Last updated: Jul 28, 2022

Java Synchronization

Synchronization in java is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to any shared resource. Java Synchronization is a better option where we want to allow only one thread to access the shared resource. In the Multithreading concept, multiple threads try to access the shared resources at a time to produce inconsistent results. Synchronization is necessary for reliable communication between threads.
Synchronization in Java
Synchronization in Java is a technique used to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources. It helps prevent thread interference and ensures data consistency.
Difference between Wait and Sleep in Java MEDIUM
Learn the essential distinctions between the wait() and sleep() methods with our in-depth tutorial on thread synchronization in Java!
Synchronization Block in Java
In this blog, we will discuss the crucial concept of Synchronization in Java which avoids thread-interference.
Static Synchronisation in Java
In this article, we will learn static synchronisation in Java.
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In this blog, We will learn about Deadlock prevention and avoidance in Java.
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In this article, we will learn about Interrupting Threads in Java. We will see some examples to understand better how the interrupt method works in Java.
Reentrant Monitor in Java
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Lock frameworks vs. thread synchronization
In this blog, We will learn about the differences between Lock frameworks and thread synchronization.
Atomic Variables in Java EASY
Atomic variables in Java are thread-safe classes (e.g., AtomicInteger) in java.util.concurrent.atomic that support lock-free, atomic operations for concurrency.
Difference between Atomic, Volatile, and Synchronized EASY
In this blog, We will learn about the difference between Atomic, Volatile, and Synchronized.