different game scenarios using adversarial search, and its need in artificial intelligence.
Forward Chaining and backward chaining in AI
This blog discusses the concept of forward and backward chaining in AI with their examples in detail. Explore Forward Chaining and backward chaining in AI with advantages and disadvantages.
Non-Linear Planning in AI
The article will discuss non-linear planning in AI, explore its components and heuristics, and discover how it revolutionizes decision-making and flexibility.
12 Most Used Machine Learning Algorithms in Python MEDIUM
Top Machine Learning Algorithms 1. Naive Bayes 2. Decision Tree 3. Random Forest 4. Logistic Regression 5. Linear Regression
Data Science vs Machine Learning EASY
In this article, we will learn the difference between Data Science and Machine Learning.