Table of contents
What is Java File Class?
Key Methods
Creation & Deletion
Checking Existence & Properties
Information Retrieval
Practical Application of File Extension in Java
Getting File Extension
Code Example
List of File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are Java extension files stored?
Can Java's File class create or modify the actual content of a file?
How does Java handle files without an extension?
Is it possible to get a file extension from a URL or a file path in Java?
Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025

Java File Extension

Author Sinki Kumari
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Java, a widely-used programming language, offers a File class in its package, serving as a gateway to file management. Understanding this class is crucial for students like you, who are venturing into the realm of coding, as it lays the foundation for handling various file operations effectively.

Java File Extension

 Grasping its concepts, especially file extensions, is not just about learning Java; it's about mastering a skill vital in the digital world.

What is Java File Class?

The Java File class, part of the package, is a representation of file and directory pathnames in Java. It provides abstract representations, meaning it's not tied to actual disk files; rather, it's used to manipulate file and directory names in a system-independent way. This class doesn't deal with the file content but with the metadata of the file or directory, like checking if a file exists, its read/write permissions, or getting the file's size.

Key Methods

Creation & Deletion

Methods like createNewFile(), delete(), and mkdir() allow you to create, delete files, and directories.

Checking Existence & Properties

exists(), isFile(), and isDirectory() let you check a file's existence and whether it's a file or a directory.

Information Retrieval

getName(), getPath(), length(), and lastModified() retrieve file name, path, file size, and last modified time.

Practical Application of File Extension in Java

Imagine you're building a file management application. Using the File class, you can list all files in a directory, filter them based on various criteria, and perform operations like renaming or deleting files.


  • Java



public class FileDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       File myFile = new File("example.txt");

       if (myFile.exists()) {

           System.out.println("File name: " + myFile.getName());

           System.out.println("Absolute path: " + myFile.getAbsolutePath());

           System.out.println("Writeable: " + myFile.canWrite());

           System.out.println("Readable " + myFile.canRead());

           System.out.println("File size in bytes " + myFile.length());

       } else {

           System.out.println("The file does not exist.");



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The file does not exist.

In this code, a File object is created for example.txt. The program checks if the file exists & prints various properties if it does.

Getting File Extension

In Java, file extensions are not directly accessible through the File class. Instead, you need to extract them from the file name. This is essential for applications where you need to process files differently based on their type, like an upload validator that only accepts certain file formats.


The common approach is to split the file name at the last occurrence of the period (.) character, which typically precedes the extension. It's crucial to handle edge cases, such as files without an extension or file names with multiple periods.

Code Example

  • Java


public class ExtensionExtractor {

   public static String getFileExtension(String fileName) {

       int lastIndexOf = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");

       if (lastIndexOf == -1) {

           return ""; // Empty extension for no period characters.


       return fileName.substring(lastIndexOf + 1);


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String fileName = "example.pdf";

       String extension = getFileExtension(fileName);

       System.out.println("The file extension is: " + extension);


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The file extension is: pdf

In this example, getFileExtension method takes a file name, finds the last index of the period, and returns the substring from that point. If there's no period, it returns an empty string.

List of File Extensions

.classCoreBytecodeCompiled Java class filesContains compiled Java bytecode that can be executed by the JVM
.classpathIDEConfigEclipse classpath fileDefines project classpath and dependency configurations
.datDataBinary/TextData filesGeneral purpose data storage files used by Java applications
.earArchivePackageEnterprise ArchivePackages enterprise applications including EJBs, web modules, and resource adapters
.gradleBuildConfigGradle build filesDefines project build configuration, dependencies, and tasks
.groovySourceCodeGroovy source filesContains Groovy programming language source code
.htmlDocWebHTML documentationWeb-based documentation and generated reports
.imlIDEConfigIntelliJ IDEA moduleContains IntelliJ project module settings and configurations
.jarArchivePackageJava ArchivePackages compiled Java classes, resources, and metadata
.javaCoreSourceJava source filesContains Java classes, interfaces, and other source code
.javadocDocAPIJavaDoc documentationGenerated API documentation from source code comments
.jksSecurityCertificateJava KeyStoreStores security certificates, private keys, and key pairs
.jmxTestPerformanceJMeter test filesContains JMeter performance test configurations and scripts
.jmodModulePackageJava ModuleContains Java Platform Module System (JPMS) modules
.jnlpDeployConfigJava Web StartLaunches Java Web Start applications over the network
.jspWebDynamicJavaServer PagesServer-side template files for dynamic web content
.jspxWebDynamicJSP XMLXML-formatted JavaServer Pages
.junitTestUnitJUnit test filesContains JUnit test configurations and settings
.keystoreSecurityCertificateKeyStore fileAlternative name for JKS files storing security credentials
.ktSourceCodeKotlin source filesContains Kotlin programming language source code
.mdDocTextMarkdown documentationPlain text documentation with lightweight markup
.pdfDocBinaryPDF documentationPortable document format files for documentation
.pomBuildConfigMaven POMDefines Maven project structure, dependencies, and build settings
.projectIDEConfigEclipse project fileContains Eclipse project configuration and settings
.propertiesConfigTextProperties filesKey-value pair configuration files
.rarArchivePackageResource AdapterPackages JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture) resource adapters
.scalaSourceCodeScala source filesContains Scala programming language source code
.serDataBinarySerialized objectsContains serialized Java object data
.testTestSourceTest source filesContains test source code and test cases
.testngTestConfigTestNG configurationTestNG testing framework configuration files
.truststoreSecurityCertificateTrustStore fileStores trusted certificates for secure communications
.txtDocTextText documentationPlain text files for documentation or data
.warArchivePackageWeb ArchivePackages web applications with servlets, JSPs, and web resources
.xmlConfigTextXML configurationStructured configuration data in XML format
.yaml/.ymlConfigTextYAML configurationHuman-readable configuration data in YAML format

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are Java extension files stored?

Java extension files, like .jar libraries, are typically stored in the lib or ext directories of the Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Alternatively, they may be managed in local project directories or build tool repositories like Maven's .m2 or Gradle's .gradle folders.

Can Java's File class create or modify the actual content of a file?

No, the File class in Java is used only for handling the file's metadata, such as its path, name, or permissions. For creating or modifying file content, you'd use classes like FileWriter, FileOutputStream, or similar streams in Java.

How does Java handle files without an extension?

Java treats the file name as a regular string. If a file lacks an extension, methods like getFileExtension return an empty string. It's important to include checks in your code for such scenarios to prevent errors.

Is it possible to get a file extension from a URL or a file path in Java?

Yes, the same method used for extracting file extensions from file names can be applied to URLs or file paths. You'd extract the substring after the last period. However, be cautious with URLs, as query parameters might also contain periods.


Understanding Java's File class and how to manipulate file extensions is a fundamental skill for any budding coder. It's not just about writing code; it's about understanding how files and directories are an integral part of programming. This knowledge lays the groundwork for more advanced topics like file I/O streams, file manipulation, and system integration. Remember, practice is key, so experiment with the examples and explore Java's vast capabilities. By mastering these concepts, you're not just learning Java; you're unlocking a critical aspect of programming in the digital age.

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