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Table of contents
What is Backtracking?
Sample Example
Types of Backtracking
Pseudo Code for Backtracking
Backtracking vs Brute-force Approach
Backtracking vs Recursion
How to decide when to use Backtracking?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Backtracking?
Is backtracking DFS or bfs?
What is backtracking in automata?
Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024

Introduction To Backtracking

Author Neha Chauhan


There are many Problem Solving Strategies like the Brute-force approach, dynamic programming approach, and recursive approach. One such strategy is the Backtracking approach. Backtracking can be defined as a strategy that, searches for every possible technique to solve a problem, abandoning a technique if it does not seem to give a feasible solution.

introduction to backtracking

In this article, we will give an introduction to Backtracking.

What is Backtracking?

Backtracking is a problem-solving strategy for finding all the solutions to a problem, by rejecting the solutions that do not satisfy the given constraint. In Backtracking, we pick a path and start solving the problem along that path. At any point in time, if we find that the path is leading to an invalid solution, we stop moving along that path and return back to explore other paths.

Sample Example

We want to find different ways in which three shapes (a diamond, a square and a triangle) can be arranged in a sequence, given the triangle should never be in the middle.

All the possibilities are:

Diamond, SquareTriangle.




The state space tree is shown below:

example of backtracking

Say we choose the diamond to be the first in the sequence. We will have two options for the second place - a square and a triangle. If we choose the square as the second element then the third element will be the triangle. As this sequence obeys the constraint, we accept it as a valid solution. We cannot choose the triangle as the second element, so we abandon this solution.

In the above example, we backtracked when we encountered a situation (the triangle as the second element) that did not satisfy our condition (the triangle should not be the middle element). 

There is a similar problem - Identify various permutations of a string that can help in understanding the problem and its solution in detail. 

We can make some observations about Backtracking from the above example: 

1️⃣ The problem must have a constraint.

2️⃣ The problem might have more than one solution.

Types of Backtracking


Backtracking tries to search each and every possible combination of solutions at each step to solve.

We have three different types of classic problems in backtracking, which are as follows:

  • Enumeration problems:- In these kinds of problems, we tend to find all the feasible solutions.
  • Decision problems:- In these kinds of problems, we tend to find one feasible solution.
  • Optimization problems:- In these kinds of problems, we tend to find the best-optimized solution

Pseudo Code for Backtracking

Recursive Code

void exploreSolutions(n, params) :
    if (found a solution) :
        totalSolutions = totalSolutions + 1;
        if (totalSolutions >= solutionTarget) : 
        return true;

    for (val in array of possibilities) :
        if (doesSatisfyConstraints(val, n, params)) :
            appendValue(val, n);
            bool result = exploreSolutions(n + 1, params);
	if (result == false)
            	removeValue(val, n);
    return false;


Finding whether a solution exists or not

boolean checkSolution(n, params) :
    if (found a solution) :
        return true;

    for (val in array of possibilities) :
        if (doesSatisfyConstraints(val, n)) :
            appendValue(val, n);
            if (findSolutions(n+1, other params) is true)
                return true;
            removeValue(val, n);
     return false;
Pseudo Code for Backtracking

Backtracking vs Brute-force Approach

Do not confuse Backtracking with the Brute-force approach. In the Brute-force approach, we explore all the options till the end, after which we check if the final answer is the desired solution. In Backtracking, we stop exploring an option mid-way if we find out that this option will not give a feasible solution. In Backtracking, we do not go all the way to the end to reject an option which saves us a lot of time. 

Backtracking is often faster than the brute force approach as it does not require generating and testing all possible solutions. Instead, it can eliminate a large number of candidates with a single test.

For the Sudoku solving problem, we can use the brute force approach and generate all possible combinations of numbers and then try every combination one by one. This will be time-consuming. Instead, we can use Backtracking, we try each digit one by one and if we find that the digit cannot give a solution we backtrack by removing it and trying the next digit, which allows us to drop some of the permutations. Hence, Backtracking is better than Brute-force.

Backtracking vs Recursion

The process of exploring all the options is done via recursion but Backtracking is just a form of recursion. It is different from a Recursive Approach. In Recursion, until we reach a base case we keep calling the function. Whereas, in Backtracking, we keep exploring the options until the best solution is obtained. 

To know more please refer to this article - Backtracking and Recursion.

Must Read Recursion in Data Structure

How to decide when to use Backtracking?

You can use Backtracking if there is a constraint that determines the outcome or if you want to find all of the possible outcomes of a problem. It can also be used to solve some optimization problems in which we abandon an option as soon as we determine, it does not lead to a solution.

A classic problem to understand Backtracking is the N-Queens problem. We recommend you to go through it.

If you want to read more articles we recommend you these articles:

🔥 Knight’s Tour Problem

🔥 Min Max Algorithm

🔥  N Queens

🔥 Sudoku Solver

🔥  Generate Parentheses

🔥 Word Break Problem 

🔥 Tug of War

🔥 Additive Numbers

🔥 Subsets

🔥 Print Permutations of all Strings 

🔥 Permutations of Array without Duplicates

🔥 Prime Number generator 

🔥 8 Queens Problem Using Backtracking

🔥Permutation of string

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Backtracking?

Backtracking is a problem-solving strategy for finding all the solutions to a problem, by rejecting the solutions that do not satisfy the given constraint

Is backtracking DFS or bfs?

Backtracking is a problem-solving algorithm that incrementally builds solutions and abandons them if they fail to satisfy constraints. It is more closely related to Depth-First Search (DFS) because it explores one path fully before backtracking to try another.

What is backtracking in automata?

In automata, backtracking involves revisiting previous states to explore alternative paths when the current path fails to satisfy the desired conditions, often used in pattern matching and parsing.


In this article, we discussed what backtracking is with the help of an example. We also discussed how backtracking is different from brute force and recursion.

Now, that we have understood what Backtracking is, we encourage you to solve some of the backtracking problems.

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