Reverse a Linked List Recursive Approach
We will apply a similar approach to the Iterative Approach to reverse the Linked List using the prev, current, and next1 pointers. We will pass the current and the prev pointer to our recursive function. When we make a recursive call, we will pass the next node as the current node and the current node as the prev node.
Refer to the below implementation of the above approach.
Node reverse(Node curr, Node prev) {
//Base case
if ( == null) {
Updating the next
of the current node
to prev.
*/ = prev;
return curr;
Storing the next of
the current node for
the next recursive call
Node next1 =;
Updating the next
of the current node
to prev.
*/ = prev;
return reverse(next1, curr);
Time Complexity: The time complexity for the above approach is O(N) (where N is the number of nodes in the Linked List) because we are just iterating the Linked List once.
Space Complexity: The space complexity of the above approach is O(1) because we are using the constant auxiliary space.
Check out this problem - Reverse Nodes In K Group
Must Read C Program to Reverse a Number
Reverse a Linked List Using Stack
Using a stack to reverse a linked list is an intuitive approach. Here's the process in simple steps:
Push Nodes onto Stack:
- Traverse through the linked list and push each node onto a stack. This way, the nodes are stored in reverse order (LIFO – Last In, First Out).
Pop Nodes from Stack:
- Pop each node from the stack and reattach the nodes in this order to form the reversed linked list.
Reconstruct the List:
- Set the head pointer to the first popped node.
- Use a pointer to keep attaching each popped node to the next of the previous node until the stack is empty.
- Finally, set the next pointer of the last node to null to mark the end of the list.
import java.util.Stack;
class Node {
int data;
Node next;
Node(int data) { = data; = null;
class LinkedList {
Node head;
// Function to reverse the linked list using a stack
public void reverseUsingStack() {
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
Node temp = head;
// Push all nodes onto the stack
while (temp != null) {
temp =;
// Set head to the last element popped from stack
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
head = stack.pop();
temp = head;
// Pop nodes from the stack and reattach
while (!stack.isEmpty()) { = stack.pop();
temp =;
} = null; // Set the last node's next to null
// Helper method to print the linked list
public void printList() {
Node temp = head;
while (temp != null) {
System.out.print( + " ");
temp =;
// Helper method to add a new node at the beginning
public void push(int data) {
Node newNode = new Node(data); = head;
head = newNode;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
// Adding elements to the linked list
System.out.println("Original Linked List:");
// Reverse the linked list using a stack
System.out.println("Reversed Linked List:");

You can also try this code with Online Java Compiler
Run Code
Original Linked List:
1 2 3 4 5
Reversed Linked List:
5 4 3 2 1
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key advantages of using a linked list over an array?
Linked lists offer dynamic memory allocation, allowing efficient insertion and deletion without needing to shift elements, unlike arrays. They use memory more efficiently, especially for large datasets, as they don't require pre-defined sizing and can grow as needed.
What are the risks of modifying a linked list while reversing it?
Modifying a linked list during reversal risks losing node references if not handled carefully, especially with pointer manipulation. A single error can break the chain, potentially making the list unrecoverable. Ensuring safe pointer reassignment is essential to prevent data loss.
What is the difference between iterative and recursive approaches to reversing a linked list?
The iterative approach uses a loop to reverse node links one by one, saving memory and being easier to follow. The recursive approach involves function calls to process each node, which can be elegant but consumes more stack space, risking overflow for very large lists.
What is the time complexity of the approach we have used to reverse the Linked List?
The time complexity for the approach to reverse the Linked List is O(N) (where N is the number of nodes in the Linked List) because we are just iterating the Linked List once.
In this blog, we have covered Reverse a Linked List in Java. Reversing a linked list is a fundamental operation that demonstrates a deep understanding of data structures in Java. Whether using an iterative approach, a recursive method, or even a stack, each technique has its own advantages and trade-offs. Mastering these approaches not only strengthens problem-solving skills but also builds a foundation for tackling more advanced data structure challenges.
If you want to learn more about Linked List and want to practice some questions which require you to take your basic knowledge on Linked List a notch higher, then you can visit our Guided Path for Linked List. To practice this problem, you can visit Practice Problem.
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