Every programming language has a set of reserved words or keywords with special meaning when used in a program code. Keywords define some internal process or pre-defined action when in use. Hence, keywords can not be used as names or identifiers for classes, objects, methods or variables. Doing so would result in a compilation error as the compiler understands the keyword as its pre-defined meaning.

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List of Java Keywords
Java, at present, uses 49 reserved words, excluding the goto and const keywords which are currently not in use. The list of keywords used in Java, along with their meaning and implementation are shown below.
Keyword | Description | Implementation and Use |
abstract | A non-access modifier that is used on classes and methods to imply that it would be implemented later in the program. |
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assert | It describes a true-false statement to indicate that the user wants the result to be true. |
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boolean | A primitive data type that declares a variable to hold two values - true and false |
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break | A control statement used to break out of loops and switch case blocks. |
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byte | It is a signed 8-bit primitive data type in Java. Range: -128 to 127 |
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char | A primitive data type that is used to declare a character variable. |
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case | This is used in switch-case statements to execute blocks of code based on specific events/conditions. |
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catch | It is used to catch the exceptions generated by try statements. |
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class | To define and declare a class in Java. |
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continue | A control statement that is used to skip the current iteration and continue to the next. |
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default |
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do | It is used to start a do-while loop. |
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double | A primitive data type that declares variables to store 64-bit floating point numbers. |
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else | It is used to declare an alternate set of codes for an if statement. |
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enum | A keyword used to declare an enumerated data type that represents a group of constants. |
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extends | It is used to indicate that a class is derived from another class. |
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final | A non-access modifier which indicates that the contents of its variable, class or method is constant and final. |
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finally | It is used with try-catch statements to deal with exceptions. It holds the block of code that is executed irrespective of whether an exception exists or not. |
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float | A primitive data type that declares a variable to hold 32-bit floating-point numbers. |
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for | It is used to start a for loop. |
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if | It starts an if conditional statement. |
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implements | It indicates that the class implements an interface. |
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import | It is used to import a package or class. |
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instanceof | It is used to check whether an object is an instance of a specific class or if it implements an interface. |
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int | A primitive data type that can hold integers in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647 |
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interface | It is used to declare a class for only abstract methods. |
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long | A primitive data type capable of holding very large numbers. (64-bit integers) |
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native | It is used to indicate that the method is implemented in a language other than Java (native platform-specific code ) |
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new | It is used to create new objects of a class or an array. |
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package | To declare a new package. |
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private | An access modifier that allows access of its members only within the declared class. |
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protected | An access modifier that allows access of its members within the package and all of its subclasses. |
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public | An access modifier that allows access of its members to the entire Java universe. |
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return | It causes the control to return from a called method back to the calling method. |
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short | A data type that holds 16-bit integers. |
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static | A non-access modifier which indicates that it can be accessed without the creation of an object. |
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strictfp | It restricts the precision and truncation of floating-point calculations to ensure portability. |
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super | It is used to refer to the object of a parent class. |
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switch | It is used to create a multiway branch statement. |
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synchronised | A non-access modifier which tells that the critical sections of a multithreaded code should be executed one thread at a time. |
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this | It is used to reference the current object variable or method. this() can be used to invoke the current class constructor. |
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throw | It is used to throw a declared exception and create a custom error. |
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throws | throws is used to indicate the exception type that may be thrown by a method. |
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transient | A non-access modifier which specifies that an attribute is not part of an object's persistent state. |
try | It is used to start a try-catch block that handles exceptions. |
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void | It is used to declare that a method does not return any value. |
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volatile | Volatile specifies that a variable is asynchronously modified by concurrently running threads. |
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while | It is used to start a while loop. |
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Must Read What are Loops in Java.