Table of contents
Naming Conventions in Java:
Type 1: Classes & Interfaces
Type 2: Methods
Type 3: Variables
Type 4: Constant Variables
Type 5: Packages
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use underscores in Java variable names?
Are there any reserved words that cannot be used as names in Java?
What happens if I don't follow the naming conventions in Java?
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2024

Java Naming Conventions

Author Riya Singh
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Java is a popular programming language used to create software applications. When writing code in Java, it's important to follow certain naming conventions. These conventions help make the code easier to read & understand for other developers. 

Java Naming Conventions

In this article, we will talk about the different types of naming conventions used in Java for classes, interfaces, methods, variables, constant variables & packages.

Naming Conventions in Java:

Java naming conventions are a set of rules that developers follow when naming different elements in their code. These conventions help maintain consistency & readability throughout the codebase. By following these guidelines, developers can make their code more organized & easier for others to comprehend. 

The main types of naming conventions used in Java:

1. Classes & Interfaces

2. Methods

3. Variables

4. Constant Variables

5. Packages

Type 1: Classes & Interfaces

In Java, classes & interfaces are named using the PascalCase convention. This means that the first letter of each word in the name is capitalized, including the first word. For example:

public class StudentRecord {
    // class code here
public interface Printable {
    // interface code here

In the above examples, `StudentRecord` is a class name & `Printable` is an interface name. Notice how each word in the name starts with a capital letter.

It's important to choose meaningful & descriptive names for your classes & interfaces. The name should clearly indicate the purpose or functionality of the class or interface. Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless they are widely known & accepted.

Additionally, it's a good practice to use nouns or noun phrases for class names & adjectives for interface names. For example, `Student`, `Employee`, `User` are suitable class names, while `Readable`, `Sortable`, `Drawable` are appropriate interface names.

Type 2: Methods

When naming methods in Java, the camelCase convention is used. This means that the first letter of the first word is lowercase, while the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized. For example:

public void calculateAverage() {
    // method code here
private String getUserName() {
    // method code here

In the above examples, `calculateAverage` & `getUserName` are method names. Notice how the first word starts with a lowercase letter, & each subsequent word starts with an uppercase letter.

Method names should be verb phrases that describe the action or operation performed by the method. They should be concise & meaningful, clearly indicating the purpose of the method. Avoid using generic names like `process` or `handle` unless the context is clear.

Here are some more examples of method names:

public void saveData() {
    // method code here
private boolean isValidEmail(String email) {
    // method code here

Type 3: Variables

When naming variables in Java, the camelCase convention is also used, similar to method names. The first letter of the first word is lowercase, & the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized. For example:

int studentCount;
String firstName;
double averageScore;

In the above examples, `studentCount`, `firstName`, & `averageScore` are variable names. Notice how the first word starts with a lowercase letter, & each subsequent word starts with an uppercase letter.

Variable names should be descriptive & meaningful, indicating the purpose or content of the variable. They should be concise & self-explanatory. Avoid using single-letter variable names like `x`, `y`, or `z` unless they are used as loop counters or in a well-established mathematical context.

Here are some more examples of variable names

boolean isActive;
int maxValue;
String userInput;

When naming boolean variables, it's common to use prefixes like `is`, `has`, or `can` to indicate that the variable represents a boolean value. For example, `isActive`, `hasPermission`, or `canAccess`.

Type 4: Constant Variables

In Java, constant variables are declared using the `final` keyword & are named using the UPPER_SNAKE_CASE convention. This means that all letters are capitalized, & words are separated by underscores. For example:

public static final int MAX_SIZE = 100;
private static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "John Doe";
public static final double PI = 3.14159;

In the above examples, `MAX_SIZE`, `DEFAULT_NAME`, & `PI` are constant variable names. Notice how all letters are capitalized, & words are separated by underscores.

Constant variables are used to represent values that remain unchanged throughout the program execution. They are typically declared as `static final` variables within a class.

When naming constant variables, choose names that are meaningful & descriptive of the constant value they represent. The names should be concise & self-explanatory.

Here are some more examples of constant variable names:

public static final int MIN_AGE = 18;
private static final String API_KEY = "abcdefg123456";
public static final double TAX_RATE = 0.08;

Type 5: Packages

In Java, packages are used to organize related classes & interfaces into a single unit. Package names follow the lowercase convention, where all letters are lowercase & words are separated by periods. For example:


In the above examples, `com.example.project`, `org.apache.commons`, & `java.util` are package names. Notice how all letters are lowercase, & words are separated by periods.

When naming packages, it's common to use a reverse domain name notation. This means starting with the top-level domain, followed by the company or organization name, & then the project or module name. This convention helps avoid naming conflicts with other packages.

Here are some more examples of package names:


It's important to choose meaningful & descriptive names for your packages. The names should reflect the purpose or functionality of the classes & interfaces contained within the package.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use underscores in Java variable names?

While underscores are allowed in variable names, it's not a common convention in Java. It's best to stick to the camelCase convention for variables.

Are there any reserved words that cannot be used as names in Java?

Yes, Java has a set of reserved keywords like class, int, public, static, etc., which cannot be used as names for variables, methods, or classes.

What happens if I don't follow the naming conventions in Java?

Not following naming conventions doesn't cause compilation errors, but it makes your code harder to read & maintain. It's considered a good practice to adhere to the conventions for code consistency & readability.


In this article, we learned about the different naming conventions used in Java for classes, interfaces, methods, variables, constant variables & packages. We discussed about the PascalCase convention for classes & interfaces, the camelCase convention for methods & variables, the UPPER_SNAKE_CASE convention for constant variables & the lowercase convention for packages.

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