Hello there!
We all know about API Testing, right? Well, API Testing tests APIs for functionality, security, performance and reliability requirements. Katalon Studio allows users to perform API testing using REST(Representational State Transfer) and SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) web services.
RESTful Test Request
Here is how you can create a new RESTful Web service request for any resource.
Step 1: After creating a new project, create a new web service request by going to Test Explorer -> Object Repository -> New -> Web Service Request.
Step 2: Type in the necessary details and click OK.
Step 3: For the RESTful request, give the request method, URL, and Authorisation.
Step 4: Request verification can be done in the Object Repository for fast testing, but it can also be carried out at the test case level for easy monitoring. Once the Web Service object is created, it can be inserted into a test step.
Importing Service definitions
Service Definitions for a RESTful test request can be imported from OpenAPI, Swagger, Postman, WADLs and SoapUI.
Step 1: Navigate to Test Explorer - > Object Repository - > Import and select the source you require.
Alternatively, you can opt to do this by clicking the respective icon, as shown below.
Step 2: Select a local file in the dialog box that appears and click on OK.