Table of contents
RESTful Test Request
Importing Service definitions
SOAP Test Request
Import from WSDL
Frequently Asked Questions
What is WSDL?
Can the WSDL contain many services?
What is WADL, and how is it different from WSDL?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Introduction to Web Services Test Object in Katalon

Author Yashesvinee V
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Hello there! 

We all know about API Testing, right? Well, API Testing tests APIs for functionality, security, performance and reliability requirements. Katalon Studio allows users to perform API testing using REST(Representational State Transfer) and SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) web services. 

Introduction to Web Services Test Object in Katalon

RESTful Test Request

Here is how you can create a new RESTful Web service request for any resource.

Step 1: After creating a new project, create a new web service request by going to Test Explorer -> Object Repository -> New -> Web Service Request.

Create a web service request

Step 2: Type in the necessary details and click OK.

New Web service request

Step 3: For the RESTful request, give the request method, URL, and Authorisation.

REST Web service request details

Step 4: Request verification can be done in the Object Repository for fast testing, but it can also be carried out at the test case level for easy monitoring. Once the Web Service object is created, it can be inserted into a test step.

Importing Service definitions

Service Definitions for a RESTful test request can be imported from OpenAPISwaggerPostman, WADLs and SoapUI.

Step 1: Navigate to Test Explorer - > Object Repository - > Import and select the source you require.

Import service definition for REST test requests

Alternatively, you can opt to do this by clicking the respective icon, as shown below.

Service definition sources

Step 2: Select a local file in the dialog box that appears and click on OK.

Import service definition from Postman

SOAP Test Request

SOAP-based requests can also be created similarly to RESTful test requests. Choose the Request type as SOAP instead of RESTful.

Create a SOAP test request

Enter the SOAP test Request details, which include the WSDL URL. This value defines the path from which the content of the request is imported. Give the Service Function and Service Endpoint.

SOAP test request details

You can also enter the Request Header and message format by navigating to the respective tabs.

Import from WSDL

Service definitions for SOAP test requests can be imported using WSDL. WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. It specifies the functionality of SOAP web services. During web service testing, it is critical to creating web service requests based on the WSDL file.

Step 1: Navigate to Test Explorer - > Object Repository - > Import -> From WSDL.

Step 2: Enter a remote WSDL URL or the path to a local WSDL file in the dialog box. Click on OK.

Import service definition from WSDL

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WSDL?

WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. It specifies the functionality of SOAP web services. During web service testing, it is critical to create web service requests based on the WSDL file.

Can the WSDL contain many services?

Yes, WSDL can include one or more services. Each of those services has a SOAP service with a specific function.

What is WADL, and how is it different from WSDL?

WADL, or Web application Description Language, gives the XML description of HTTP-based web services, while WSDL describes SOAP-based web services. WADL is lightweight and easy to understand compared to WSDL


This blog introduces Web service testing in Katalon Studio. It briefly explains how to create REST and SOAP test requests and import service descriptions from various sources. Check out our articles on Generate Test Steps in Manual and Script View, Sample API tests project in Katalon and Search and Call Test cases in Katalon.

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