Table of contents
Logical ‘AND’ Operator (&&)
Syntax of the Logical ‘AND’ Operator
Basic Syntax
In this structure
Detailed Explanation
Example of Using Logical ‘AND’ Operator
In this example
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if one condition is false in a && operation?
Can && be used with more than two conditions?
Is there a difference between & and && in Java?
Last Updated: May 18, 2024

Java And Operator

Author Ravi Khorwal
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Java is a powerful programming language favored for its robustness & versatility. A fundamental aspect of Java that every coder must grasp is the use of operators, which are symbols that perform operations on variables & values. Among these, the logical ‘AND’ operator, represented as &&, plays a crucial role in decision-making processes within code. It allows a program to execute a block of code only when multiple conditions are true. 

Java And Operator

This article will talk about the syntax, usage, & practical applications of the && operator.

Logical ‘AND’ Operator (&&)

The logical ‘AND’ operator, denoted by &&, is essential in Java for controlling the flow of execution based on multiple conditions. This operator only returns true if both of the conditions it checks are true. If either condition is false, the result is false. This is particularly useful in programming scenarios where multiple criteria need to be met before an action is taken.

For instance, consider a user application where access is granted only if a user has a valid ID and the correct password. Here, both conditions must be satisfied to proceed. The && operator ensures that the code for granting access is executed only when both the ID and password match the records.


The syntax of the logical && operator in Java is straightforward:

if (condition1 && condition2) {
    // Code to execute if both conditions are true


Here’s how the && operator works in a real-world scenario:

  • Condition 1: User ID is correct.
  • Condition 2: Password matches the user ID.

Both conditions are checked using the && operator. If both are true, the system will proceed with login; if not, access will be denied.


  • Java


public class LoginExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String storedUserId = "user123";
String storedPassword = "pass123";
String inputUserId = "user123";
String inputPassword = "pass123";

if (inputUserId.equals(storedUserId) && inputPassword.equals(storedPassword)) {
System.out.println("Login successful!");
} else {
System.out.println("Login failed: Incorrect user ID or password.");
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Login successful!

In this code, inputUserId and inputPassword are checked against storedUserId and storedPassword. Only if both comparisons return true, the message "Login successful!" is printed. Otherwise, the error message is displayed.

Syntax of the Logical ‘AND’ Operator

Understanding the syntax of the logical && operator in Java is crucial for effectively implementing it in your code. The operator is used within a conditional statement, typically within an if statement, to check multiple conditions at once.

Basic Syntax

Here's the basic form of using the && operator:

if (expression1 && expression2) {
    // Code to execute if both expressions are true

In this structure

  • expression1 & expression2 are conditions or boolean expressions.
  • Each condition is evaluated to either true or false.
  • The code inside the curly braces {} only executes if both expressions evaluate to true.

Detailed Explanation

When using the && operator, Java first checks the first condition (expression1). If this condition is false, Java will not check the second condition (expression2) because the final result can no longer be true (this is known as "short-circuiting"). If the first condition is true, then Java evaluates the second condition. If both are true, the code inside the if statement executes.

For example, let's consider a scenario where a student can only attend a class trip if they have parental permission and the trip fee has been paid. Here’s how you might code this:

boolean hasParentalPermission = true;
boolean hasPaidTripFee = false;
if (hasParentalPermission && hasPaidTripFee) {
    System.out.println("You can go on the trip.");
} else {
    System.out.println("You cannot go on the trip.");

In this code:

  • If either hasParentalPermission is false or hasPaidTripFee is false, the message "You cannot go on the trip." will be printed.
  • The && operator ensures both conditions must be true for the student to be allowed on the trip.

Example of Using Logical ‘AND’ Operator


Imagine you're creating a simple login system for an online library. The system must verify that both the username and password entered by the user are correct before allowing access to the site.

Code Example

  • Java


public class LibraryLogin {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String registeredUsername = "libraryUser";
String registeredPassword = "securePass123";
String enteredUsername = "libraryUser";
String enteredPassword = "securePass123";

if (enteredUsername.equals(registeredUsername) && enteredPassword.equals(registeredPassword)) {
System.out.println("Access granted. Welcome to the library!");
} else {
System.out.println("Access denied. Please check your username and password.");
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Access granted. Welcome to the library!

In this example

  • The system has a registered username (libraryUser) and password (securePass123).
  • The user provides a username and password, which are stored in enteredUsername and enteredPassword.
  • The if statement uses the && operator to check two conditions: if the username matches the registered username and if the password matches the registered password.
  • Both conditions must be true (true && true results in true) for access to be granted.

This example clearly demonstrates how the && operator is crucial for checking multiple conditions that all need to be true for the desired action to occur. By using this operator, programmers can write cleaner, more efficient code, as it avoids nested conditional statements and makes the logic straightforward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if one condition is false in a && operation?

If either condition in a && operation is false, the overall result is false. The && operator requires both conditions to be true to return a true value.

Can && be used with more than two conditions?

Yes, you can chain multiple conditions using the && operator, like condition1 && condition2 && condition3. All conditions must be true for the final result to be true.

Is there a difference between & and && in Java?

Yes, & is a bitwise operator and also a logical operator when used with boolean values but it does not short-circuit. && is a logical short-circuit operator, meaning if the first condition is false, it does not evaluate the second condition.


In this article, we have learned how to use the logical AND operator (&&) in Java. We've discussed its syntax, practical applications through a real-world example, and answered common questions related to its use. Understanding the && operator is essential for writing conditions that require multiple criteria to be met, allowing for more precise control over the flow of your Java programs. 

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