Table of contents
What Does Case Sensitive Mean?
Are SQL Keywords Case-Sensitive?
Are SQL Table and Column Names Case-Sensitive?
Case Sensitivity in Identifiers
Case Sensitivity in String Comparison
Are Column Values in SQL Case-Sensitive?
How to make SQL Like Case Sensitive
Frequently Asked Questions
Are SQL keywords case-sensitive?
Are table and column names in SQL case-sensitive?
Are string comparisons in SQL case-sensitive?
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2024

is SQL Case Sensitive

Author Gunjan Batra
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As an aspiring or current SQL developer, you've probably wondered: Is SQL case sensitive? Case sensitivity is a significant aspect in programming languages, affecting how you write and interpret code. 

is sql case sensitive

In this article, we'll discuss the case sensitivity in SQL and delve into some specifics for a clearer understanding.

What Does Case Sensitive Mean?

"Case sensitive" refers to the characteristic of a system or software where distinctions are made between uppercase and lowercase letters in text. In such systems, "A" is treated as distinct from "a", impacting operations like searching, sorting, and comparisons.

Certainly! In a case-sensitive system, uppercase and lowercase letters are considered different characters. For example, "apple" and "Apple" would be treated as distinct strings. This means that operations such as searching for a specific word, comparing strings, or sorting data will take into account the case of each character.

Are SQL Keywords Case-Sensitive?

The straightforward answer is that SQL is generally case-insensitive. That means you could write your SQL keywords in any case and the database engine will interpret them correctly.

For example, the following queries are equivalent:

SELECT * FROM Customer;
select * from Customer;
SeLeCt * FrOm Customer;

All of these will produce the same result, regardless of the case used in the keywords.

Are SQL Table and Column Names Case-Sensitive?

In most SQL database systems, table and column names are not case-sensitive. This means that you can reference them using any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and the database will interpret them the same way. However, this behavior may vary depending on the specific database system being used.

For example, in MySQL and PostgreSQL, table and column names are case-insensitive by default on most operating systems. However, on systems with case-sensitive file systems (such as Linux), table and column names may be treated as case-sensitive unless explicitly configured otherwise.

Case Sensitivity in Identifiers

While SQL is case-insensitive when it comes to its keywords, it can be case-sensitive when dealing with identifiers, like table and column names, depending on the specific SQL database management system (DBMS) you are using.

For example, in MySQL, table names are case-sensitive on some platforms and case-insensitive on others. However, column names are not case sensitive in MySQL.

On the other hand, in PostgreSQL, identifiers are case-sensitive. If you created a table with the name "Customers", you could not select from it using "customers" unless you enclose the name in double quotes.

Case Sensitivity in String Comparison

When comparing string values, SQL is case-sensitive. For instance, if you are querying a column that contains text, the case of the text can affect the result.

Here's an example

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'usa';

This query would not return rows where the Country is 'USA', because 'usa' and 'USA' are not the same in a string comparison.

To avoid this, you can use functions like LOWER() or UPPER() to standardize the case.

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE LOWER(Country) = 'usa';

Are Column Values in SQL Case-Sensitive?

In most SQL database systems, column values are not inherently case-sensitive. This means that when performing comparisons or searches on column values, the database typically treats uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalent. However, this behavior may depend on the collation settings of the database or specific column.

How to make SQL Like Case Sensitive

Database SystemMethod
MySQLUse the BINARY keyword before the column name in the WHERE clause to force case sensitivity. Example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE BINARY column LIKE 'pattern'
PostgreSQLUse the COLLATE clause with a case-sensitive collation in the WHERE clause. Example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE column COLLATE "C" LIKE 'pattern'
SQL ServerChange the collation of the column to a case-sensitive collation. Example: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN column COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS
OracleUse the NLSSORT function to specify a case-sensitive sort order. Example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE NLSSORT(column, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI') LIKE 'pattern'

Frequently Asked Questions

Are SQL keywords case-sensitive?

No, SQL keywords like SELECT, FROM, WHERE are not case-sensitive.

Are table and column names in SQL case-sensitive?

This depends on the specific DBMS. In some, like MySQL, they may or may not be case-sensitive, while in others, like PostgreSQL, they are.

Are string comparisons in SQL case-sensitive?

Yes, when comparing string values, SQL is case-sensitive.


While SQL is largely case-insensitive, especially when dealing with SQL keywords, there are certain situations where case does matter, such as string comparisons or depending on the DBMS, with identifiers. Understanding the case sensitivity rules in SQL is crucial for writing accurate queries and avoiding potential data discrepancies. As with many things in SQL, the more you work with it, the more comfortable you'll become. Happy querying!

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