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Importance of Virtualization
Characteristics of Virtualization
Key Takeaways
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024


Author Prachi Singh
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Virtualization is a foundational technology applicable to cloud computing and big data implementation. It provides the basis for many platform attributes required to access, store, analyze, and manage the distributed computing components in big data environments. Virtualization — using computer resources to initiate other resources — is valued for its capability to increase IT resource utilization. One primary application of virtualization is server consolidation, which helps organizations improve the utilization of physical servers and potentially save on infrastructure costs. However, the user finds many benefits to virtualization. Companies that initially focused on server virtualization now recognize that it can be applied across IT infrastructure, including software, storage, and networks. 

Importance of Virtualization

Solving big data challenges requires the inspection of large volumes of data stores and computing- and data-intensive applications. Therefore, one needs a highly efficient IT environment to support big data. Virtualization provides increased performance to make big data platforms more effective. Although virtualization is not a need for big data analysis, software frameworks used in big data environments are more effective than in virtualized environments. If one needs the big data environment to scale — almost without boundaries — one should virtualize elements of your environment.

Characteristics of Virtualization

Virtualization has three distinct characteristics that support the scalability required for big data environments:


Many applications and operating systems are kept in a single physical system by partitioning the available resources in virtualization.


Each virtual machine is kept isolated from its host physical system and other virtualized machines. Because of this isolation, if one virtual model crashes, the other virtual machines and the host system don't affect each other. In addition, data isn't shared between one virtual model and another.


A virtual machine can be represented even as a single file, so you can identify it quickly based on the services it provides to its users. For example, the file containing the encapsulated process could be a complete business service. This encapsulated virtual machine could be represented in an application as a whole entity. Thus, encapsulation could protect each application so that it doesn't interfere with another application.


1. What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is a foundational technology applicable to cloud computing and big data implementation.

2. Define the basis of Virtualization.

Virtualization provides the basis for many platform attributes required to access, store, analyze, and manage the distributed computing components in big data environments. 

3. Define the term Partitioning in Virtualization.

Many applications and operating systems are kept in a single physical system by partitioning the available resources in virtualization.

4. Explain the role of Isolation.

Each virtual machine is kept isolated from its host physical system and other virtualized machines. Because of this isolation, if one virtual model crashes, the other virtual machines and the host system don't affect each other.

5. Throw some light on the need for Encapsulation in Virtualization. 

A virtual machine can be represented even as a single file, so you can identify it quickly based on the services it provides to its users.

Key Takeaways

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